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12/31/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $146.76 $147.32 LONG $0.56
AMD $147.98 $146.96 SHORT $1.02
DKNG $27.85 $28.03 LONG $0.18
CHWY $59.25 $59.50 LONG $0.25
holding COIN $252.45 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VUZI $8.81 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/21 holding UVXY $13.22 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VXX $20.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/27/21 holding LCID $36.73 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding 2nd account LCID $37.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.01
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RBLX $103.73 $102.60 SHORT $1.13
MU $93.39 $93.69 LONG $0.30
RUN $35.35 $34.94 SHORT $0.41
RBLX $103.55 $103.58 SHORT -$0.03
DHI $108.28 $108.89 SHORT -$0.61
WMT $144.60 $144.92 SHORT -$0.32
SI $148.48 $149.49 LONG $1.01
RBLX $102.27 $102.83 SHORT -$0.56
RCL $76.98 $76.87 SHORT $0.11
holding BIIB $239.93 LONG $0.00
holdover exit JKS $46.26 $46.12 SHORT $0.14
holdover exit AMD $145.45 $147.74 LONG $2.29
added 12/31/21 holdover exit MU $94.01 $93.69 LONG -$0.32
TOTAL $3.55
Lindsey – Earnings
SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/31/21 holdover exit GDDY $82.97 $85.17 SHORT -$2.20
AMD $145.67 LONG $0.00
NVAX $145.45 LONG $0.00
MU $93.68 LONG $0.00
WMT $144.44 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 VUZI $8.91 LONG $0.00
added 12/30/21 BOIL $29.29 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$2.20
Kipp – Active
RCL $77.56 $77.47 SHORT $0.09
RUN $35.13 $35.03 SHORT $0.10
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.19
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $3.55


12/30/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $146.99 $147.65 LONG $0.66
AMD $145.99 $146.59 LONG $0.60
holding COIN $252.45 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VUZI $8.81 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/21 holding UVXY $13.22 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VXX $20.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/27/21 holding LCID $36.73 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding 2nd account LCID $37.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.26
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
UAL $45.15 $44.44 SHORT $0.71
TGT $231.72 $232.14 SHORT -$0.42
AMD $145.90 $146.96 LONG $1.06
VALE $14.14 $14.04 SHORT $0.10
DHI $107.49 $107.89 LONG $0.40
WYNN $87.65 $87.81 SHORT -$0.16
AMD $147.47 $147.31 SHORT $0.16
Z $63.26 $62.97 SHORT $0.29
holdover exit BIIB $257.75 $240.40 SHORT $17.35
added 12/30/21 holdover exit VSCO $55.12 $55.80 SHORT -$0.68
holdover exit TSP $33.15 $33.99 LONG $0.84
holdover exit SBUX $115.83 $116.35 SHORT -$0.52
holding BIIB $239.93 LONG $0.00
holding JKS $46.26 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $145.45 LONG $0.00
holding MU $94.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.13
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/28/21 holdover exit NKE $166.35 $167.75 SHORT -$1.40
TOTAL -$1.40
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit NVAX $149.58 $155.11 LONG $5.53
holdover exit SI $147.23 $155.55 LONG $8.32
added 12/31/21 holdover exit AMD $148.21 $146.96 LONG -$1.25
holdover exit COIN $252.52 $258.58 LONG $6.06
GDDY $80.80 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit FANG $110.10 $108.08 SHORT $2.02
added 12/31/21 holdover exit WMT $143.08 $143.43 SHORT -$0.35
added 12/28/21 VUZI $8.91 LONG $0.00
added 12/31/21 BOIL $29.29 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $20.33
Kipp – Active
(out sick) SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $39.32


12/29/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $150.49 $150.80 LONG $0.31
AMD $148.69 $150.00 LONG $1.31
JD $64.94 $65.20 LONG $0.26
holding COIN $252.45 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VUZI $8.81 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/21 holding UVXY $13.22 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VXX $20.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/27/21 holding LCID $36.73 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/1 holding 2nd account LCID $37.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.88
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WDC $66.53 $66.37 SHORT $0.16
TJX $75.75 $75.45 SHORT $0.30
BIG $44.72 $44.54 SHORT $0.18
MU $96.48 $96.18 SHORT $0.30
JNJ $171.43 $171.64 SHORT -$0.21
M $27.27 $27.00 SHORT $0.27
holding BIIB $257.75 SHORT $0.00
holding VSCO $53.69 SHORT $0.00
holding TSP $33.15 LONG $0.00
holdover exit UAL $45.54 $44.44 SHORT $1.10
holding SBUX $115.83 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $152.24 $149.49 SHORT $2.75
TOTAL $4.85
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/28/21 holding NKE $166.35 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
NVAX $149.58 LONG $0.00
SI $147.23 LONG $0.00
AMD $149.49 LONG $0.00
COIN $252.52 LONG $0.00
GDDY $80.80 SHORT $0.00
FANG $110.10 SHORT $0.00
WMT $140.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/28/21 VUZI $8.91 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
WDC $66.72 $66.68 SHORT $0.04
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.04
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $6.77


12/28/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
JD $65.71 $66.02 LONG $0.31
AMD $153.73 $152.29 SHORT $1.44
AMD $152.59 $153.12 LONG $0.53
AMD $153.32 $154.20 LONG $0.88
AMD $153.25 $153.56 LONG $0.31
JD $65.82 $66.10 LONG $0.28
AMD $151.87 $152.40 LONG $0.53
added 12/28/21 holding VUZI $8.81 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding UVXY $14.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding VXX $20.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/27/21 holding LCID $36.73 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/21 holding 2nd account LCID $37.49 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TGT $225.63 $226.70 LONG $1.07
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.35
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
APPS $70.76 $66.66 SHORT $4.10
JKS $44.99 $44.11 SHORT $0.88
BBIO $13.13 $12.60 SHORT $0.53
TGT $227.27 $225.75 SHORT $1.52
RCL $79.07 $78.73 SHORT $0.34
holdover exit NVAX $161.49 $167.76 LONG $6.27
holding UAL $45.54 SHORT $0.00
holding SBUX $115.83 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $152.24 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $13.64
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/27/21 holding NKE $165.35 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
GDDY $80.80 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit MRVL $89.89 $88.88 SHORT $1.01
FANG $110.10 SHORT $0.00
WMT $140.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/28/21 VUZI $8.91 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.01
Kipp – Active
BA  $207.50 $208.09 SHORT -$0.59
NVAX $169.61 $170.61 SHORT -$1.00
BA  $207.70 $207.61 SHORT $0.09
NVAX $174.78 $171.25 SHORT $3.53
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.03
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.03


12/27/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $147.95 $148.90 LONG $0.95
AMD $149.39 $150.39 LONG $1.00
NVAX $157.65 $160.15 LONG $2.50
AMD $152.25 $151.47 SHORT $0.78
AMD $152.57 $152.17 SHORT $0.40
AMD $153.39 $153.05 SHORT $0.34
AMD $154.46 $153.95 SHORT $0.51
holding VUZI $9.45 LONG $0.00
added 12/23/21 holding UVXY $14.60 LONG $0.00
added 12/23/21 holding VXX $20.64 LONG $0.00
added 12/27/21 holding LCID $36.73 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account LCID $38.15 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.48
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
UAL $44.55 $44.41 SHORT $0.14
LEN $113.13 $112.79 SHORT $0.34
RBLX $105.54 $104.40 SHORT $1.14
COIN $280.28 $277.77 SHORT $2.51
TWTR $44.00 $44.31 LONG $0.31
holding NVAX $161.49 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $152.24 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.44
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/27/21 holdover exit MU $93.97 $94.21 SHORT -$0.24
added 12/27/21 holding NKE $165.35 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.24
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/22/21 holdover exit RCL $77.40 $75.75 SHORT $1.65
added 12/22/21 holdover exit TGT $222.95 $223.69 LONG $0.74
GDDY $80.80 SHORT $0.00
MRVL $89.89 SHORT $0.00
FANG $110.10 SHORT $0.00
WMT $140.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.39
Kipp – Active
BABA $121.27 $120.62 SHORT $0.65
NVDA $307.69 $308.16 SHORT -$0.47
FB $345.18 $344.70 SHORT $0.48
MU $94.81 $94.80 SHORT $0.01
GDDY $83.04 $83.00 SHORT $0.04
AMD $153.48 $153.70 SHORT -$0.22
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.49
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.56


12/23/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $144.91 $145.05 LONG $0.14
FDX $255.45 $254.35 SHORT $1.10
AMD $146.61 $146.85 LONG $0.24
AMD $147.88 $148.10 LONG $0.22
added 12/22/21 holdover exit RBLX $104.01 $101.68 SHORT $2.33
added 12/23/21 holding UVXY $14.60 LONG $0.00
added 12/23/21 holding VXX $20.64 LONG $0.00
added 12/21/21 holding LCID $37.78 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.03
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MGM $46.23 $45.54 SHORT $0.69
BILI $44.94 $45.54 LONG $0.60
PTON $36.36 $37.97 LONG $1.61
FDX $255.55 $254.45 SHORT $1.10
BILI $45.90 $45.45 SHORT $0.45
SQ $167.31 $166.99 SHORT $0.32
TWTR $44.22 $44.21 SHORT $0.01
STNE $18.18 $17.15 SHORT $1.03
JD $68.98 $69.10 SHORT -$0.12
holdover exit UAL $44.66 $44.94 SHORT -$0.28
added 12/23/21 holdover exit AMD $146.92 $146.64 SHORT $0.28
added 12/22/21 holdover exit PTON $38.55 $37.97 LONG -$0.58
TOTAL $5.11
Lindsey – Earnings
holding MU $88.99 SHORT $0.00
holding NKE $161.51 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit CHWY $56.92 $57.75 LONG $0.83
TOTAL $0.83
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit SQ $167.40 $165.65 SHORT $1.75
added 12/22/21 RCL $77.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/22/21 TGT $222.95 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holdover exit FUBO $16.26 $17.71 LONG $1.45
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.20
Kipp – Active
DIA $359.66 $359.57 SHORT $0.09
LYFT $44.42 $44.30 SHORT $0.12
JD $68.57 $68.68 SHORT -$0.11
AMD $147.23 $147.54 SHORT -$0.31
SPY $471.27 $471.08 SHORT $0.19
BABA $117.93 $117.65 SHORT $0.28
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.26
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.43


12/22/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AN $114.24 $112.99 SHORT $1.25
SQ $171.25 $170.45 SHORT $0.80
AMD $141.41 $140.40 SHORT $1.01
SQ $166.33 $167.45 LONG $1.12
SQ $168.15 $166.65 SHORT $1.50
added 12/22/21 holding RBLX $104.01 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $141.95 $141.55 SHORT $0.40
holdover exit SQ $170.41 $167.50 SHORT $2.91
added 12/22/21 holding UVXY $15.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/22/21 holding VXX $21.31 LONG $0.00
added 12/21/21 holding LCID $37.78 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.99
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ALLK $9.99 $10.50 LONG $0.51
AN $113.31 $111.96 SHORT $1.35
RBLX $103.39 $101.61 SHORT $1.78
ALLK $9.87 $10.10 LONG $0.23
UBER $42.84 $42.33 SHORT $0.51
PAYX $134.34 $133.31 SHORT $1.03
PFE $60.30 $59.95 SHORT $0.35
LYFT $42.42 $42.50 SHORT -$0.08
holding UAL $44.66 SHORT $0.00
added 12/22/21 holding AMD $142.89 SHORT $0.00
added 12/22/21 holding PTON $38.55 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AAPL $172.56 $174.47 LONG $1.91
added 12/21/21 holdover exit MSFT $322.89 $328.98 LONG $6.09
TOTAL $13.68
Lindsey – Earnings
BB $9.06 $9.18 LONG $0.12
CAMP $9.90 $7.41 LONG -$2.49
PAYX $126.45 $131.13 LONG $4.68
KMX 136.25 133.31 SHORT $2.94
holding MU $88.99 SHORT $0.00
holding NKE $161.51 SHORT $0.00
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.25
Lindsey – Long Term
SQ $167.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/22/21 holdover exit RBLX $103.39 $101.61 SHORT $1.78
added 12/22/21 RCL $77.40 SHORT $0.00
added 12/22/21 TGT $222.95 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.78
Kipp – Active
ABT $137.82 $137.21 SHORT $0.61
JD $73.36 $73.28 SHORT $0.08
PAYX $134.34 $134.70 SHORT -$0.36
SPY $466.36 $466.06 SHORT $0.30
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.63
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $30.33


12/21/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $137.95 $138.75 LONG $0.80
NKE $169.50 $166.00 SHORT $3.50
CTXS $95.24 $94.19 SHORT $1.05
FDX $250.00 $247.97 SHORT $2.03
FB $324.85 $327.00 LONG $2.15
MGM $44.43 $43.94 SHORT $0.49
AMD $135.97 $136.50 LONG $0.53
AMD $136.45 $136.95 LONG $0.50
AMD $137.38 $137.70 LONG $0.32
AMD $139.99 $139.75 SHORT $0.24
holding RBLX $101.51 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $141.95 SHORT $0.00
holding SQ $170.41 SHORT $0.00
holding UVXY $15.65 LONG $0.00
holding VXX $21.57 LONG $0.00
added 12/21/21 holding LCID $37.78 LONG $0.00
holdover exit FB $324.99 $328.90 LONG $3.91
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.52
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CTXS $95.19 $93.96 SHORT $1.23
RAD $14.48 $14.28 SHORT $0.20
UAL $43.69 $43.78 SHORT -$0.09
LVS $36.62 $36.98 SHORT -$0.36
SBUX $109.90 $109.50 SHORT $0.40
LCID $36.96 $38.38 LONG $1.42
FL $41.82 $41.41 SHORT $0.41
DIS $151.15 $150.44 SHORT $0.71
UBER $41.96 $41.83 SHORT $0.13
DHI $103.45 $103.15 SHORT $0.30
GIS $63.96 $64.96 LONG $1.00
holding AMD $141.43 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit FB $326.62 $330.30 LONG $3.68
holding PTON $40.12 LONG $0.00
added 12/20/21 holdover exit AMD $136.78 $138.38 LONG $1.60
holding AAPL $172.56 LONG $0.00
added 12/21/21 holding MSFT $322.89 LONG $0.00
added 12/20/21 holdover exit SQ $162.79 $162.96 LONG $0.17
TOTAL $10.80
Lindsey – Earnings
RAD $12.24 $13.52 LONG $1.28
holding MU $88.99 SHORT $0.00
holding NKE $161.51 SHORT $0.00
GIS $67.90 $63.96 SHORT $3.94
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.22
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/16/21 holdover exit DKNG $27.25 $29.29 LONG $2.04
SQ $167.40 SHORT $0.00
RBLX $100.66 SHORT $0.00
RCL $76.06 SHORT $0.00
added 12/16/21 TGT $228.20 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.04
Kipp – Active
CTXS $92.91 $94.20 SHORT -$1.29
RAD $14.30 $14.30 SHORT $0.00
BA $196.05 $196.42 SHORT -$0.37
TCOM  $23.34 $23.29 SHORT $0.05
BA $198.07 $198.03 SHORT $0.04
BABA $121.22 $121.53 SHORT -$0.31
SQ  $164.64 $165.11 SHORT -$0.47
BA $199.03 $198.57 SHORT $0.46
ADBE $547.02 $545.56 SHORT $1.46
DIS $151.09 $151.09 SHORT $0.00
SHOP $1,358.20 $1,362.96 SHORT -$4.76
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$5.19
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $28.39


12/20/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
NIO $28.20 $28.20 LONG $0.00
AMD $136.35 $137.55 LONG $1.20
MGM $41.20 $41.69 LONG $0.49
MSFT $319.73 $320.58 LONG $0.85
AMD $135.53 $135.53 LONG $0.00
MSFT $318.51 $320.03 LONG $1.52
DIS $146.03 $146.25 LONG $0.22
holding LCID $38.67 LONG $0.00
holding FB $324.99 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.28
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DIS $145.62 $147.00 LONG $1.38
holding FB $326.62 LONG $0.00
holding PTON $40.12 LONG $0.00
added 12/20/21 holding AMD $136.78 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $172.56 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $324.75 LONG $0.00
added 12/20/21 holding SQ $162.79 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.38
Lindsey – Earnings
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/16/21 DKNG $27.25 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 TGT $228.20 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MSFT $321.78 $322.21 SHORT -$0.43
NVDA $277.00 $276.30 SHORT $0.70
WYNN $82.05 $82.35 SHORT -$0.30
NFLX $601.50 $600.49 SHORT $1.01
EXPE $160.79 $160.54 SHORT $0.25
BABA $114.53 $114.33 LONG -$0.20
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.03
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $6.69


12/17/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
LCID $37.25 $39.15 LONG $1.90
ROKU $214.00 $216.85 LONG $2.85
FDX $259.80 $253.09 SHORT $6.71
RIVN $94.60 $96.55 LONG $1.95
AMD $139.20 $139.20 LONG $0.00
MSFT $317.77 $320.80 LONG $3.03
ADM $140.80 $140.55 SHORT $0.25
CHGG $28.79 $28.88 SHORT -$0.09
AMD $138.98 $139.51 LONG $0.53
LLY $265.95 $269.10 LONG $3.15
AMD $138.01 $138.90 LONG $0.89
AMD $137.09 $137.75 LONG $0.66
AMD $137.70 $137.83 LONG $0.13
AMD $137.90 $138.15 LONG $0.25
LCID $39.57 $39.79 LONG $0.22
LCID $39.93 $40.12 LONG $0.19
AMD $138.92 $139.09 LONG $0.17
holdover exit RBLX $95.10 $96.55 LONG $1.45
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holdover exit DKNG $27.01 $28.10 LONG $1.09
added 12/16/21 holdover exit CHGG $27.83 $28.05 LONG $0.22
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $25.55
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FDX $259.95 $253.53 SHORT $6.42
RIVN $94.94 $97.97 LONG $3.03
MSFT $317.71 $320.91 LONG $3.20
LLY $266.66 $268.34 LONG $1.68
MGM $42.12 $42.08 SHORT $0.04
RBLX $101.31 $101.27 SHORT $0.04
MGM $42.28 $42.44 SHORT -$0.16
PENN $47.97 $47.76 SHORT $0.21
SIX $40.40 $40.08 SHORT $0.32
holding AMD $139.13 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $138.81 $141.82 LONG $3.01
holding AAPL $172.56 LONG $0.00
holdover exit RBLX $94.49 $99.99 LONG $5.50
holding MSFT $324.75 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SI $140.04 $145.54 LONG $5.50
added 12/15/21 holding SQ $171.21 LONG $0.00
added 12/17/21 holdover exit LCID $37.87 $38.96 LONG $1.09
TOTAL $29.88
Lindsey – Earnings
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
added 12/17/21 holdover exit PATH $43.17 $41.43 LONG -$1.74
added 12/16/21 holdover exit TRIP $27.03 $25.47 LONG -$1.56
TOTAL -$3.30
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/16/21 DKNG $27.25 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 TGT $228.20 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
GM $54.68 $55.17 LONG $0.49
BIDU $140.75 $141.14 SHORT -$0.39
BABA $121.89 $121.18 SHORT $0.71
SPY $461.09 $461.18 SHORT -$0.09
UBER $38.98 $38.88 SHORT $0.10
RBLX $99.88 $100.68 SHORT -$0.80
PENN $47.46 $46.94 SHORT $0.52
holdover exit LLY $266.69 $267.43 SHORT -$0.74
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holdover exit ENPH $186.46 $184.46 SHORT $2.00
TOTAL $1.80
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $53.93


12/16/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
DKNG $28.35 $29.35 LONG $1.00
AMD $145.45 $144.45 SHORT $1.00
LCID $41.65 $42.33 LONG $0.68
LLY $282.80 $280.01 SHORT $2.79
AMD $144.04 $142.20 LONG $1.84
AAPL $172.17 $172.72 LONG $0.55
AMD $141.80 $141.78 SHORT $0.02
AMD $141.86 $142.50 LONG $0.64
AMD $140.95 $140.49 SHORT $0.46
LCID $41.91 $42.08 LONG $0.17
NIO  $29.97 $30.24 LONG $0.27
AMD $139.80 $140.40 LONG $0.60
AMD $139.39 $139.68 LONG $0.29
LCID $40.40 $40.58 LONG $0.18
AMD $137.59 $138.35 LONG $0.76
LLY $281.40 $280.08 SHORT $1.32
LCID $39.69 $40.30 LONG $0.61
MSFT $324.09 $325.40 LONG $1.31
AMD $138.85 $138.95 LONG $0.10
AMD $138.41 $138.31 SHORT $0.10
holdover exit 2nd account ROKU $196.50 $213.00 LONG $16.50
holdover exit RBLX $94.20 $102.10 LONG $7.90
holding RBLX $95.10 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TGT $225.63 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LCID $39.87 $41.25 LONG $1.38
added 12/16/21 holding DKNG $27.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holdover exit CIEN $73.79 $73.17 SHORT $0.62
added 12/16/21 holding CHGG $27.83 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holdover exit ROKU $209.78 $213.00 LONG $3.22
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holdover exit VUZI $8.97 $9.66 LONG $0.69
added 12/16/21 holding TGT $235.27 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $45.00
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
VIR $56.96 $54.54 SHORT $2.42
AA $53.02 $52.93 SHORT $0.09
PTON $40.04 $39.18 SHORT $0.86
AMD $144.44 $145.45 LONG $1.01
LLY $282.82 $279.46 SHORT $3.36
DLTR $137.37 $138.38 LONG $1.01
FB $344.43 $340.40 SHORT $4.03
JPM $160.78 $160.65 LONG -$0.13
added 12/16/21 holdover exit LLY $279.02 $279.46 SHORT -$0.44
holdover exit MSFT $332.20 $328.28 SHORT $3.92
holdover exit FB $340.40 $344.43 LONG $4.03
holding AMD $138.81 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $172.56 LONG $0.00
holding RBLX $94.49 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $324.75 LONG $0.00
holding SI $140.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holding SQ $171.21 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding LCID $39.39 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $20.16
Lindsey – Earnings
LEN $109.89 $108.97 LONG -$0.92
JBL $63.41 $66.66 LONG $3.25
TCOM $24.32 $23.46 SHORT $0.86
CCL $17.92 $17.71 SHORT $0.21
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holding PATH $43.75 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 holding TRIP $27.03 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.40
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit SI $142.92 $155.55 LONG $12.63
added 12/16/21 DKNG $27.25 LONG $0.00
added 12/16/21 TGT $228.20 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.63
Kipp – Active
AA $53.95 $53.72 SHORT $0.23
AAPL $175.49 $176.01 LONG $0.52
JPM $161.48 $161.46 SHORT $0.02
holding LLY $266.69 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.77
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $81.96


12/15/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
RBLX $96.38 $97.50 LONG $1.12
LLY $268.46 $267.25 SHORT $1.21
AMD $135.15 $136.15 LONG $1.00
LVS $35.50 $36.06 LONG $0.56
AMD $138.25 $137.80 SHORT $0.45
AMD $136.06 $136.51 LONG $0.45
NIO $29.43 $30.19 LONG $0.76
ROKU $194.25 $202.00 LONG $7.75
AMD $136.06 $136.70 LONG $0.64
FUBO $15.90 $16.85 LONG $0.95
AMD $136.77 $136.92 LONG $0.15
holding 2nd account ROKU $196.50 LONG $0.00
holding RBLX $94.20 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $39.87 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $28.35 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $135.69 $135.25 SHORT $0.44
added 12/15/21 holding CIEN $73.79 SHORT $0.00
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holding ROKU $209.78 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holding VUZI $8.97 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding TGT $240.97 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.48
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
VIR $52.03 $51.48 SHORT $0.55
ROKU $202.78 $206.60 LONG $3.82
FB $326.62 $329.29 LONG $2.67
AMD $138.38 $136.96 SHORT $1.42
PTON $36.63 $37.37 LONG $0.74
AMD $136.63 $138.83 LONG $2.20
PTON $37.27 $37.43 SHORT -$0.16
MSFT $324.96 $328.28 LONG $3.32
FB $332.32 $335.35 LONG $3.03
PTON $37.23 $37.97 LONG $0.74
holding LLY $271.44 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $332.20 SHORT $0.00
holding FB $340.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PLAY $37.97 $36.36 SHORT $1.61
holdover exit BYND $68.80 $66.66 SHORT $2.14
added 12/15/21 holding SQ $171.21 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PTON $41.69 $42.24 LONG $0.55
added 12/15/21 holdover exit RBLX $98.12 $98.46 LONG $0.34
added 12/13/21 holding LCID $39.39 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $22.97
Lindsey – Earnings
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 holding PATH $43.75 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit AMAT $149.49 $151.15 LONG $1.66
SI $142.92 LONG $0.00
DKNG $29.13 LONG $0.00
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/15/21 FUBO $16.26 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.66
Kipp – Active
LLY $263.61 $262.53 SHORT $1.08
holding LLY $266.69 SHORT $0.00
MRNA $289.00 $287.00 SHORT $2.00
TGT $232.12 $232.68 LONG $0.56
WMT $145.21 $145.15 LONG -$0.06
MSFT $325.70 $325.49 LONG -$0.21
PGR $102.89 $102.71 SHORT $0.18
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.55
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $43.66


12/14/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
HOG $37.20 $37.95 LONG $0.75
NIO $31.25 $32.27 LONG $1.02
AMC $23.47 $24.01 LONG $0.54
holding DKNG $28.35 LONG $0.00
AMD $135.69 $134.65 SHORT $1.04
AMD $133.73 $134.27 LONG $0.54
WMT $144.25 $144.69 LONG $0.44
LEN $110.15 $110.60 LONG $0.45
AMD $133.47 $133.69 LONG $0.22
MSFT $325.55 $328.20 LONG $2.65
LCID $39.97 $40.40 LONG $0.43
AMD  $134.74 $134.44 SHORT $0.30
holding AMD $135.69 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit DKS $106.38 $108.15 LONG $1.77
added 12/10/21 holdover exit LCID $37.51 $41.20 LONG $3.69
holding CIEN $71.69 SHORT $0.00
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holdover exit AMD $134.01 $135.00 LONG $0.99
added 12/10/21 holding ROKU $234.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/14/21 holding GENI $8.01 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding VUZI $9.94 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding TGT $240.97 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.83
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MT $31.16 $31.13 SHORT $0.03
AA $50.27 $50.25 SHORT $0.02
X $23.32 $23.26 SHORT $0.06
UPST $140.29 $144.44 LONG $4.15
UBER $38.38 $38.20 SHORT $0.18
LEN $110.10 $111.11 LONG $1.01
RCL $73.07 $72.09 SHORT $0.98
MSFT $325.25 $326.51 LONG $1.26
WMT $144.44 $143.86 SHORT $0.58
MGM $41.82 $41.37 SHORT $0.45
holding PLAY $37.97 SHORT $0.00
holding BYND $68.80 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COST $554.50 $548.48 SHORT $6.02
added 12/13/21 holding SQ $178.46 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DHI $108.72 $106.06 SHORT $2.66
added 12/14/21 holdover exit AMD $133.77 $136.03 LONG $2.26
holding PTON $41.69 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holdover exit ROKU $221.40 $223.32 LONG $1.92
added 12/13/21 holding RBLX $111.61 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding LCID $39.39 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $21.58
Lindsey – Earnings
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
holding PATH $47.47 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
AMAT $149.49 LONG $0.00
SI $142.92 LONG $0.00
DKNG $29.13 LONG $0.00
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 FUBO $19.07 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NFLX $597.22 $598.50 LONG $1.28
BA $199.07 $198.55 SHORT $0.52
ADGI $8.31 $8.04 LONG -$0.27
PDD $61.24 $61.21 SHORT $0.03
ADBE $612.28 $613.91 LONG $1.63
MSFT $325.90 $325.96 LONG $0.06
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.25
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $39.66


12/13/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
2nd account AMD $137.53 $136.47 SHORT $1.06
HOG $42.76 $41.95 SHORT $0.81
FB $340.23 $337.67 SHORT $2.56
CHWY $55.00 $53.99 SHORT $1.01
DKNG $28.88 $29.07 LONG $0.19
2nd account CHGG $27.42 $27.42 LONG $0.00
MGM $39.90 $40.18 LONG $0.28
CLF $19.95 $20.24 LONG $0.29
AMD $134.15 $135.51 LONG $1.36
DIS $149.90 $150.72 LONG $0.82
holding DKS $106.38 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COST $552.77 $548.05 SHORT $4.72
added 12/10/21 holding LCID $37.51 LONG $0.00
holding CIEN $71.69 SHORT $0.00
added 12/10/21 holdover exit CHWY $54.94 $55.05 LONG $0.11
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding AMD $135.71 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding ROKU $234.19 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding VUZI $9.94 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding TGT $240.97 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.21
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
QCOM $190.90 $188.88 SHORT $2.02
HOG $43.43 $41.41 SHORT $2.02
FB $339.39 $337.37 SHORT $2.02
CIEN $73.55 $73.68 SHORT -$0.13
WMT $142.96 $142.92 SHORT $0.04
holding COST $554.50 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding SQ $178.46 LONG $0.00
holding DHI $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding AMD $135.31 LONG $0.00
holding PTON $41.69 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding ROKU $221.40 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding RBLX $111.61 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 holding LCID $39.39 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.97
Lindsey – Earnings
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
holding PATH $47.47 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
AMAT $149.49 LONG $0.00
SI $142.92 LONG $0.00
DKNG $29.13 LONG $0.00
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 VUZI $10.34 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/21 FUBO $19.07 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
HOG $42.56 $42.23 SHORT $0.33
QCOM $190.49 $189.59 SHORT $0.90
FB $338.47 $338.46 SHORT $0.01
TSLA $980.05 $982.10 LONG $2.05
SPY $467.86 $467.34 LONG -$0.52
AMAT $148.90 $148.46 LONG -$0.44
COST $558.20 $557.14 SHORT $1.06
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.39
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.57


12/10/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
ORCL $105.00 $103.05 SHORT $1.95
ORCL $103.15 $101.50 LONG $1.65
AMD $137.15 $137.55 LONG $0.40
AMD $137.67 $138.04 LONG $0.37
AMD $137.30 $137.35 SHORT -$0.05
holding COST $552.77 SHORT $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding LCID $37.51 LONG $0.00
holding CIEN $71.69 SHORT $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding CHWY $54.94 LONG $0.00
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $140.24 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding ROKU $234.19 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding TGT $240.97 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.32
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ORCL $104.40 $102.20 SHORT $2.20
CIEN $72.96 $71.71 SHORT $1.25
MSFT $341.41 $339.39 SHORT $2.02
KSS $51.51 $51.55 SHORT -$0.04
SBUX $116.96 $116.80 SHORT $0.16
ATVI $58.08 $58.15 SHORT -$0.07
holding COST $554.50 SHORT $0.00
holding SQ $181.18 LONG $0.00
holding DHI $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding AMD $139.47 LONG $0.00
holding PTON $41.69 LONG $0.00
added 12/10/21 holding ROKU $234.76 LONG $0.00
holding RBLX $118.18 LONG $0.00
added 12/09/21 holding LCID $40.90 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.52
Lindsey – Earnings
ORCL $88.51 $92.92 LONG $4.41
ASO $43.01 $44.88 LONG $1.87
holding CHWY $56.92 LONG $0.00
holding PATH $47.47 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.28
Lindsey – Long Term
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MRNA $240.09 $239.61 SHORT $0.48
MRNA $247.39 $246.12 SHORT $1.27
MSFT $341.38 $340.38 SHORT $1.00
COST $553.57 $552.23 SHORT $1.34
NVDA $301.43 $302.13 LONG $0.70
KSS $51.56 $51.44 SHORT $0.12
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.91
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $21.03


12/9/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $146.04 $145.55 SHORT $0.49
MRVL $91.90 $92.20 LONG $0.30
PD $35.89 $36.41 LONG $0.52
ROKU $243.85 $246.00 LONG $2.15
holding LCID $38.80 LONG $0.00
holding CIEN $71.69 SHORT $0.00
holding CHWY $58.74 LONG $0.00
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $140.24 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $239.97 LONG $0.00
added 12/09/21 holdover exit ROKU $257.98 $252.50 SHORT $5.48
added 12/08/21 holdover exit WMT $136.88 $138.03 LONG $1.15
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/08/21 holding TGT $244.14 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.09
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CIEN $71.71 $71.40 SHORT $0.31
TWTR $47.74 $46.96 SHORT $0.78
CVS $96.96 $97.07 SHORT -$0.11
DHI $108.45 $107.44 SHORT $1.01
LEN $116.90 $115.89 SHORT $1.01
WMT $138.38 $138.39 SHORT -$0.01
LEN $116.61 $116.76 SHORT -$0.15
added 12/09/21 holdover exit ROKU $256.38 $250.25 SHORT $6.13
holdover exit RBLX $122.41 $120.20 SHORT $2.21
holding AMD $141.99 LONG $0.00
holding PTON $41.69 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $239.22 LONG $0.00
holding RBLX $118.18 LONG $0.00
added 12/09/21 holding LCID $40.90 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.18
Lindsey – Earnings
CIEN $62.33 $66.66 LONG $4.33
HRL $42.85 $43.43 LONG $0.58
holding PATH $47.47 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.91
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit WMT $137.37 $138.08 LONG $0.71
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.71
Kipp – Active
NVDA $320.74 $320.24 SHORT $0.50
CIEN $72.43 $71.73 SHORT $0.70
holdover exit RBLX $120.65 $121.59 SHORT -$0.94
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.26
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $27.15


12/8/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
MRVL $89.69 $90.85 LONG $1.16
ROKU $241.55 $234.25 SHORT $7.30
AMD $145.30 $145.80 LONG $0.50
PD $34.10 $34.75 LONG $0.65
AMD $144.63 $146.65 LONG $2.02
LCID $41.86 $42.85 LONG $0.99
AMD $144.63 $145.00 LONG $0.37
PALT $3.75 $3.77 LONG $0.02
WYNN $89.70 $89.25 SHORT $0.45
MRVL $92.95 $92.94 SHORT $0.01
CHWY $59.46 $59.55 LONG $0.09
AMD $145.31 $145.61 LONG $0.30
CHWY $59.70 $60.01 LONG $0.31
FSLY $43.07 $42.97 SHORT $0.10
AMD $144.96 $145.43 LONG $0.47
LCID $44.56 $44.82 LONG $0.26
AMD $144.89 $145.35 LONG $0.46
holdover exit PDD $62.36 $61.00 SHORT $1.36
holdover exit CHGG $28.90 $28.92 LONG $0.02
holdover exit FSLY $40.23 $40.99 LONG $0.76
holdover exit LCID $44.60 $45.35 LONG $0.75
holding ROKU $252.08 SHORT $0.00
added 12/08/21 holding WMT $136.88 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/08/21 holding TGT $244.14 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.35
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $143.34 $145.45 LONG $2.11
UAL $45.75 $45.21 SHORT $0.54
PLAY $35.95 $35.99 SHORT -$0.04
FSLY $43.21 $43.00 SHORT $0.21
NVAX $185.85 $181.81 SHORT $4.04
AMD $144.88 $145.36 LONG $0.48
RCL $75.24 $75.11 SHORT $0.13
holding ROKU $249.13 SHORT $0.00
holding RBLX $122.41 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit CHGG $28.82 $28.92 LONG $0.10
holdover exit NVAX $180.81 $173.50 SHORT $7.31
holding LCID $44.44 LONG $0.00
added 12/07/21 holdover exit DKNG $32.37 $33.33 LONG $0.96
TOTAL $15.84
Lindsey – Earnings
SFIX $20.13 $19.02 LONG -$1.11
PLAY $33.63 $34.96 LONG $1.33
UNFI $49.55 $53.53 LONG $3.98
PD $35.37 $37.32 SHORT -$1.95
THO $107.42 $105.55 SHORT $1.87
added 11/29/21 holdover exit DIS $151.60 $152.96 LONG $1.36
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holdover exit DKNG $32.78 $33.33 LONG $0.55
TOTAL $6.03
Lindsey – Long Term
WMT $137.37 LONG $0.00
TGT $239.93 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ROKU $239.63 $238.20 SHORT $1.43
LVS $39.00 $38.82 SHORT $0.18
holding RBLX $120.65 SHORT $0.00
BABA  $126.28 $125.28 SHORT $1.00
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.61
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $42.83


12/7/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
INTC $54.40 $53.84 SHORT $0.56
AMD $143.41 $143.41 SHORT $0.00
AMAT $155.92 $156.06 SHORT -$0.14
SQ $191.89 $188.45 SHORT $3.44
MRVL $91.74 $91.49 SHORT $0.25
AMD $145.17 $144.95 SHORT $0.22
LCID $43.99 $44.28 LONG $0.29
AMD $144.92 $145.31 LONG $0.39
MRVL  $92.35 $91.65 SHORT $0.70
AMD $144.35 $144.59 LONG $0.24
LCID $43.45 $43.70 LONG $0.25
holding PDD $62.36 SHORT $0.00
holding CHGG $28.90 LONG $0.00
holding FSLY $40.23 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PPSI $7.55 $7.79 LONG $0.24
holdover exit MGM $42.80 $43.39 LONG $0.59
holdover exit AMD $140.01 $142.95 LONG $2.94
holding LCID $44.60 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LVS $36.70 $37.92 LONG $1.22
added 12/03/21 holding WMT $139.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holdover exit CLF $20.08 $21.28 LONG $1.20
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holdover exit DKNG $31.95 $32.60 LONG $0.65
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holdover exit DKNG $31.71 $32.60 LONG $0.89
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.93
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $141.14 $141.18 LONG $0.04
SBUX $116.16 $116.21 SHORT -$0.05
SQ $191.91 $189.98 SHORT $1.93
FANG $115.51 $115.63 SHORT -$0.12
TWTR $46.23 $45.15 SHORT $1.08
AMD $144.14 $144.19 SHORT -$0.05
PDD $63.63 $62.94 SHORT $0.69
NTAP $90.90 $90.32 SHORT $0.58
AMAT $157.57 $156.72 SHORT $0.85
SI $171.71 $168.68 SHORT $3.03
holdover exit UAL $43.34 $43.42 SHORT -$0.08
holding CHGG $28.82 LONG $0.00
holding NVAX $180.81 SHORT $0.00
holding LCID $44.44 LONG $0.00
added 12/07/21 holding DKNG $32.37 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.90
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding DKNG $32.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
INTC $54.41 $53.91 SHORT $0.50
COUP $181.25 $179.04 SHORT $2.21
SPY $467.41 $468.34 SHORT -$0.93
NVDA $317.62 $316.62 SHORT $1.00
AMZN $3,527.07 $3,521.21 SHORT $5.86
NVAX $173.96 $172.76 SHORT $1.20
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.84
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $31.67


12/6/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $135.64 $138.38 LONG $2.74
VUZI $8.91 $9.59 LONG $0.68
AMAT $142.55 $143.50 LONG $0.95
MRVL $81.20 $81.85 LONG $0.65
AMD $135.85 $136.95 LONG $1.10
CHGG $29.04 $29.30 LONG $0.26
LCID $44.29 $44.80 LONG $0.51
LCID $44.91 $45.25 LONG $0.34
AMD $138.75 $139.09 LONG $0.34
AMD $139.19 $139.49 LONG $0.30
LCID $45.03 $45.25 LONG $0.22
AMD $139.85 $140.01 LONG $0.16
holdover exit DOCU $143.71 $145.20 LONG $1.49
added 12/06/21 holdover exit LCID $40.96 $43.95 LONG $2.99
added 12/03/21 holdover exit FB $310.19 $316.36 LONG $6.17
holding PPSI $7.55 LONG $0.00
holding MGM $42.80 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $140.01 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $44.60 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $36.70 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding WMT $139.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding CLF $20.08 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding 2nd account DKNG $31.95 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding DKNG $31.71 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.90
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
$139.39 $144.44 LONG $5.05
MARA $37.37 $40.04 LONG $2.67
AMD $135.93 $138.38 LONG $2.45
DHI $105.50 $105.84 SHORT -$0.34
ZS $280.08 $285.85 LONG $5.77
KSS $52.25 $51.15 SHORT $1.10
CHGG $29.08 $29.57 LONG $0.49
AMD $135.95 $136.96 LONG $1.01
ZS $272.10 $274.84 LONG $2.74
RCL $73.22 $72.27 SHORT $0.95
NCLH $20.32 $20.08 SHORT $0.24
LVS $37.37 $36.90 SHORT $0.47
FANG $109.42 $108.08 SHORT $1.34
LVS $36.90 $36.73 LONG -$0.17
CHGG $29.92 $29.54 SHORT $0.38
added 12/06/21 holdover exit DOCU $141.89 $144.44 LONG $2.55
added 12/06/21 holdover exit ZS $287.80 $285.85 LONG -$1.95
holding UAL $43.34 SHORT $0.00
holding LCID $44.44 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $36.75 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $24.75
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holdover exit JWN $23.79 $20.61 LONG -$3.18
added 12/06/21 holdover exit GPS $18.03 $17.42 LONG -$0.61
added 12/06/21 holdover exit URBN $32.98 $32.29 LONG -$0.69
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding DKNG $32.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$4.48
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/03/21 holdover exit FB $309.93 $316.16 LONG $6.23
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/06/21 holdover exit LCID $43.21 $45.25 LONG $2.04
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
added 12/06/21 holdover exit AMD $139.71 $138.38 LONG -$1.33
holdover exit MSFT $320.02 $327.27 LONG $7.25
TOTAL $14.19
Kipp – Active
KSS $51.33 $51.00 SHORT $0.33
PTON $43.27 $42.61 SHORT $0.66
BA $203.14 $202.56 SHORT $0.58
BABA $119.78 $119.88 SHORT -$0.10
KSS $52.75 $52.67 SHORT $0.08
RCL $72.70 $72.20 SHORT $0.50
BA $205.87 $205.21 SHORT $0.66
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.71
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $56.07


12/3/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $145.89 $146.50 LONG $0.61
MRVL $86.78 $84.04 SHORT $2.74
AMD $148.50 $147.10 SHORT $1.40
AMD $141.74 $143.63 LONG $1.89
AMD $141.88 $142.20 LONG $0.32
holdover exit UVXY $20.10 $23.18 LONG $3.08
holdover exit VXX $25.18 $27.69 LONG $2.51
holding DOCU $143.71 LONG
added 12/02/21 holding LCID $48.98 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding FB $310.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding WMT $139.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding CLF $20.08 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding 2nd account DKNG $31.95 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding DKNG $31.71 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.55
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BABA $111.11 $110.98 LONG -$0.13
DHI $111.54 $111.72 SHORT -$0.18
MRVL $36.32 $36.63 SHORT -$0.31
DG $222.22 $221.42 SHORT $0.80
TTWO $164.64 $165.17 SHORT -$0.53
holdover exit LEN $111.11 $111.78 SHORT -$0.67
added 12/03/21 holdover exit DHI $101.63 $102.06 SHORT -$0.43
holding DOCU $145.17 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding ZS $314.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holdover exit Z $61.72 $60.16 LONG -$1.56
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $36.75 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$3.01
Lindsey – Earnings
SWBI $18.35 $16.30 LONG -$2.05
BIG $43.27 $46.46 LONG $3.19
GWRE $117.99 $112.12 SHORT $5.87
MRVL $80.32 $83.10 SHORT -$2.78
ZUMZ $44.55 $45.51 SHORT -$0.96
added 11/30/21 holding JWN $23.79 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding GPS $18.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding URBN $33.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/03/21 holding DKNG $32.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.27
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/03/21 FB $309.93 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/02/21 LCID $50.86 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
AMD $143.65 LONG $0.00
MSFT $320.02 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
STX $105.66 $105.17 SHORT $0.49
SQ $181.63 $182.43 LONG $0.80
SPY $452.41 $451.81 LONG -$0.60
MRVL $81.09 $81.60 LONG $0.51
MSFT $320.16 $320.59 LONG $0.43
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.63
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $14.44


12/2/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $147.95 $149.95 LONG $2.00
AMD $150.83 $152.00 LONG $1.17
CHGG $28.26 $28.80 LONG $0.54
AMD $150.09 $150.50 LONG $0.41
AMD $150.64 $150.35 SHORT $0.29
holding UVXY $20.10 LONG $0.00
holding VXX $25.18 LONG $0.00
holdover exit UBER $37.17 $38.05 LONG $0.88
added 12/02/21 holding LCID $48.98 LONG $0.00
added 12/02/21 holding FB $317.04 LONG $0.00
holding WMT $143.60 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding CLF $20.08 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DWAC $45.30 $51.25 LONG $5.95
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $35.55 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.24
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
KR $44.70 $44.69 SHORT $0.01
PTON $45.90 $44.88 SHORT $1.02
BTBT $9.03 $9.19 LONG $0.16
SBUX $111.54 $111.72 SHORT -$0.18
DAL $36.32 $36.63 SHORT -$0.31
ZM $188.44 $191.91 LONG $3.47
RCL $68.68 $68.87 SHORT -$0.19
DAL $35.53 $35.61 SHORT -$0.08
holding LEN $111.11 SHORT $0.00
holding DHI $101.10 SHORT $0.00
holding ZS $341.43 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PPSI $6.66 $7.79 LONG $1.13
holdover exit AMD $152.05 $151.75 LONG -$0.30
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $36.75 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holdover exit PHUN $5.64 $3.51 LONG -$2.13
TOTAL $2.60
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding JWN $23.79 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding GPS $18.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding URBN $33.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $37.56 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/02/21 FB $312.17 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
added 12/02/21 LCID $50.86 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
BOIL $33.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
PTON $44.75 $44.72 SHORT $0.03
ROKU $211.84 $210.58 SHORT $1.26
WYNN $80.10 $79.90 SHORT $0.20
DAL $35.88 $35.87 SHORT $0.01
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.50
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $15.34


12/1/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
PPSI $8.65 $8.85 LONG $0.20
BOX $26.49 $25.60 SHORT $0.89
CHGG $28.20 $28.51 LONG $0.31
AMD $157.49 $158.70 LONG $1.21
AMD $159.20 $160.30 LONG $1.10
TWTR $46.49 $45.99 SHORT $0.50
AMAT $154.00 $153.30 SHORT $0.70
AMD $157.75 $158.51 LONG $0.76
LEN $111.12 $110.10 SHORT $1.02
AMD $158.02 $158.40 LONG $0.38
AMD $158.88 $159.30 LONG $0.42
CHGG $29.20 $29.34 LONG $0.14
AMD $158.08 $156.59 SHORT $1.49
AMD $152.18 $152.75 LONG $0.57
AMD $150.56 $150.84 LONG $0.28
holding UBER $37.17 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $53.32 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding FB $325.67 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSFT $330.50 $338.01 LONG $7.51
holdover exit AMD $160.05 160.35 LONG $0.30
holdover exit LCID $53.72 $55.96 LONG $2.24
holding WMT $143.60 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holdover exit X $20.57 $23.27 LONG $2.70
added 12/01/21 holding CLF $20.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TWTR $46.41 $46.41 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $35.55 LONG $0.00
holdover exit UVXY $16.54 $21.30 LONG $4.76
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $27.48
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit VXX $12.69 $26.10 LONG $13.41
TOTAL $13.41
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TWTR $46.00 $44.88 SHORT $1.12
JKS $55.55 $54.45 SHORT $1.10
PPSI $8.24 $8.88 LONG $0.64
AMD $157.37 $158.85 LONG $1.48
MU $88.98 $88.69 SHORT $0.29
TWTR $46.00 $44.88 SHORT $1.12
DHI $99.99 $99.09 SHORT $0.90
MSFT $335.33 $333.33 SHORT $2.00
holdover exit RCL $68.90 $67.65 SHORT $1.25
holding ZS $341.43 LONG $0.00
holding PPSI $6.66 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $152.05 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $36.75 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.90
Lindsey – Earnings
NTAP $90.07 $91.19 LONG $1.12
BOX $23.45 $25.52 LONG $2.07
added 11/30/21 holding JWN $23.79 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding GPS $18.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding URBN $33.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holding DKNG $37.56 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holdover exit TWTR $49.87 $46.46 LONG -$3.41
TOTAL -$0.22
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/01/21 FB $317.79 LONG $0.00
added 12/01/21 holdover exit AMD $157.96 $158.85 LONG $0.89
holdover exit MSFT $330.01 $337.73 LONG $7.72
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.61
Kipp – Active
BOX $26.36 $25.95 SHORT $0.41
TWTR $46.33 $46.00 SHORT $0.33
HES $78.08 $77.84 SHORT $0.24
SPY $464.47 $463.88 SHORT $0.59
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ETSY $266.74 $264.70 SHORT $2.04
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.61
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $62.79


11/30/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
VIR $50.05 $48.50 SHORT $1.55
IMGN $6.39 $6.60 LONG $0.21
NIO $38.95 $39.30 LONG $0.35
AMC $33.70 $34.05 LONG $0.35
PPSI $10.12 $10.60 LONG $0.48
holding FB $328.50 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $330.50 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $160.05 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $53.72 LONG $0.00
holding WMT $143.60 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding X $20.57 LONG $0.00
holding CLF $21.25 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $46.41 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding VUZI $10.90 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.94
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BYND $69.96 $71.17 LONG $1.21
NKE $171.17 $170.55 SHORT $0.62
AMC $33.66 $33.89 LONG $0.23
PSSI $10.00 $10.40 LONG $0.40
holdover exit AMD $160.60 $158.50 SHORT $2.10
holding RCL $68.90 SHORT $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.56
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding JWN $23.79 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding GPS $18.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/30/21 holding URBN $33.49 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TWTR $49.87 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
FB $326.77 LONG $0.00
AMD $158.56 LONG $0.00
MSFT $330.01 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
FB $334.61 $335.31 LONG $0.70
VIR $49.07 $48.76 SHORT $0.31
RBLX $135.57 $134.72 SHORT $0.85
QQQ $392.82 $393.15 LONG $0.33
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.19
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $9.69


11/29/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
TWTR $51.98 $50.40 SHORT $1.58
AMD $158.75 $158.08 SHORT $0.67
MSFT $337.67 $336.48 SHORT $1.19
AMD $156.97 $158.23 LONG $1.26
TWTR $48.04 $49.25 LONG $1.21
ATVI $59.93 $60.08 LONG $0.15
AMD $159.51 $160.09 LONG $0.58
AMD $160.32 $159.79 SHORT $0.53
holding WMT $143.60 LONG $0.00
holding X $23.61 LONG $0.00
holding CLF $21.25 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $46.41 LONG $0.00
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $151.30 $159.50 LONG $8.20
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding VUZI $11.63 LONG $0.00
added 11/23/21 holdover exit   AMD $151.45 $159.50 LONG $8.05
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TGT $249.90 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $23.42
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BMBL $35.70 $34.34 SHORT $1.36
MSFT $336.83 $336.80 SHORT $0.03
AMD $158.58 $157.57 SHORT $1.01
FB $338.38 $336.36 SHORT $2.02
AMD $156.56 $156.60 LONG $0.04
AMD $156.65 $158.58 LONG $1.93
NKE $170.14 $170.32 SHORT -$0.18
LEN $107.65 $107.68 SHORT -$0.03
RIVN $119.91 $118.81 SHORT $1.10
DHI $98.94 $98.97 SHORT -$0.03
SQ $213.63 $213.03 SHORT $0.60
FB $339.93 $339.95 SHORT -$0.02
holding AMD $160.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.83
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
holding JWN $26.79 LONG $0.00
holding GPS $20.47 LONG $0.00
holding URBN $34.59 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding DIS $151.60 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/29/21 holding TWTR $49.87 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/29/21 VUZI $11.49 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TWTR $51.68 $51.02 SHORT $0.66
AMZN $3,572.84 $3,562.40 SHORT $10.44
DG $228.24 $227.66 SHORT $0.58
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.68
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $42.93


11/26/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
(On Vacation) LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $151.30 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $12.55 LONG $0.00
added 11/23/21 holding AMD $151.45 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $157.75 $156.14 SHORT $1.61
PENN $52.25 $51.15 SHORT $1.10
FB $333.63 $334.83 LONG $1.20
MRNA $349.94 $345.45 SHORT $4.49
LEN $107.49 $106.85 SHORT $0.64
ZM $225.75 $225.62 SHORT $0.13
ZM $227.00 $227.44 SHORT -$0.44
PENN $52.52 $52.75 SHORT -$0.23
LEN $107.35 $107.00 SHORT $0.35
DLTR $144.44 $141.14 SHORT $3.30
holdover exit AMD $154.54 $154.00 SHORT $0.54
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.69
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
holding JWN $26.79 LONG $0.00
holding GPS $20.47 LONG $0.00
added 11/24/21 holdover exit A $153.97 $153.71 LONG -$0.26
holding URBN $34.59 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.26
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/22/21 VUZI $12.50 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BNTX $347.58 $344.87 SHORT $2.71
BA $195.73 $195.32 LONG -$0.41
ZM $226.30 $225.69 SHORT $0.61
SM $28.16 $28.22 LONG $0.06
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holdover exit GOOGL $2,901.23 $2,880.05 SHORT $21.18
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $24.15
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $36.58


11/24/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
(On Vacation) LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $151.30 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $12.55 LONG $0.00
added 11/23/21 holding AMD $151.45 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
OCUP $5.36 $4.99 LONG -$0.37
DE $366.48 $367.52 SHORT -$1.04
RBLX $124.24 $122.22 SHORT $2.02
FSLR $110.10 $109.09 SHORT $1.01
NKE $171.71 $171.64 SHORT $0.07
NKE $171.81 $171.32 SHORT $0.49
NKE $171.87 $172.21 SHORT -$0.34
holdover exit WDC $59.95 $59.92 SHORT $0.03
holdover exit ROST $114.77 $114.53 SHORT $0.24
holdover exit AMD $149.31 $152.96 LONG $3.65
holding AMD $154.54 SHORT $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.76
Lindsey – Earnings
VMW $116.25 $122.22 LONG $5.97
holding JWN $26.79 LONG $0.00
GES $21.35 $23.32 LONG $1.97
holding GPS $20.47 LONG $0.00
added 11/24/21 holding A $153.97 LONG $0.00
holding URBN $34.59 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DLTR $144.06 $144.21 LONG $0.15
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.09
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/22/21 VUZI $12.50 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
HPQ $35.23 $35.20 SHORT $0.03
JWN $23.05 $22.91 LONG -$0.14
RBLX $123.67 $122.67 SHORT $1.00
ABNB $182.01 $180.98 SHORT $1.03
NKE $170.99 $171.47 SHORT -$0.48
NVDA $324.90 $323.85 SHORT $1.05
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.49
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $16.34


11/23/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
DKS $129.77 $132.00 LONG $2.23
AMD $149.10 $150.09 LONG $0.99
AMD $151.59 $152.40 LONG $0.81
ANF $40.06 $41.15 LONG $1.09
ANF $39.69 $40.25 LONG $0.56
LCID $50.95 $51.68 LONG $0.73
BBY $115.15 $117.69 LONG $2.54
holding 2nd account AMD $151.30 LONG $0.00
holding GENI $10.68 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $12.55 LONG $0.00
added 11/23/21 holding AMD $151.45 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
added 11/23/21 holdover exit LCID $51.56 $53.25 LONG $1.69
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.64
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding AMD $149.31 LONG $0.00
XPEV $51.78 $49.49 SHORT $2.29
holding WDC $59.95 SHORT $0.00
holding ROST $114.77 SHORT $0.00
JPM $167.45 $168.09 SHORT -$0.64
SBUX $113.99 $113.26 SHORT $0.73
GENI $10.40 $10.28 LONG -$0.12
APA $28.28 $28.25 LONG $0.03
holding DLTR $144.06 SHORT $0.00
DHI $101.21 $101.85 SHORT -$0.64
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.65
Lindsey – Earnings
ANF $40.95 $41.41 LONG $0.46
AEO $27.65 $28.82 LONG $1.17
BBY $119.53 $120.20 LONG $0.67
DKS $132.03 $134.45 LONG $2.42
holding A $156.43 LONG $0.00
holding URBN $34.59 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $144.06 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.72
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/22/21 VUZI $12.50 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BIDU $150.62 $150.24 SHORT $0.38
BA $208.10 $208.90 LONG $0.80
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.18
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $18.19


11/22/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $157.98 $158.79 LONG $0.81
AMAT $150.50 $151.00 LONG $0.50
LCID $53.38 $55.70 LONG $2.32
AMD $158.66 $159.55 LONG $0.89
AMD $159.85 $160.60 LONG $0.75
AMD $161.15 $160.50 SHORT $0.65
LCID $56.55 $57.20 LONG $0.65
LCID $51.19 $51.50 LONG $0.31
LCID $50.49 $51.54 LONG $1.05
LCID $52.07 $52.25 LONG $0.18
LCID $51.90 $52.35 LONG $0.45
LCID $51.98 $52.59 LONG $0.61
GTEC $10.64 $10.85 LONG $0.21
holding VUZI $12.55 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $155.79 LONG $0.00
holding DWAC $45.30 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $52.27 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.38
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
NIO $41.98 $42.08 SHORT -$0.10
FSLR $114.41 $112.12 SHORT $2.29
XPEV $49.50 $47.74 SHORT $1.76
AMD $159.95 $159.68 SHORT $0.27
WOLF $135.53 $132.23 SHORT $3.30
MU $86.96 $85.85 SHORT $1.11
AMD $161.61 $159.59 SHORT $2.02
DG $228.28 $227.50 SHORT $0.78
WMT $144.88 $145.06 SHORT -$0.18
AMAT $149.94 $149.86 SHORT $0.08
holdover exit JKS $62.45 $60.06 SHORT $2.39
holdover exit LVS $42.12 $40.78 LONG -$1.34
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.38
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/22/21 VUZI $12.50 LONG $0.00
LCID $52.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
LVS $40.19 $40.08 SHORT $0.11
NVDA $344.28 $343.25 SHORT $1.03
NVDA $323.04 $324.11 LONG $1.07
holdover exit AMZN $3,643.86 $3,633.00 SHORT $10.86
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $13.07
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $34.83


11/19/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $154.45 $155.46 LONG $1.01
AMD $156.20 $155.72 SHORT $0.48
AMD $156.64 $156.20 SHORT $0.44
LCID $51.93 $52.02 LONG $0.09
AMD $155.56 $156.30 LONG $0.74
AMD  $156.26 $156.21 SHORT $0.05
added 11/19/21 holdover exit AMD $155.35 $155.12 SHORT $0.23
added 11/19/21 holdover exit LCID $49.09 $52.92 LONG $3.83
holding 2nd account DKNG $35.96 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.87
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $154.45 $155.25 LONG $0.80
DHI $103.60 $102.85 SHORT $0.75
AMD $156.46 $155.33 SHORT $1.13
RUN $55.55 $55.69 SHORT -$0.14
XPO $78.78 $78.48 SHORT $0.30
AAPL $160.60 $160.73 SHORT -$0.13
RUN $55.66 $55.92 SHORT -$0.26
MU $82.15 $83.13 SHORT -$0.98
ATVI $63.34 $62.62 SHORT $0.72
holding JKS $62.45 SHORT $0.00
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $38.47 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.19
Lindsey – Earnings
AMAT $158.58 $146.64 SHORT $11.94
NUAN $55.39 $55.27 SHORT $0.12
ROST $119.25 $114.14 SHORT $5.11
FL $57.23 $53.35 SHORT $3.88
added 11/16/21 holdover exit AZN $59.23 $56.96 LONG -$2.27
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/19/21 holding DKNG $39.69 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.78
Lindsey – Long Term
VUZI $13.96 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LCID $47.84 $52.25 LONG $4.41
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.41
Kipp – Active
MRNA $271.21 $270.16 SHORT $1.05
ADBE $696.71 $694.53 SHORT $2.18
AMAT $153.07 $152.35 SHORT $0.72
MU $82.06 $81.93 SHORT $0.13
MAR $154.81 $154.83 SHORT -$0.02
holding AMZN $3,643.86 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.06
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $36.31


11/18/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $154.55 $154.95 LONG $0.40
AMD $154.71 $154.92 LONG $0.21
holding AMD $154.33 SHORT $0.00
holding LCID $54.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit WMT $142.76 $143.27 LONG $0.51
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 holding DKNG $40.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.12
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ZTO $33.34 $31.61 SHORT $1.73
JD $88.88 $85.85 SHORT $3.03
BJ $70.99 $72.21 SHORT -$1.22
GPS $25.35 $24.94 SHORT $0.41
AMD $154.54 $154.85 LONG $0.31
RBLX $121.12 $124.42 LONG $3.30
AMD $157.97 $154.54 SHORT $3.43
holdover exit TGT $253.53 $255.55 LONG $2.02
added 11/18/21 holdover exit RBLX $133.16 $126.16 SHORT $7.00
added 11/18/21 holdover exit DLTR $131.01 $134.10 SHORT -$3.09
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/18/21 holdover exit AMAT $156.92 $146.64 SHORT $10.28
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DKNG $40.79 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $27.20
Lindsey – Earnings
CSCO $53.02 $52.07 LONG -$0.95
VSCO $50.70 $55.05 LONG $4.35
BJ $60.00 $63.63 LONG $3.63
KSS $56.16 $60.60 LONG $4.44
PLCE $103.66 $105.50 LONG $1.84
BBWI $74.85 $79.97 LONG $5.12
CSIQ $38.65 $40.80 LONG $2.15
added 11/16/21 holding AZN $59.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DKNG $40.94 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $20.58
Lindsey – Long Term
VUZI $13.96 LONG $0.00
LCID $47.84 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ZTO $34.38 $33.52 SHORT $0.86
KSS $61.59 $61.92 SHORT -$0.33
AMZN $3,609.25 $3,603.68 SHORT $5.57
BJ $68.44 $67.62 SHORT $0.82
NFLX $682.79 $682.00 LONG -$0.79
holding AMZN $3,643.86 SHORT $0.00
LCID $46.13 $46.26 LONG $0.13
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit BABA $154.00 $144.06 SHORT $9.94
TOTAL $16.20
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $65.10


11/17/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
TGT $252.54 $251.04 SHORT $1.50
LCID $53.65 $57.48 LONG $3.83
AMD $150.80 $150.35 SHORT $0.45
AMC $43.62 $43.92 LONG $0.30
AMD $150.80 $151.75 LONG $0.95
AMD $151.51 $151.25 SHORT $0.26
NVAX $179.25 $177.25 SHORT $2.00
AMD $153.75 $153.65 SHORT $0.10
AMD $151.72 $152.38 LONG $0.66
AMD $151.61 $151.00 SHORT $0.61
AMD $151.50 $151.97 LONG $0.47
ADM $151.95 $152.22 LONG $0.27
AMD $151.88 $152.25 LONG $0.37
AMD $151.06 $151.33 LONG $0.27
AMD $151.35 $151.63 LONG $0.28
holding LCID $54.08 LONG $0.00
holding WMT $142.76 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $254.20 LONG $0.00
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 holding DKNG $40.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.32
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BBBY $23.96 $23.23 SHORT $0.73
TJX $75.75 $73.73 SHORT $2.02
DHI $101.61 $100.87 SHORT $0.74
DDD $25.80 $25.40 SHORT $0.40
RCL $83.46 $83.47 SHORT -$0.01
PTON $53.63 $51.13 SHORT $2.50
holdover exit PBLY $38.21 $38.36 SHORT -$0.15
holdover exit AMD $150.98 $150.05 SHORT $0.93
holding TGT $253.53 LONG $0.00
holding RBLX $124.76 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $128.41 SHORT $0.00
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 holding AMAT $154.11 SHORT $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding Z $65.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DKNG $40.79 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.16
Lindsey – Earnings
DLB $84.86 $86.86 LONG $2.00
LZB $37.58 $40.60 LONG $3.02
STNE $24.69 $21.64 LONG -$3.05
TJX $69.72 $73.73 LONG $4.01
WBR $14.53 $14.41 LONG -$0.12
added 11/16/21 holding AZN $59.23 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DIS $161.48 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holdover exit DDD $26.49 $25.40 LONG -$1.09
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding DKNG $40.94 LONG $0.00
added 11/17/21 holding TWTR $53.68 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.77
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NFLX $694.49 $692.42 SHORT $2.07
NVAX $179.00 $178.00 SHORT $1.00
RIVN $142.91 $144.10 LONG $1.19
AAPL $154.09 $154.44 SHORT -$0.35
RBLX $123.63 $123.13 SHORT $0.50
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.41
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $28.66


11/16/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
LCID $47.55 $49.97 LONG $2.42
AMD $147.17 $147.69 LONG $0.52
AMD $147.62 $148.00 LONG $0.38
AMD $147.85 $148.80 LONG $0.95
DNMR $14.93 $15.19 LONG $0.26
ATVI $71.48 $71.79 LONG $0.31
WMT $142.97 $143.15 LONG $0.18
ATVI $72.05 $71.68 SHORT $0.37
AMC $41.55 $41.70 LONG $0.15
NKE $173.00 $172.97 SHORT $0.03
PYPL $212.65 $213.67 LONG $1.02
AMD $151.24 $150.65 SHORT $0.59
ATVI $67.65 $68.38 LONG $0.73
LVS $40.25 $40.71 LONG $0.46
LCID $51.80 $51.97 LONG $0.17
AMD $150.60 $151.14 LONG $0.54
AMD $151.90 $151.52 SHORT $0.38
LCID $54.11 $54.99 LONG $0.88
AMD $152.25 $151.83 SHORT $0.42
AMD $152.69 $152.53 SHORT $0.16
AMD $152.84 $152.60 SHORT $0.24
AMD $152.97 $152.69 SHORT $0.28
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
2nd account holdover exit LCID $44.25 $47.66 LONG $3.41
holdover exit VUZI $14.36 $15.16 LONG $0.80
added 11/10/21 holdover exit MRNA $231.11 $236.05 LONG $4.94
added 11/16/21 holding DKNG $40.03 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holdover exit LCID $23.84 $47.66 LONG $23.82
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $44.41
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
LCID $48.40 $49.94 LONG $1.54
RXT $17.97 $17.17 SHORT $0.80
UBER $46.46 $45.86 SHORT $0.60
WMT $143.31 $143.61 LONG $0.30
LEN $108.98 $108.28 SHORT $0.70
added 11/15/21 holdover exit PTON $49.84 $51.15 LONG $1.31
NTES $111.11 $110.40 SHORT $0.71
holding PBLY $38.21 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $150.98 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $128.41 SHORT $0.00
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 holding AMAT $154.11 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.21 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.96
Lindsey – Earnings
LCID $43.96 $46.64 LONG $2.68
PLBY $31.39 $32.00 LONG $0.61
RXT $14.93 $16.25 LONG $1.32
NTES $110.91 $111.07 SHORT -$0.16
WMT $146.60 $144.14 SHORT $2.46
added 11/16/21 holding AZN $59.23 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $165.22 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DDD $27.19 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/16/21 holdover exit ATVI $69.05 $71.71 LONG $2.66
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.57
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/16/21 FUBO $24.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DNMR $14.85 $15.14 LONG $0.29
PTON $51.33 $51.04 SHORT $0.29
AMAT $157.24 $157.81 SHORT -$0.57
AMD $150.75 $151.36 SHORT -$0.61
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.60
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $59.34


11/15/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
DWAC $59.61 $59.75 LONG $0.14
AMC $42.40 $42.59 LONG $0.19
AMD $146.68 $146.46 SHORT $0.22
AMD $145.86 $146.07 LONG $0.21
added holdover exit LCID $44.25 $45.12 LONG $0.87
holdover exit TGT $256.51 $268.25 LONG $11.74
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
2nd account holding LCID $44.25 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $14.36 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding MRNA $231.11 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding DKNG $42.53 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.37
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $237.73 $234.68 SHORT $3.05
WYNN $97.97 $96.18 SHORT $1.79
FB $349.51 $347.47 SHORT $2.04
UAL $50.40 $50.59 SHORT -$0.19
URBN $36.77 $38.86 SHORT -$2.09
AMD $146.36 $146.22 SHORT $0.14
holding DLTR $128.41 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit APLS $44.44 $42.24 SHORT $2.20
holdover exit CHWY $75.84 $74.74 SHORT $1.10
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/15/21 holding PTON $49.84 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.21 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.04
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
holding AZN $60.90 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $165.22 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DDD $27.19 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/11/21 FUBO $26.01 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BABA $228.90 $227.90 SHORT $1.00
holding DLTR $125.47 SHORT $0.00
SQ $235.88 $235.60 SHORT $0.28
LVS $41.10 $41.35 SHORT -$0.25
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.03
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.44


11/12/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
LONG $0.00
holding LCID $44.69 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding MRNA $231.11 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding DKNG $42.53 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FTCH $46.52 $46.47 SHORT $0.05
MU $76.99 $77.24 SHORT -$0.25
RBLX $107.07 $107.24 SHORT -$0.17
WYNN $93.72 $93.99 SHORT -$0.27
WYNN $93.20 $93.40 SHORT -$0.20
holding APLS $44.44 SHORT $0.00
holding CHWY $75.84 SHORT $0.00
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PTON $54.09 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/12/21 holdover exit AMD $146.80 $147.86 SHORT -$1.06
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.21 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$1.90
Lindsey – Earnings
ARRY $22.11 $23.32 LONG $1.21
BLNK $34.94 $36.96 LONG $2.02
GAN $14.32 $13.69 LONG -$0.63
PAGS $33.81 $36.96 LONG $3.15
WRBY $52.95 $55.55 LONG $2.60
holding AZN $60.90 LONG $0.00
holdover exit BYND $86.71 $84.81 LONG -$1.90
holding DIS $165.22 LONG $0.00
holdover exit POSH $22.38 $20.60 LONG -$1.78
added 11/11/21 holding DDD $27.19 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holdover exit PLTR $23.35 $22.41 LONG -$0.94
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holdover exit CHGG $31.70 $29.46 LONG -$2.24
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.49
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/11/21 FUBO $26.01 LONG $0.00
holdover exit VUZI $12.48 $13.96 LONG $1.48
holdover exit DWAC $60.06 $62.62 LONG $2.56
TOTAL $4.04
Kipp – Active
FTCH $46.44 $45.44 SHORT $1.00
STX $115.54 $115.25 SHORT $0.29
SHOP $1,598.92 $1,592.19 SHORT $6.73
holding ETSY $266.74 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.02
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $11.65


11/11/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
VUZI $12.62 $12.91 LONG $0.29
LCID $44.41 $44.79 LONG $0.38
LCID $44.85 $45.71 LONG $0.86
VUZI $12.80 $12.95 LONG $0.15
AMD $143.30 $143.41 LONG $0.11
AMD $143.40 $143.25 SHORT $0.15
AMD $145.75 $145.30 SHORT $0.45
holdover exit LCID $42.06 $44.02 LONG $1.96
aver of 2 exits holdover exit AMD $142.48 $142.75 LONG $0.27
holding LCID $44.69 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding MRNA $231.11 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding DKNG $42.53 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.62
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
OPEN $23.96 $22.51 SHORT $1.45
BROS $71.17 $66.66 SHORT $4.51
WYNN $94.83 $94.60 SHORT $0.23
RUN $57.97 $57.56 SHORT $0.41
AMD $144.44 $144.15 SHORT $0.29
EA $144.99 $144.20 SHORT $0.79
DLTR $113.73 $113.80 SHORT -$0.07
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PTON $54.09 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding AMD 144..93 SHORT $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.21 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.61
Lindsey – Earnings
AFRM $135.69 $145.90 LONG $10.21
holding BYND $86.71 LONG $0.00
BMBL $40.33 $38.29 LONG -$2.04
OPEN $19.29 $21.21 LONG $1.92
SOFI $20.34 $22.44 LONG $2.10
holding DIS $165.22 LONG $0.00
TPR $42.83 $45.54 LONG $2.71
holding POSH $22.38 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holding DDD $27.19 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding PLTR $23.35 LONG $0.00
added 11/11/21 holdover exit DHI $95.15 $96.36 SHORT -$1.21
added 11/11/21 holding DKNG $43.50 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holdover exit EAT $41.60 $43.25 SHORT -$1.65
added 11/11/21 holding CHGG $31.70 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.04
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/11/21 FUBO $26.01 LONG $0.00
VUZI $12.48 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LCID $42.18 $44.44 LONG $2.26
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.26
Kipp – Active
NFLX $655.91 $653.86 SHORT $2.05
WYNN $93.96 $93.43 SHORT $0.53
BHP $55.01 $55.01 SHORT $0.00
BIDU $168.24 $167.99 SHORT $0.25
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.83
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $29.36


11/10/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $141.60 $145.00 LONG $3.40
LCID $41.35 $43.82 LONG $2.47
AMC $38.21 $38.65 LONG $0.44
AMC $38.99 $39.68 LONG $0.69
AMD $143.44 $144.65 LONG $1.21
RBLX $101.79 $103.01 LONG $1.22
VUZI $12.54 $12.88 LONG $0.34
AMD $145.22 $146.01 LONG $0.79
AMC $39.39 $39.47 LONG $0.08
LCID $43.69 $44.75 LONG $1.06
VUZI $12.65 $12.86 LONG $0.21
AMD $145.29 $145.50 LONG $0.21
AMC $38.40 $38.65 LONG $0.25
holding LCID $42.06 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $142.48 LONG $0.00
2nd acccount holdover exit LVS $41.26 $41.55 LONG $0.29
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
added 11/09/21 holdover exit LVS $41.39 $41.55 LONG $0.16
added 11/10/21 holding MRNA $231.11 LONG $0.00
holdover exit VXX $20.84 $21.68 LONG $0.84
added 11/10/21 holding DKNG $42.53 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.66
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BILI $81.90 $81.56 SHORT $0.34
U $188.44 $180.40 SHORT $8.04
LEN $108.08 $107.48 SHORT $0.60
RBLX $96.96 $98.98 LONG $2.02
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PTON $54.09 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/03/21 holding AMD $132.76 SHORT $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding DKNG $45.28 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.00
Lindsey – Earnings
FUBO $32.93 $35.53 LONG $2.60
NIO $39.86 $41.41 LONG $1.55
holding POSH $22.38 LONG $0.00
ELY $29.83 $29.57 SHORT $0.26
SGMS $79.75 $76.67 SHORT $3.08
WYNN $93.88 $91.65 SHORT $2.23
holding DDD $31.07 LONG $0.00
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 11/10/21 holding PLTR $23.35 LONG $0.00
holding DHI $93.35 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $44.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding CHGG $33.14 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.72
Lindsey – Long Term
FUBO $26.76 LONG $0.00
VUZI $12.48 LONG $0.00
LCID $42.18 LONG $0.00
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DASH $222.45 $219.74 SHORT $2.71
AMZN $3,595.23 $3,585.01 SHORT $10.22
BILI $83.81 $84.05 SHORT -$0.24
BA  $225.14 $224.76 SHORT $0.38
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $13.07
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $47.45


11/9/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
RBLX $102.50 $98.35 SHORT $4.15
AMC $41.01 $41.55 LONG $0.54
AMD $148.65 $147.35 SHORT $1.30
LCID $42.42 $44.93 LONG $2.51
AMD $145.69 $147.25 LONG $1.56
DIS $173.85 $174.65 LONG $0.80
AMD $148.60 $149.69 LONG $1.09
LCID $43.20 $43.93 LONG $0.73
VUZI $13.56 $13.84 LONG $0.28
AMD $148.90 $149.45 LONG $0.55
AMD $148.68 $149.03 LONG $0.35
AMD $147.63 $147.34 SHORT $0.29
AMC $39.88 $39.95 LONG $0.07
LCID $43.73 $44.05 LONG $0.32
LCID $44.39 $44.85 LONG $0.46
2nd acccount holding (added 11/09/21) LVS $41.26 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
added 11/09/21 holding LVS $41.39 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding MRNA $244.31 LONG $0.00
holdover exit VUZI $12.77 $13.40 LONG $0.63
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding DKNG $45.23 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.63
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FIVN $166.66 $163.63 SHORT $3.03
LEN $107.97 $107.80 SHORT $0.17
TTD $97.07 $96.91 SHORT $0.16
AMD $148.48 $148.98 LONG $0.50
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PTON $54.09 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holdover exit SBUX $113.63 $114.09 SHORT -$0.46
added 11/03/21 holding AMD $132.76 SHORT $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding DKNG $45.28 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.40
Lindsey – Earnings
holding DDD $31.07 LONG $0.00
RBLX $77.42 $85.85 LONG $8.43
holding TRIP $33.19 LONG $0.00
VUZI $11.77 $12.61 LONG $0.84
holding PLTR $26.10 LONG $0.00
holding DHI $93.35 SHORT $0.00
SEAS $68.81 $66.39 SHORT $2.42
SYY $80.65 $78.78 SHORT $1.87
holdover exit DBX $28.83 $28.52 LONG -$0.31
holding DKNG $44.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holdover exit PENN $61.60 $59.07 LONG -$2.53
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding CHGG $33.14 LONG $0.00
holdover exit UAA $23.75 $24.80 SHORT -$1.05
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.67
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/08/21 holdover exit VUZI $11.85 $12.61 LONG $0.76
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holdover exit PENN $61.05 $59.07 LONG -$1.98
TOTAL -$1.22
Kipp – Active
RBLX $102.15 $100.83 SHORT $1.32
TRIP $32.48 $32.28 SHORT $0.20
GE $115.00 $114.57 SHORT $0.43
FIVN $165.42 $164.42 SHORT $1.00
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit TDOC $144.34 $143.33 SHORT $1.01
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.96
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $31.44


11/8/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $139.45 $140.20 LONG $0.75
GREE $26.44 $27.50 LONG $1.06
AMD $139.39 $140.01 LONG $0.62
GREE $27.30 $27.65 LONG $0.35
AMC $42.01 $42.31 LONG $0.30
PTON $50.11 $50.51 LONG $0.40
NKE $171.72 $172.63 LONG $0.91
AMD $140.20 $141.20 LONG $1.00
AMC $42.44 $42.67 LONG $0.23
2nd acccount LCID $44.65 $45.80 LONG $1.15
AMD $141.75 $142.20 LONG $0.45
AMD $144.86 $148.01 LONG $3.15
AMD $145.45 $146.30 LONG $0.85
AMD $148.62 $149.99 LONG $1.37
2nd acccount holding LVS $42.25 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $42.73 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding MRNA $244.31 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $12.77 LONG $0.00
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding DKNG $45.23 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.59
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $139.13 $140.20 LONG $1.07
LYFT $55.77 $55.11 SHORT $0.66
AMD $147.74 $145.45 SHORT $2.29
NKE $170.70 $171.12 LONG $0.42
TTD $88.88 $87.72 SHORT $1.16
CLSK $22.99 $22.44 SHORT $0.55
MU $74.97 $74.79 SHORT $0.18
NKE $171.71 $171.82 SHORT -$0.11
holdover exit RCL $94.94 $93.93 SHORT $1.01
holding LVS $42.12 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PTON $54.09 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding SBUX $113.63 SHORT $0.00
added 11/03/21 holding AMD $132.76 SHORT $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding DKNG $45.28 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 11/02/21 holdover exit PYPL $235.25 $241.41 LONG $6.16
TOTAL $13.39
Lindsey – Earnings
holding DBX $28.83 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $44.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/08/21 holding PENN $61.60 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding CHGG $33.14 LONG $0.00
holding UAA $23.75 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 11/08/21 VUZI $11.85 LONG $0.00
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SKLZ $11.11 $12.12 LONG $1.01
added 11/08/21 PENN $61.05 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.01
Kipp – Active
AMZN $3,571.07 $3,560.29 SHORT $10.78
holding TTD $84.73 SHORT $0.00
NVDA $309.06 $308.29 SHORT $0.77
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.55
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $38.54


11/5/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
PENN $59.97 $60.75 LONG $0.78
PTON $56.99 $59.90 LONG $2.91
LCID $36.43 $36.96 LONG $0.53
PINS $45.50 $45.62 LONG $0.12
AMD $137.60 $137.60 LONG $0.00
AMD $139.10 $138.05 SHORT $1.05
NKE $178.95 $178.69 SHORT $0.26
AMD $138.42 $138.50 LONG $0.08
AMD $136.47 $136.52 LONG $0.05
GREE $25.11 $25.31 LONG $0.20
holding TGT $256.51 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $42.73 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding MRNA $244.31 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MGM $47.92 $50.35 LONG $2.43
holding VUZI $12.77 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PENN $60.75 $61.88 LONG $1.13
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding DKNG $45.23 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.54
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SHAK $94.69 $90.09 SHORT $4.60
NCLH $29.29 $28.64 SHORT $0.65
BYND $100.01 $99.68 LONG -$0.33
LYFT $53.05 $53.16 SHORT -$0.11
LYFT $53.35 $52.92 SHORT $0.43
LVS $42.64 $42.75 SHORT -$0.11
LEN $103.96 $104.66 SHORT -$0.70
DIS $175.75 $176.13 SHORT -$0.38
GREE $24.96 $25.11 LONG $0.15
NKE $178.87 $177.77 SHORT $1.10
holding RCL $94.94 SHORT $0.00
holding PTON $58.70 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding SBUX $113.63 SHORT $0.00
added 11/03/21 holding AMD $132.76 SHORT $0.00
added 11/05/21 holding DKNG $45.28 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 11/02/21 holding PYPL $235.25 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.30
Lindsey – Earnings
ABNB $178.66 $191.19 LONG $12.53
BE $30.10 $31.31 LONG $1.21
PINS $44.18 $46.64 LONG $2.46
UBER $45.09 $47.47 LONG $2.38
GRPN $22.91 $25.52 LONG $2.61
SFM $23.03 $24.13 SHORT -$1.10
RUN $58.11 $56.56 SHORT $1.55
holdover exit CLR $45.55 $45.86 SHORT -$0.31
holding DBX $28.83 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $44.68 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding PENN $64.91 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding CHGG $33.14 LONG $0.00
holding UAA $23.75 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $21.33
Lindsey – Long Term
VUZI $12.60 LONG $0.00
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LVS $40.04 $42.42 LONG $2.38
SKLZ $11.11 LONG $0.00
PENN $63.26 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MGM $47.74 $50.05 LONG $2.31
TOTAL $4.69
Kipp – Active
PFE $47.87 $47.22 SHORT $0.65
SBUX $115.30 $115.65 SHORT -$0.35
BA  $220.16 $219.22 SHORT $0.94
DIS $174.82 $174.87 SHORT -$0.05
ABNB $199.53 $198.19 SHORT $1.34
BYD $68.06 $67.77 SHORT $0.29
NVDA $310.37 $309.72 SHORT $0.65
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.47
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $44.33


11/4/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
ROKU $289.61 $298.85 LONG $9.24
AMD $131.75 $132.25 LONG $0.50
AMD $132.36 $133.03 LONG $0.67
ETSY $279.41 $277.04 SHORT $2.37
AMD $135.23 $134.96 SHORT $0.27
PTON $86.47 $87.07 LONG $0.60
AMD $135.13 $135.55 LONG $0.42
DKS $129.50 $130.00 LONG $0.50
AMD $134.15 $134.55 LONG $0.40
holding MRNA $284.13 LONG $0.00
holding MGM $47.92 LONG $0.00
holding VUZI $12.77 LONG $0.00
holding PENN $59.97 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holdover exit AMC $39.77 $40.62 LONG $0.85
2nd account holdover exit VUZI $12.74 $13.53 LONG $0.79
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit VUZI $12.62 $13.53 LONG $0.91
added 11/04/21 holding DKNG $45.23 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $17.52
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
VUZI $12.48 $13.31 LONG $0.83
ROKU $290.09 $301.31 LONG $11.22
DDD $34.34 $33.66 SHORT $0.68
JPM $166.55 $166.60 LONG $0.05
holding AMAT $146.84 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit KR $42.12 $43.31 SHORT -$1.19
holdover exit BYD $66.66 $65.65 SHORT $1.01
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
holding SBUX $111.11 SHORT $0.00
added 11/03/21 holding AMD $126.90 SHORT $0.00
added 11/01/21 holdover exit BE $31.76 $30.40 SHORT $1.36
added 11/04/21 holding DKNG $45.88 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 11/02/21 holding PYPL $235.25 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.96
Lindsey – Earnings
EA $139.21 $144.41 LONG $5.20
KTOS $22.60 $21.61 LONG -$0.99
MGM $48.80 $49.49 LONG $0.69
PETQ $26.01 $26.62 LONG $0.61
SKLZ $12.30 $13.14 LONG $0.84
NTLA $135.17 $137.37 LONG $2.20
SSYS $32.22 $38.38 LONG $6.16
holding CLR $45.55 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding PENN $64.91 LONG $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding ATVI $71.45 LONG $0.00
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding CHGG $33.14 LONG $0.00
holding UAA $23.75 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding TWTR $56.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.71
Lindsey – Long Term
VUZI $12.60 LONG $0.00
DWAC $60.06 LONG $0.00
LVS $40.04 LONG $0.00
SKLZ $11.11 LONG $0.00
PENN $63.26 LONG $0.00
MGM $47.74 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
QCOM $157.85 $156.84 SHORT $1.01
NVDA $283.04 $281.92 SHORT $1.12
ADBE $674.27 $673.15 SHORT $1.12
AMZN $3,460.26 $3,455.00 SHORT $5.26
MRNA $282.19 $282.60 LONG $0.41
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
added 11/04/21 holding GOOGL $2,901.23 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.92
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $55.11


11/3/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMC $41.71 $42.05 LONG $0.34
AMD $128.28 $128.82 LONG $0.54
AMD $128.97 $129.15 LONG $0.18
AMC $42.41 $43.25 LONG $0.84
AMD $128.79 $128.95 LONG $0.16
NKE $170.92 $171.05 SHORT -$0.13
MSFT $331.41 $334.27 LONG $2.86
AMD $128.13 $128.75 LONG $0.62
2nd account AMD $128.17 $128.75 LONG $0.58
MRNA $340.83 $343.25 LONG $2.42
2nd account LCID $35.85 $36.84 LONG $0.99
AMD $129.75 $129.82 LONG $0.07
NKE $171.00 $172.10 LONG $1.10
WY $33.01 $33.14 SHORT -$0.13
holding AMC $40.86 LONG $0.00
2nd account holding VUZI $12.74 LONG $0.00
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit CAR $306.69 $305.50 SHORT $1.19
holding VUZI $12.62 LONG $0.00
holdover exit FUBO $33.76 $34.15 LONG $0.39
added 11/3/21 holding DKNG $47.57 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.02
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WY $37.99 $38.11 SHORT -$0.12
JPM $170.70 $170.07 SHORT $0.63
UAL $48.84 $48.96 SHORT -$0.12
BBBY $27.37 $22.22 SHORT $5.15
holdover exit SKX $46.46 $47.47 LONG $1.01
holdover exit CAR $317.97 $297.99 SHORT $19.98
holding KR $42.12 SHORT $0.00
holding BYD $66.66 SHORT $0.00
holding Z $69.41 LONG $0.00
holding SBUX $111.11 SHORT $0.00
added 11/3/21 holding AMD $126.90 SHORT $0.00
added 11/1/21 holding BE $31.76 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 11/02/21 holding PYPL $235.25 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $26.53
Lindsey – Earnings
holding ATVI $75.24 LONG $0.00
EXAS $91.70 $92.92 LONG $1.22
Z $82.18 $86.86 LONG $4.68
CPRI $55.32 $62.40 LONG $7.08
CVS $91.03 $94.94 LONG $3.91
SPR $42.28 $40.25 LONG -$2.03
holding EAT $41.60 SHORT $0.00
TUP $23.45 $19.91 SHORT $3.54
holding CHGG $41.51 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MOS $39.89 $39.55 LONG -$0.34
holdover exit RL $124.26 $122.15 LONG -$2.11
holding UAA $23.75 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit HOOD $36.94 $37.37 LONG $0.43
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.38
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NKE $170.90 $171.00 SHORT -$0.10
DKS $133.73 $132.96 SHORT $0.77
WYNN $92.92 $93.07 SHORT -$0.15
WY  $37.97 $38.10 SHORT -$0.13
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.39
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $55.32


11/2/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
SPG $158.44 $156.25 SHORT $2.19
LCID $33.95 $35.38 LONG $1.43
holding VXX $20.84 LONG $0.00
MGM $47.65 $47.73 LONG $0.08
WYNN $91.45 $91.93 LONG $0.48
holding CAR $306.69 SHORT $0.00
AMD $126.50 $127.26 LONG $0.76
AMD $127.42 $128.00 LONG $0.58
DWAC $58.15 $58.95 LONG $0.80
AMD $127.14 $127.55 LONG $0.41
AMD $127.34 $127.63 LONG $0.29
AMD $127.45 $127.63 LONG $0.18
AMD $127.06 $127.20 LONG $0.14
VUZI $12.01 $12.87 LONG $0.86
AMD $127.09 $127.01 LONG -$0.08
holding VUZI $12.62 LONG $0.00
holding FUBO $33.76 LONG $0.00
holdover exit X $25.94 $25.95 LONG $0.01
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.13
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SPG $157.92 $155.55 SHORT $2.37
SKT $19.06 $19.01 SHORT $0.05
TGT $260.90 $260.05 SHORT $0.85
WMT $150.15 $149.79 SHORT $0.36
NVAX $194.94 $192.65 SHORT $2.29
holdover exit MGM $48.22 $47.47 SHORT $0.75
holding SKX $46.46 LONG $0.00
holding CAR $317.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SBUX $111.11 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $123.81 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit BILI $80.48 $77.85 SHORT $2.63
added 11/1/21 holding BE $31.76 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 11/02/21 holding PYPL $235.25 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.30
Lindsey – Earnings
CAR $171.11 $177.77 LONG $6.66
holding CHGG $41.51 LONG $0.00
FANG $111.65 $113.66 LONG $2.01
holding MOS $39.89 LONG $0.00
LPX $60.40 $63.63 LONG $3.23
PFE $43.69 $45.45 LONG $1.76
holding RL $124.26 LONG $0.00
BLMN $22.48 $21.21 SHORT $1.27
holding UAA $23.75 SHORT $0.00
holding HOOD $36.94 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.93
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
UAA $25.47 $25.28 SHORT $0.19
NVDA $265.54 $265.07 SHORT $0.47
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.66
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $33.02


11/1/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
HOG $40.37 $39.55 SHORT $0.82
AMD $118.81 $119.55 LONG $0.74
MRNA $321.55 $325.25 LONG $3.70
PINS $45.29 $44.75 SHORT $0.54
X $25.77 $26.06 LONG $0.29
MSFT $327.50 $327.89 LONG $0.39
AMD $119.20 $119.57 LONG $0.37
HOG $39.05 $39.11 LONG $0.06
FSLR $119.25 $119.25 LONG $0.00
DIS $170.72 $169.85 SHORT $0.87
AMD $119.70 $121.55 LONG $1.85
AMD $121.01 $121.53 LONG $0.52
AMD $123.15 $122.75 SHORT $0.40
AMD $122.97 $123.05 LONG $0.08
AMD $122.55 $123.50 LONG $0.95
LCID $36.15 $36.81 LONG $0.66
holdover exit VUZI $11.13 $11.70 LONG $0.57
holding X $25.94 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit VUZI $10.92 $11.70 LONG $0.78
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit ETON $5.59 $6.20 LONG $0.61
TOTAL $14.20
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ON $53.96 $51.51 SHORT $2.45
HOG $40.04 $38.83 SHORT $1.21
DIS $170.70 $169.69 SHORT $1.01
CROX $167.52 $166.00 SHORT $1.52
ON $55.05 $54.65 SHORT $0.40
SI $178.78 $183.83 LONG $5.05
SBUX $110.10 $109.67 SHORT $0.43
holding MGM $48.22 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $123.81 SHORT $0.00
holding BILI $80.48 SHORT $0.00
added 11/1/21 holding BE $31.76 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding PYPL $240.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.07
Lindsey – Earnings
VUZI $11.61 $12.12 LONG $0.51
holding HOOD $36.94 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.51
Lindsey – Long Term
added holdover exit VUZI $11.98 $12.12 LONG $0.14
TOTAL $0.14
Kipp – Active
HOG $40.18 $39.75 SHORT $0.43
BILI $77.66 $77.39 SHORT $0.27
SBUX $109.75 $109.76 SHORT -$0.01
SHOP $1,508.76 $1,502.36 SHORT $6.40
BA  $211.05 $210.88 SHORT $0.17
SI  $190.38 $189.51 SHORT $0.87
holdover exit ETSY $248.51 $246.50 SHORT $2.01
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $10.14
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $37.06


10/29/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
X $26.85 $25.83 SHORT $1.02
SBUX $104.85 $105.63 LONG $0.78
EMPH $235.70 $230.45 SHORT $5.25
MRNA $340.45 $343.00 LONG $2.55
AMD $120.85 $121.45 LONG $0.60
AMD $122.10 $122.36 LONG $0.26
AMD $120.54 $121.09 LONG $0.55
SBUX $104.85 $105.63 LONG $0.78
X $26.40 $26.65 LONG $0.25
X $26.83 $26.93 LONG $0.10
WYNN $89.95 $90.85 LONG $0.90
PYPL $235.80 $236.06 LONG $0.26
AMD $121.10 $121.30 LONG $0.20
holding 2nd account VUZI $11.13 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
added 10/25/21 holdover exit INTC $48.80 $49.20 LONG $0.40
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.90
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SKX $49.49 $46.46 SHORT $3.03
$26.74 $26.52 SHORT $0.22
SM $35.80 $33.33 SHORT $2.47
SBUX $106.06 $106.36 LONG $0.30
BE $30.96 $30.45 SHORT $0.51
COIN $326.26 $323.23 SHORT $3.03
GREE $26.62 $25.25 SHORT $1.37
NWL $23.32 $23.43 SHORT -$0.11
ABBV $114.82 $114.32 SHORT $0.50
AMD $121.42 $121.08 SHORT $0.34
EBAY $76.76 $76.73 SHORT $0.03
holdover exit AMD $121.05 $122.21 LONG $1.16
holdover exit BYND $99.44 $99.44 SHORT $0.00
holding BE $31.21 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding PYPL $240.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.85
Lindsey – Earnings
GILD $67.03 $64.41 LONG -$2.62
HTH $34.69 $35.53 LONG $0.84
ABBV $109.22 $113.96 LONG $4.74
WY $36.10 $35.66 LONG -$0.44
AAPL $152.50 $146.46 SHORT $6.04
SKX $47.17 $46.46 SHORT $0.71
SBUX $112.58 $109.90 SHORT $2.68
WDC $57.05 $52.50 SHORT $4.55
holding HOOD $36.94 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
holdover exit HOG $37.09 $36.63 SHORT $0.46
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.96
Lindsey – Long Term
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
X $26.56 $26.47 SHORT $0.09
HUN $32.92 $32.86 SHORT $0.06
FB $324.72 $323.70 SHORT $1.02
ETSY $248.51 SHORT $0.00
COIN $324.87 $323.41 SHORT $1.46
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.63
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $46.34


10/28/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
MRNA $344.75 $352.00 LONG $7.25
ENPH $225.70 $221.00 SHORT $4.70
AMD $121.56 $122.45 LONG $0.89
average of two exits EBAY $72.10 $72.70 LONG $0.60
WOLF $118.52 $116.40 SHORT $2.12
AMD $122.42 $123.01 LONG $0.59
WOLF $123.00 $120.61 SHORT $2.39
TDOC $152.40 $151.25 SHORT $1.15
AMD $121.61 $122.00 LONG $0.39
MGM $46.75 $46.97 LONG $0.22
AMD $120.92 $121.07 LONG $0.15
FB $324.75 $322.05 SHORT $2.70
CROX $157.01 $156.25 SHORT $0.76
2nd account VUZI $10.72 $11.28 LONG $0.56
AMD $120.50 $120.72 SHORT $0.22
added 10/27/21 holdover exit DWAC $63.61 $71.65 LONG $8.04
holding 2nd account VUZI $11.13 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
added 10/25/21 sold half INTC $48.80 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $32.73
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WOLF $120.16 $120.54 SHORT -$0.38
LC $42.42 $40.40 SHORT $2.02
CYH $11.99 $11.55 SHORT $0.44
OSTK $92.91 $94.55 SHORT -$1.64
TDOC $149.49 $148.45 SHORT $1.04
BUD $63.63 $62.62 SHORT $1.01
TTWO $186.20 $183.38 SHORT $2.82
FB $322.15 $320.20 SHORT $1.95
CROX $156.96 $155.55 SHORT $1.41
holding AMD $121.05 LONG $0.00
holding BYND $99.44 SHORT $0.00
added 10/28/21 holdover exit ENPH $221.10 $212.12 SHORT $8.98
holdover exit MSFT $324.84 $323.58 SHORT $1.26
added 10/27/21 holdover exit DWAC $69.46 $74.47 LONG $5.01
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding PYPL $240.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $23.92
Lindsey – Earnings
IRBT $78.09 $82.28 LONG $4.19
NTGR $29.68 $29.75 LONG $0.07
TDOC $135.51 $141.41 LONG $5.90
BAX $82.31 $83.38 LONG $1.07
CHKP $117.96 $121.21 LONG $3.25
EBAY $77.86 $75.57 SHORT $2.29
EW $116.53 $115.15 SHORT $1.38
YUMC $58.57 $57.57 SHORT $1.00
TPX $46.88 $45.15 SHORT $1.73
YUM $126.16 $124.12 SHORT $2.04
holding HOOD $36.94 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
holding HOG $37.09 SHORT $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $22.92
Lindsey – Long Term
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ETSY $242.51 $242.38 SHORT $0.13
WOLF $117.18 $116.08 SHORT $1.10
SHOP $1,456.74 $1,456.24 SHORT $0.50
holding TDOC $144.34 SHORT $0.00
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.73
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $81.30


10/27/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
ENPH $214.07 $210.00 SHORT $4.07
AMD $123.17 $124.55 LONG $1.38
MRNA $339.35 $343.60 LONG $4.25
NKE $161.70 $162.15 LONG $0.45
DIS $170.30 $170.62 LONG $0.32
PYPL $235.25 $238.45 LONG $3.20
DWAC $57.92 $66.50 LONG $8.58
HOG $37.73 $38.17 LONG $0.44
added 10/27/21 holding DWAC $63.61 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
added 10/27/21 holdover exit AMD $124.86 $121.55 SHORT $3.31
holdover exit MRNA $343.03 $339.50 SHORT $3.53
added 10/27/21 holdover exit PHUN $5.25 $5.35 LONG $0.10
added 10/25/21 sold half INTC $48.80 LONG $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/27/21 holdover exit AMD $123.14 $121.57 SHORT $1.57
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $31.20
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SPOT $269.95 $261.61 SHORT $8.34
RRC $26.39 $25.95 SHORT $0.44
HAS $94.51 $94.70 SHORT -$0.19
LVS $40.40 $40.33 SHORT $0.07
MRNA $343.34 $341.01 SHORT $2.33
holding ENPH $213.32 SHORT $0.00
holding HOG $37.03 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $324.84 SHORT $0.00
added 10/27/21 holding DWAC $69.46 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit WSM $128.30 $128.28 SHORT $0.02
added 10/27/21 holdover exit BE $27.10 $27.57 SHORT -$0.47
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holdover exit MRNA $345.57 $339.89 SHORT $5.68
holdover exit DIS $171.20 $169.96 SHORT $1.24
added 10/27/21 holding PYPL $240.28 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit NVAX $146.30 $152.52 LONG $6.22
TOTAL $23.68
Lindsey – Earnings
BYD $66.74 $67.34 LONG $0.60
ENPH $173.65 $183.83 LONG $10.18
FFIV $205.10 $213.13 LONG $8.03
holding HOOD $36.94 LONG $0.00
holding TWTR $58.93 LONG $0.00
AMD $124.32 $122.21 SHORT $2.11
BSX $44.35 $43.86 SHORT $0.49
GRMN $160.21 $155.00 SHORT $5.21
holding HOG $37.09 SHORT $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $26.62
Lindsey – Long Term
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
SPOT $275.30 $271.08 SHORT $4.22
HOG $37.43 $37.41 SHORT $0.02
holding GOOGL $2,866.85 SHORT $0.00
RRC $26.32 $25.95 SHORT $0.37
MSFT $324.36 $323.16 SHORT $1.20
TTD $73.63 $73.54 LONG -$0.09
added 10/27/21 holding ENPH $186.46 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.72
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $87.22


10/26/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
DKNG $49.95 $49.14 SHORT $0.81
CSCO $56.03 $55.78 SHORT $0.25
NVAX $131.75 $134.00 LONG $2.25
DKNG $50.15 $49.85 SHORT $0.30
holding DWAC $68.45 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.90 LONG $0.00
holding in 2nd account AMD $121.42 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ZM $282.33 $279.15 SHORT $3.18
holding MRNA $343.03 SHORT $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $8.17 LONG $0.00
added 10/25/21 sold half INTC $48.80 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DKNG $46.82 $49.90 LONG $3.08
holdover exit PEP $159.99 $160.20 LONG $0.21
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/25/21 holding AMD $119.54 SHORT $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.08
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
OCGN $12.67 $11.99 SHORT $0.68
CLF $25.88 $25.53 SHORT $0.35
FB $315.15 $316.61 LONG $1.46
LMT $331.93 $333.33 LONG $1.40
AMD  $125.32 $124.16 SHORT $1.16
BBY $120.40 $120.29 LONG -$0.11
ZM $282.28 $281.94 SHORT $0.34
holding DWAC $72.50 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.84 LONG $0.00
holding WSM $128.30 SHORT $0.00
holding BE $26.80 SHORT $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding PHUN $5.64 LONG $0.00
added 10/26/21 holding MRNA $345.57 SHORT $0.00
added 10/26/21 holdover exit CLF $25.38 $24.84 SHORT $0.54
added 10/26/21 holdover exit AMD $123.68 $122.90 SHORT $0.78
holding DIS $171.20 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit XPEV $47.72 $46.64 SHORT $1.08
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $250.15 LONG $0.00
added holding NVAX $146.30 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.68
Lindsey – Earnings
PCH $56.24 $57.75 LONG $1.51
CNC $67.95 $69.96 LONG $2.01
UPS $203.51 $216.61 LONG $13.10
MMM $181.98 $182.82 LONG $0.84
GLW $38.81 $37.20 SHORT $1.61
HAS $92.16 $91.53 SHORT $0.63
UBS $17.73 $17.98 SHORT -$0.25
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.45
Lindsey – Long Term
added holdover exit SPCE $25.01 $19.61 LONG -$5.40
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$5.40
Kipp – Active
DKNG $49.83 $49.43 SHORT $0.40
GE $110.15 $109.60 SHORT $0.55
AMZN $3,410.68 $3,407.32 SHORT $3.36
WYNN $94.15 $94.33 SHORT -$0.18
LMT $332.23 $331.58 LONG -$0.65
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.48
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $35.29


10/25/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
BE $26.85 $25.80 SHORT $1.05
AMD $119.10 $119.47 LONG $0.37
AMD $119.60 $119.90 LONG $0.30
CROX $159.15 $156.45 SHORT $2.70
AMD $120.25 $120.50 LONG $0.25
AMD $120.63 $121.11 LONG $0.48
holding in 2nd account AMD $121.42 SHORT $0.00
holding ZM $282.33 SHORT $0.00
holding MRNA $343.03 SHORT $0.00
holding PHUN $8.17 LONG $0.00
added 10/25/21 sold half INTC $49.66 $50.05 LONG $0.39
holding DKNG $46.82 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $159.99 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DIS $171.20 $172.32 LONG $1.12
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holdover exit NVAX $133.58 $135.35 LONG $1.77
added 10/21/21 holdover exit PYPL $249.07 $252.25 LONG $3.18
added 10/25/21 holding AMD $119.54 SHORT $0.00
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit SKLZ $9.46 $11.17 LONG $1.71
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.32
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CROX $158.58 $156.32 SHORT $2.26
FB $325.52 $323.23 SHORT $2.29
DHI $89.29 $89.00 SHORT $0.29
ZM $282.28 $281.94 SHORT $0.34
BBY $120.40 $120.29 LONG -$0.11
CHWY $67.97 $67.89 SHORT $0.08
ZM $280.10 $280.80 LONG $0.70
holding BE $26.80 SHORT $0.00
holding PHUN $8.88 LONG $0.00
holding MRNA $344.68 SHORT $0.00
holding CLF $25.25 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $121.41 SHORT $0.00
holding DIS $171.20 SHORT $0.00
holding XPEV $47.72 SHORT $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $250.15 LONG $0.00
added holding NVAX $146.30 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.85
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit SKLZ $10.19 $11.22 LONG $1.03
TOTAL $1.03
Kipp – Active
BE $25.79 $25.80 SHORT -$0.01
SQ $257.79 $256.77 SHORT $1.02
CHWY $67.83 $67.80 SHORT $0.03
DIS $170.56 $170.54 SHORT $0.02
AMD $121.56 $121.79 SHORT -$0.23
COIN $323.70 $322.53 SHORT $1.17
BBY $121.36 $121.29 SHORT $0.07
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.07
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.27


10/22/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
ZM $286.30 $282.00 SHORT $4.30
MRNA $318.75 $323.25 LONG $4.50
CLF $23.44 $23.15 SHORT $0.29
AMD $119.80 $120.15 LONG $0.35
TGT $256.65 $255.89 SHORT $0.76
AMD $118.72 $119.09 LONG $0.37
CLF $22.95 $23.55 LONG $0.60
holding INTC $50.03 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $46.82 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $159.99 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $171.20 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PTON $95.31 $93.10 SHORT $2.21
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding NVAX $133.58 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $249.07 LONG $0.00
added holding AMD $113.92 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit STM $44.29 $44.38 LONG $0.09
added 10/22/21 holding LCID $23.84 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.47
Jim – Long Term
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FB $316.16 $326.26 LONG $10.10
SNAP $52.52 $57.75 LONG $5.23
INTC $50.60 $49.35 LONG -$1.25
AXP $186.25 $187.01 SHORT -$0.76
STX $87.36 $87.17 SHORT $0.19
ZM $285.85 $282.82 SHORT $3.03
CROX $153.96 $152.25 SHORT $1.71
TGT $256.96 $255.95 SHORT $1.01
SNAP $56.00 $56.34 LONG $0.34
BBY $118.38 $118.40 SHORT -$0.02
ZM $279.80 $278.78 SHORT $1.02
added 10/21/21 holdover exit RBLX $83.06 $84.03 SHORT -$0.97
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $250.15 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holdover exit PENN $77.02 $74.65 LONG -$2.37
added 10/21/21 holdover exit BILI $81.65 $81.69 SHORT -$0.04
added holdover exit BABA $177.47 $176.38 SHORT $1.09
added holding NVAX $146.30 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.31
Lindsey – Earnings
CLF $21.16 $22.22 LONG $1.06
HON $220.46 $217.70 LONG -$2.76
INTC $55.71 $53.35 SHORT $2.36
MAT $20.78 $20.28 SHORT $0.50
AXP $186.25 $187.01 SHORT -$0.76
RF $23.17 $24.11 SHORT -$0.94
STX $87.36 $87.17 SHORT $0.19
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.35
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
FB $327.70 $328.74 LONG $1.04
PYPL $245.60 $244.58 SHORT $1.02
UNH $447.41 $446.30 SHORT $1.11
SNAP $56.25 $55.99 LONG -$0.26
NVDA $226.69 $226.69 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $3,372.39 $3,367.95 SHORT $4.44
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.35
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $38.78


10/21/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $116.35 $117.50 LONG $1.15
CROX $153.30 $149.50 SHORT $3.80
TSM $114.75 $114.99 LONG $0.24
CEI $1.69 $1.76 LONG $0.07
AMD $117.65 $118.15 LONG $0.50
DGX $140.69 $144.00 LONG $3.31
NFLX  $645.52 $644.65 SHORT $0.87
MGM $48.15 $48.37 LONG $0.22
ALLY $53.04 $53.28 LONG $0.24
SBUX $114.41 $114.25 SHORT $0.16
WYNN $91.20 $90.92 SHORT $0.28
holding PEP $159.99 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $171.20 LONG $0.00
holding PTON $95.31 SHORT $0.00
holding UVXY $16.54 LONG $0.00
holding NVAX $136.11 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $249.07 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DIS $170.91 $172.40 LONG $1.49
added holding AMD $113.92 SHORT $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.33
Jim – Long Term
added holdover exit EVOL $2.56 $2.80 LONG $0.24
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.24
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CROX $153.35 $150.15 SHORT $3.20
THC $70.70 $68.68 SHORT $2.02
CROX $145.90 $149.49 LONG $3.59
SKX $45.54 $45.63 SHORT -$0.09
UBER $47.47 $46.62 SHORT $0.85
ALLY $53.47 $52.77 LONG -$0.70
TSCO $211.12 $211.11 SHORT $0.01
SBUX $114.41 $114.26 SHORT $0.15
PTON $94.38 $95.04 SHORT -$0.66
MTCH $177.71 $174.37 SHORT $3.34
NTAP $92.06 $92.22 SHORT -$0.16
DLTR $102.48 $102.69 SHORT -$0.21
holding RBLX $82.31 SHORT $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding PYPL $250.15 LONG $0.00
holding PENN $78.78 LONG $0.00
added 10/21/21 holding BILI $81.65 SHORT $0.00
added holding BABA $177.47 SHORT $0.00
added holding NVAX $146.30 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.34
Lindsey – Earnings
LVS $39.39 $38.83 LONG -$0.56
NUE $102.84 $101.91 LONG -$0.93
DGX $144.09 $144.88 LONG $0.79
VLO $81.04 $82.28 LONG $1.24
IBM $141.76 $136.36 SHORT $5.40
ALLY $55.65 $54.45 SHORT $1.20
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.14
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DIS $172.16 $172.04 SHORT $0.12
LVS $39.22 $38.92 SHORT $0.30
AN $130.55 $130.00 SHORT $0.55
NFLX $642.26 $641.26 SHORT $1.00
NFLX $646.13 $645.83 SHORT $0.30
FSLR $103.55 $103.91 LONG $0.36
holding AMZN $3,372.39 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.63
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $33.68


10/20/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
NFLX $618.18 $626.06 LONG $7.88
AMD $117.04 $117.50 LONG $0.46
NFLX $624.50 $630.99 LONG $6.49
NVAX $134.67 $139.85 LONG $5.18
PEP $161.59 $161.18 SHORT $0.41
MRNA $331.40 $335.86 LONG $4.46
NVAX $146.25 $144.25 SHORT $2.00
NFLX $625.50 $627.07 LONG $1.57
holding NVAX $136.11 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $116.35 LONG $0.00
holding PYPL $259.40 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit NVAX $136.07 $139.55 LONG $3.48
holding DIS $170.91 LONG $0.00
added holding AMD $113.92 SHORT $0.00
added holdover exit PYPL $268.98 $261.30 SHORT $7.68
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $39.61
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
NFLX $620.00 $630.00 LONG $10.00
NVAX $134.84 $131.31 SHORT $3.53
PTON $93.39 $92.29 SHORT $1.10
NVAX $141.22 $136.36 SHORT $4.86
MRNA $331.31 $335.35 LONG $4.04
JPM $170.35 $170.47 SHORT -$0.12
NVAX $136.36 $137.37 LONG $1.01
holding PYPL $261.84 LONG $0.00
holding PENN $78.78 LONG $0.00
holding BILI $79.84 SHORT $0.00
added holding BABA $177.47 SHORT $0.00
added holding NVAX $146.30 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit AMD $116.20 $116.23 SHORT -$0.03
holdover exit DIS $171.71 $170.40 LONG -$1.31
added holdover exit TGT $251.46 $251.53 SHORT -$0.07
TOTAL $23.01
Lindsey – Earnings
IBKR $73.52 $74.12 LONG $0.60
ABT $119.54 $124.24 LONG $4.70
UAL $46.27 $45.90 SHORT $0.37
WGO $72.24 $70.70 SHORT $1.54
CMA $85.93 $87.26 SHORT -$1.33
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.88
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NVAX $134.65 $133.63 SHORT $1.02
NFLX $628.30 $627.29 SHORT $1.01
PAGS $39.35 $39.61 SHORT -$0.26
BA  $217.13 $217.45 SHORT -$0.32
CNI $131.54 $130.50 SHORT $1.04
EAT $46.61 $46.46 SHORT $0.15
CNI $131.80 $131.96 SHORT -$0.16
BIDU $181.86 $181.66 SHORT $0.20
holding AMZN $3,372.39 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.68
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $71.18


10/19/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
TGT $254.85 $253.75 SHORT $1.10
BILI $79.76 $79.40 SHORT $0.36
BILI $80.17 $79.39 SHORT $0.78
MRNA $335.45 $337.75 LONG $2.30
AAPL $148.51 $148.25 SHORT $0.26
DKNG $48.21 $48.98 LONG $0.77
WYNN $91.09 $91.40 LONG $0.31
RUN $52.55 $51.99 SHORT $0.56
RUN $51.70 $52.00 LONG $0.30
holding NVAX $164.08 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $170.91 LONG $0.00
added holding AMD $113.92 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit NVAX $166.20 $173.10 LONG $6.90
holdover exit PEP $158.05 $158.92 LONG $0.87
holding PYPL $266.08 SHORT $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.51
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SI $139.39 $145.54 LONG $6.15
SI $135.35 $141.41 LONG $6.06
PAGS $37.47 $36.96 SHORT $0.51
NIO $39.88 $40.00 LONG $0.12
RUN $52.25 $51.51 SHORT $0.74
BABA $173.37 $172.80 SHORT $0.57
DKNG $48.24 $48.96 LONG $0.72
RUN $52.52 $51.51 SHORT $1.01
JKS $55.55 $55.45 SHORT $0.10
ETWO $11.99 $11.55 SHORT $0.44
BABA $174.04 $174.12 SHORT -$0.08
PENN $81.41 $81.17 SHORT $0.24
SKX $45.90 $43.85 SHORT $2.05
holding BILI $79.84 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $175.86 SHORT $0.00
holding NVAX $161.30 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $115.23 SHORT $0.00
holding DIS $171.71 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $250.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $18.63
Lindsey – Earnings
SYF $50.92 $51.52 LONG $0.60
HXL $60.30 $58.58 LONG -$1.72
STLD $62.34 $63.36 LONG $1.02
HAL $25.92 $26.26 LONG $0.34
JNJ $159.89 $161.61 LONG $1.72
ZION $62.25 $61.16 SHORT $1.09
BK $57.30 $55.50 SHORT $1.80
PG $142.54 $139.93 SHORT $2.61
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.46
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BILI $79.80 $79.82 SHORT -$0.02
RUN $52.02 $52.00 SHORT $0.02
SHOP $1,497.94 $1,494.43 SHORT $3.51
NVDA $223.33 $222.98 SHORT $0.35
holding AMZN $3,372.39 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.86
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $44.46


10/18/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
MRNA $338.08 $333.15 SHORT $4.93
holdover exit MRNA $320.99 $334.20 LONG $13.21
added holding AMD $113.92 SHORT $0.00
holding NVAX $166.20 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $158.05 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DKNG $48.50 $49.49 LONG $0.99
holding PYPL $266.08 SHORT $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.13
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BILI $75.34 $75.56 SHORT -$0.22
Z $84.24 $85.42 LONG $1.18
Z $85.58 $85.53 SHORT $0.05
NIO $39.49 $39.51 SHORT -$0.02
MRNA $337.33 $333.27 SHORT $4.06
LEN $99.66 $99.42 SHORT $0.24
SBUX $113.24 $113.35 SHORT -$0.11
LEN $99.77 $99.93 SHORT -$0.16
holdover exit MRNA $323.96 $333.99 LONG $10.03
holding AMD $115.23 SHORT $0.00
holding DIS $171.71 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $250.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $15.05
Lindsey – Earnings
LONG $0.00
added holdover exit CHWY $67.29 $65.56 LONG -$1.73
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$1.73
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BIDU $169.49 $168.73 SHORT $0.76
NVDA $220.67 $220.79 SHORT -$0.12
MRNA $335.90 $335.17 SHORT $0.73
BILI $76.71 $76.32 SHORT $0.39
holding AMZN $3,372.39 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.76
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $34.21


10/15/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
MSFT $301.75 $301.75 LONG $0.00
AA $55.05 $54.90 SHORT $0.15
AA $56.74 $56.35 SHORT $0.39
AA $56.71 $56.46 SHORT $0.25
holding MRNA $320.99 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $111.65 SHORT $0.00
holding NVAX $166.20 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $158.05 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.50 LONG $0.00
holding PYPL $266.08 SHORT $0.00
added holdover exit DIS $174.03 $178.75 LONG $4.72
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.51
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TGT $246.29 $246.15 SHORT $0.14
JPM $166.66 $166.93 SHORT -$0.27
AXP $176.76 $176.08 SHORT $0.68
DIS $177.71 $176.61 SHORT $1.10
WFC $48.48 $48.39 SHORT $0.09
holding MRNA $323.96 $0.00 LONG $0.00
holdover exit KOSS $19.79 $17.44 LONG -$2.35
TOTAL -$0.61
Lindsey – Earnings
AA $48.59 $50.75 LONG $2.16
SCHW $77.97 $79.79 LONG $1.82
PNC $201.96 $201.81 LONG -$0.15
JBHT $183.88 $190.76 SHORT -$6.88
PLD $135.91 $136.37 SHORT -$0.46
added holding CHWY $67.29 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$3.51
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $25.01 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AA $54.44 $53.89 SHORT $0.55
AA $55.11 $55.45 SHORT -$0.34
holding AMZN $3,360.81 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.21
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $1.60


10/14/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
TSM $114.50 $113.39 SHORT $1.11
TSM $113.91 $113.25 SHORT $0.66
AMD $110.89 $110.45 SHORT $0.44
FDX $227.99 $226.20 SHORT $1.79
AAPL $143.01 $142.90 SHORT $0.11
WB $45.41 $45.85 LONG $0.44
PYPL $265.95 $265.47 SHORT $0.48
COIN $255.75 $254.15 SHORT $1.60
AMD $111.25 $111.28 LONG $0.03
MRNA $324.85 $327.50 LONG $2.65
AMD $111.98 $112.01 LONG $0.03
MRNA $330.00 $327.00 SHORT $3.00
holdover exit AAPL $139.73 $142.15 LONG $2.42
holding PYPL $266.08 SHORT $0.00
added holding DIS $174.03 LONG $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.76
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CROX $136.63 $134.34 SHORT $2.29
FDX $227.77 $226.26 SHORT $1.51
PYPL $266.00 $266.53 SHORT -$0.53
WBA $50.36 $50.71 SHORT -$0.35
PENN $76.97 $77.14 SHORT -$0.17
TGT $241.41 $241.53 SHORT -$0.12
AMD $112.08 $111.88 SHORT $0.20
MRNA $330.15 $327.72 SHORT $2.43
WMT $139.93 $139.84 SHORT $0.09
LEN $98.18 $98.17 SHORT $0.01
THO $115.51 $116.15 LONG $0.64
LEN $98.46 $98.20 SHORT $0.26
holding KOSS $19.79 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit AAPL $140.99 $143.43 LONG $2.44
added holdover exit BILI $70.43 $69.36 SHORT $1.07
added holdover exit DDD $27.34 $26.90 LONG -$0.44
TOTAL $9.33
Lindsey – Earnings
MS $98.24 $101.51 LONG $3.27
PGR $90.70 $89.58 LONG -$1.12
TSM $109.70 $111.93 LONG $2.23
WBA $46.40 $47.74 LONG $1.34
BAC $44.02 $45.45 SHORT -$1.43
C $70.14 $70.66 SHORT -$0.52
USB $61.25 $60.06 SHORT $1.19
WFC $46.17 $45.45 SHORT $0.72
holdover exit JPM $163.33 $163.34 LONG $0.01
added holding CHWY $70.18 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.69
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
holdover exit FUBO $27.72 $28.82 LONG $1.10
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.10
Kipp – Active
GOOGL $2,798.58 $2,792.49 SHORT $6.09
COIN $255.80 $255.23 SHORT $0.57
PYPL $266.20 $265.64 SHORT $0.56
WBA $48.92 $49.10 SHORT -$0.18
WBA $50.06 $50.23 SHORT -$0.17
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.87
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $37.75
10/13/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
PLUG $32.61 $32.28 SHORT $0.33
PLUG $32.30 $31.89 SHORT $0.41
AMD $107.85 $108.86 LONG $1.01
PLUG $32.61 $33.00 LONG $0.39
ATVI $75.85 $75.45 SHORT $0.40
AMD $109.06 $108.73 SHORT $0.33
WMT $138.61 $138.80 LONG $0.19
AMD $108.45 $108.22 SHORT $0.23
AMD $108.83 $109.18 LONG $0.35
AMD $109.65 $109.43 SHORT $0.22
AMD $109.40 $109.31 SHORT $0.09
AMD $109.08 $109.32 LONG $0.24
AMD $108.85 $109.00 LONG $0.15
holdover exit ATVI $75.15 $76.01 LONG $0.86
holding AAPL $139.73 LONG $0.00
added holding DIS $174.52 LONG $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.20
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
VMEO $30.30 $30.46 SHORT -$0.16
AMD $109.18 $108.90 SHORT $0.28
WMT $138.38 $139.08 LONG $0.70
AMD $109.49 $109.66 SHORT -$0.17
EA $133.33 $135.35 LONG $2.02
RBLX $74.23 $74.38 SHORT -$0.15
AAPL $193.39 $193.93 LONG $0.54
PUBM $27.27 $27.56 SHORT -$0.29
NKE $156.28 $156.41 SHORT -$0.13
ANY $8.32 $8.08 SHORT $0.24
MSFT $295.49 $295.89 LONG $0.40
holdover exit MGM $48.02 $48.28 SHORT -$0.26
holdover exit ATVI $75.15 $75.95 LONG $0.80
added holdover exit DIS $172.95 $172.72 LONG -$0.23
holding KOSS $19.79 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $142.60 LONG $0.00
holdover exit NVAX $163.96 $170.70 LONG $6.74
holding BILI $69.69 SHORT $0.00
added holdover exit MRNA $316.71 $323.23 LONG $6.52
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.85
Lindsey – Earnings
DAL $43.50 $42.84 SHORT $0.66
holding JPM $163.33 LONG $0.00
added holding CHWY $70.18 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.66
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
PLUG $32.75 $32.44 SHORT $0.31
TWLO  $338.47 $336.37 SHORT $2.10
DATS $12.49 $12.68 LONG $0.19
PLUG $33.08 $33.04 SHORT $0.04
BIDU $163.94 $163.76 SHORT $0.18
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.82
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $25.53
10/12/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
PAGS $34.34 $33.87 SHORT $0.47
AAPL $142.01 $142.80 LONG $0.79
MGM $47.80 $47.13 SHORT $0.67
MGM $46.88 $47.15 LONG $0.27
NVAX $161.50 $163.30 LONG $1.80
MRNA $305.55 $306.85 LONG $1.30
FB $318.51 $320.80 LONG $2.29
AMD $104.70 $105.30 LONG $0.60
added holdover exit AMD $105.03 $105.30 LONG $0.27
holdover exit DKNG $48.38 $49.50 LONG $1.12
holding ATVI $75.15 LONG $0.00
added holding DIS $174.52 LONG $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.58
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
PAGS $36.40 $36.84 SHORT -$0.44
FB $317.71 $319.61 LONG $1.90
RCL $88.66 $88.81 SHORT -$0.15
UAL $49.94 $49.65 SHORT $0.29
AMD $104.80 $105.14 LONG $0.34
RUN $48.85 $48.96 SHORT -$0.11
NCLH $26.98 $27.09 SHORT -$0.11
LVS $40.04 $40.16 SHORT -$0.12
holding MGM $48.02 SHORT $0.00
holding ATVI $75.15 LONG $0.00
added holding DIS $173.73 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit JPM $165.62 $165.40 LONG -$0.22
holdover exit MGM $44.44 $46.46 LONG $2.02
holding AAPL $142.60 LONG $0.00
holding NVAX $163.96 LONG $0.00
holding BILI $69.69 SHORT $0.00
added holding MRNA $316.71 LONG $0.00
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.40
Lindsey – Earnings
FAST $53.24 $53.92 SHORT -$0.68
added holding CHWY $70.18 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.68
Lindsey – Long Term
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit EDIT $37.12 $38.98 LONG $1.86
TOTAL $1.86
Kipp – Active
PAGS $34.22 $33.89 SHORT $0.33
BA $227.48 $226.76 SHORT $0.72
MGM $47.54 $47.17 SHORT $0.37
PAGS $35.30 $35.08 SHORT $0.22
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.64
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $15.80
10/11/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $104.10 $104.50 LONG $0.40
AMD $104.75 $105.35 LONG $0.60
AMD $105.17 $105.85 LONG $0.68
AAPL $144.09 $143.50 SHORT $0.59
MSFT $296.50 $296.09 SHORT $0.41
holding AMD $106.01 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $48.38 LONG $0.00
added holding DIS $174.52 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit AMD $105.37 $105.88 LONG $0.51
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.19
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
JKS $50.54 $50.04 SHORT $0.50
AMD $106.18 $105.76 SHORT $0.42
MGM $44.88 $44.68 SHORT $0.20
RBLX $71.71 $71.17 SHORT $0.54
LVS $39.99 $39.85 SHORT $0.14
holding DIS $174.74 LONG $0.00
holding JPM $166.96 LONG $0.00
holding MGM $44.44 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $142.60 LONG $0.00
holding NVAX $163.96 LONG $0.00
holding BILI $69.69 SHORT $0.00
added holdover exit BABA $163.72 $164.64 SHORT -$0.92
added holdover exit AAPL $143.04 $143.22 SHORT -$0.18
added holdover exit MSFT $295.33 $295.12 SHORT $0.21
added holding MRNA $316.71 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.35 $39.93 LONG $2.58
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.49
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding CHWY $70.18 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added holdover exit DKNG $49.19 $49.49 LONG $0.30
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $37.12 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.30
Kipp – Active
MRNA $311.08 $309.89 SHORT $1.19
ADBE $578.51 $577.14 SHORT $1.37
holding ENPH $161.62 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.56
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $9.54
10/8/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
MRNA $304.50 $307.50 LONG $3.00
MRNA $299.50 $302.75 LONG $3.25
NVAX $163.60 $165.00 LONG $1.40
holding DKNG $48.38 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $177.21 LONG $0.00
added holding AMD $105.37 LONG $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.65
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FANG $110.31 $109.56 SHORT $0.75
DIS $178.41 $177.71 SHORT $0.70
CCXI $33.88 $32.83 SHORT $1.05
TTWO $175.45 $174.27 SHORT $1.18
CCXI $38.52 $36.99 SHORT $1.53
DLTR $99.39 $99.09 SHORT $0.30
holding NVAX $163.96 LONG $0.00
holding BILI $69.69 SHORT $0.00
added holding BABA $157.40 SHORT $0.00
added holding AAPL $142.12 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $292.42 SHORT $0.00
added holdover exit NVAX $167.38 $170.70 LONG $3.32
added holding MRNA $316.71 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.35 LONG $0.00
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.83
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 9/21 entry DKNG $49.19 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $37.12 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AMZN $3,318.00 $3,312.00 SHORT $6.00
BA   $228.18 $228.49 SHORT -$0.31
SYY $83.63 $83.41 SHORT $0.22
BIDU $160.99 $160.69 SHORT $0.30
CCXI $33.32 $33.12 SHORT $0.20
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.41
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.89
10/7/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $107.45 $107.40 SHORT $0.05
BILI $69.93 $69.50 SHORT $0.43
WMT $140.29 $139.82 SHORT $0.47
AAPL $144.04 $143.43 SHORT $0.61
PTON $88.58 $88.25 SHORT $0.33
AMD $107.30 $107.30 LONG $0.00
AMD $107.25 $107.55 LONG $0.30
AMD $107.52 $107.58 LONG $0.06
AMD $106.77 $106.98 LONG $0.21
holding AMD $106.58 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit MRNA $302.05 $306.50 LONG $4.45
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit NVAX $166.02 $168.15 LONG $2.13
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit FDX $226.83 $227.28 LONG $0.45
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.49
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
JKS $47.74 $46.96 SHORT $0.78
SQ $248.98 $246.64 SHORT $2.34
AMD $107.03 $106.98 SHORT $0.05
PTON $88.88 $88.11 SHORT $0.77
AXP $176.24 $174.74 SHORT $1.50
LEN $95.59 $94.94 SHORT $0.65
DHI $85.58 $84.84 SHORT $0.74
NIO $35.95 $35.86 SHORT $0.09
DLTR $98.98 $98.48 SHORT $0.50
UAL $49.74 $49.63 LONG -$0.11
Z $93.53 $93.70 SHORT -$0.17
holding BILI $69.69 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $153.49 SHORT $0.00
added holding AAPL $142.12 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $292.42 SHORT $0.00
added holding NVAX $167.38 LONG $0.00
added holding MRNA $316.71 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.35 LONG $0.00
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.14
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 9/21 entry DKNG $51.45 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $40.66 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
holding BABA $154.00 SHORT $0.00
PTON $88.63 $88.38 SHORT $0.25
PENN $76.73 $76.43 SHORT $0.30
SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.55
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $17.18
10/6/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
PEP $150.49 $151.20 LONG $0.71
DIS $172.19 $172.85 LONG $0.66
FB $327.45 $330.09 LONG $2.64
AMD $100.78 $102.08 LONG $1.30
DLTR $96.60 $96.95 LONG $0.35
MRNA $317.94 $322.15 LONG $4.21
NIO $33.75 $34.04 LONG $0.29
AAPL $140.21 $139.77 SHORT $0.44
JD $71.90 $71.80 SHORT $0.10
MSFT $290.40 $288.69 SHORT $1.71
PTON $84.28 $83.77 SHORT $0.51
DFD $124.35 $125.35 LONG $1.00
ATVI $77.94 $77.64 SHORT $0.30
NKE $147.91 $148.38 LONG $0.47
AMD $102.50 $102.55 LONG $0.05
MRNA $314.85 $316.00 LONG $1.15
WMT $136.67 $137.35 LONG $0.68
AAPL $141.28 $141.24 SHORT $0.04
AMD $102.99 $102.77 SHORT $0.22
AMD $102.92 $103.09 LONG $0.17
holding MRNA $313.85 LONG $0.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit AMD $101.85 $102.22 LONG $0.37
added holding NVAX $166.02 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $226.83 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $17.37
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DLTR $96.24 $96.69 LONG $0.45
PTON $83.98 $83.73 SHORT $0.25
TTWO $165.56 $164.64 SHORT $0.92
WSM $167.97 $166.61 SHORT $1.36
KMX $128.98 $129.10 SHORT -$0.12
NKE $147.74 $148.84 LONG $1.10
FB $333.66 $332.23 SHORT $1.43
AMD $102.96 $103.23 SHORT -$0.27
holding AAPL $140.26 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $292.42 SHORT $0.00
added holding NVAX $167.38 LONG $0.00
added holding MRNA $316.71 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.35 LONG $0.00
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.12
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 9/21 entry DKNG $51.45 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $40.66 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AMZN $3,231.25 $3,222.00 SHORT $9.25
JD $71.88 $71.93 SHORT -$0.05
ATVI $77.87 $77.54 SHORT $0.33
MRVL $61.46 $61.28 SHORT $0.18
TOTAL $9.71
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $32.20
10/5/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
SFM $21.55 $21.70 LONG $0.15
NFLX $616.79 $614.75 SHORT $2.04
NVAX $172.64 $173.42 LONG $0.78
AMD $102.10 $102.30 LONG $0.20
AAPL $141.07 $141.22 SHORT -$0.15
AAPL $141.22 $141.05 SHORT $0.17
AMD $101.85 $102.14 LONG $0.29
AMD $102.18 $102.60 LONG $0.42
AAPL $141.72 $141.49 SHORT $0.23
AMD $102.72 $102.49 SHORT $0.23
MRNA $331.75 $335.50 LONG $3.75
DLTR $97.77 $97.93 LONG $0.16
PEP $151.58 $151.70 LONG $0.12
AMD $102.48 $102.75 LONG $0.27
AMD $102.40 $102.48 LONG $0.08
CEI $1.61 $1.70 LONG $0.09
holdover exit ZIM $45.13 $46.07 LONG $0.94
holdover exit MSFT $283.31 $285.50 LONG $2.19
holdover exit LVS $37.43 $37.79 LONG $0.36
holdover exit DIS $173.22 $175.45 LONG $2.23
holdover exit NIO $33.68 $34.07 LONG $0.39
holdover exit AAPL $140.08 $141.03 LONG $0.95
holdover exit WYNN $84.95 $85.80 LONG $0.85
holdover exit AMD $99.97 $101.80 LONG $1.83
added holdover exit ANY $6.22 $6.48 LONG $0.26
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $102.54 LONG $0.00
holding NVAX $170.79 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $226.83 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.83
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RBLX $74.47 $75.57 LONG $1.10
JKS $45.54 $45.15 SHORT $0.39
CEI $1.48 $1.60 LONG $0.12
AAPL $141.96 $141.66 SHORT $0.30
TTWO $161.45 $161.98 SHORT -$0.53
RBLX $73.37 $74.94 LONG $1.57
MS $99.49 $99.60 SHORT -$0.11
FDX $225.53 $224.62 SHORT $0.91
holding NVAX $173.61 LONG $0.00
holding MRNA $332.23 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PENN $74.96 $75.96 LONG $1.00
holding LVS $37.35 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit MRNA $321.25 $335.53 LONG $14.28
added holdover exit DIS $174.04 $175.75 LONG $1.71
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit FDX $225.06 $225.53 LONG $0.47
TOTAL $21.21
Lindsey – Earnings
PEP $151.18 $151.32 SHORT -$0.14
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.14
Lindsey – Long Term
added holdover exit AAPL $141.38 $141.96 LONG $0.58
added 9/21 entry DKNG $51.45 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $40.66 LONG $0.00
holdover exit NIO $33.63 $33.99 LONG $0.36
TOTAL $0.94
Kipp – Active
NFLX $616.79 $614.76 SHORT $2.03
SQ $235.96 $235.36 SHORT $0.60
BA $225.26 $225.10 SHORT $0.16
TOTAL $2.79
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $43.63
10/4/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $100.37 $101.15 LONG $0.78
MRNA $314.01 $319.75 LONG $5.74
MRNA $317.50 $323.75 LONG $6.25
PYPL $255.04 $255.52 LONG $0.48
MRNA $323.50 $325.50 LONG $2.00
TGT $223.35 $225.25 LONG $1.90
MRNA $320.95 $323.75 LONG $2.80
AMD $100.06 $100.51 LONG $0.45
WMT $135.14 $135.95 LONG $0.81
MRNA $319.19 $322.25 LONG $3.06
MOMO $10.29 $10.29 LONG $0.00
PTON $81.80 $82.52 LONG $0.72
MRNA $322.20 $323.20 LONG $1.00
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PENN $77.33 $76.15 SHORT $1.18
holding ZIM $45.13 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $283.31 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.43 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $173.22 LONG $0.00
holding NIO $33.68 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $140.08 LONG $0.00
holding WYNN $84.95 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $99.97 LONG $0.00
added holding ANY $6.22 LONG $0.00
added holding LCID $24.48 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $226.83 LONG $0.00
added holding SKLZ $9.46 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $27.17
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BNTX $235.53 $245.54 LONG $10.01
GH $116.61 $114.41 SHORT $2.20
AMD $100.17 $101.10 LONG $0.93
JKS $42.96 $44.44 LONG $1.48
MRNA $319.17 $321.21 LONG $2.04
TGT $223.23 $225.25 LONG $2.02
MRNA $320.02 $325.52 LONG $5.50
XENE $30.30 $29.29 SHORT $1.01
DLTR $98.68 $98.64 SHORT $0.04
WMT $135.98 $135.70 SHORT $0.28
AMD $99.90 $100.40 LONG $0.50
holding PENN $74.96 LONG $0.00
holding LVS $37.35 LONG $0.00
added holding MRNA $321.25 LONG $0.00
added holding DIS $174.04 LONG $0.00
added holdover exit UAL $51.89 $51.15 SHORT $0.74
added holdover exit CEI $3.27 $3.59 LONG $0.32
added holding DDD $27.34 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $225.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $27.07
Lindsey – Earnings
added holdover exit PATH $53.67 $51.15 LONG -$2.52
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$2.52
Lindsey – Long Term
added AAPL $141.38 LONG $0.00
added 9/21 entry DKNG $51.45 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $10.19 LONG $0.00
added EDIT $40.66 LONG $0.00
NIO $33.63 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
GM $55.48 $55.13 SHORT $0.35
NVDA $200.05 $199.99 LONG -$0.06
SPY $428.98 $428.40 LONG -$0.58
TSLA $789.54 $791.55 LONG $2.01
AAPL $138.97 $139.04 LONG $0.07
WMT $135.32 $135.34 LONG $0.02
TOTAL $1.81
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $53.53


10/1/2021 Jim – Active/Swing
NVAX $160.95 $166.55 LONG $5.60
MRNA $337.12 $338.85 LONG $1.73
AMD $101.01 $101.85 LONG $0.84
MRK $83.99 $82.65 SHORT $1.34
DIS $173.80 $172.85 SHORT $0.95
TGT $224.35 $225.70 LONG $1.35
DIS $176.35 $176.27 SHORT $0.08
TTWO $159.20 $159.13 SHORT $0.07
AMD $102.30 $102.43 LONG $0.13
DLTR $95.55 $96.00 LONG $0.45
holdover exit DIS $171.55 $173.75 LONG $2.20
holdover exit EA $143.39 $140.65 SHORT $2.74
added holdover exit MSFT $284.07 $285.05 LONG $0.98
holdover exit FB $342.51 $343.40 LONG $0.89
holding STM $44.29 LONG $0.00
holding PENN $77.33 SHORT $0.00
added holding ANY $6.22 LONG $0.00
holding LCID $24.98 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $226.83 LONG $0.00
holding SKLZ $10.72 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $10.92 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
added holding ETON $5.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.35
Jim – Long Term
added EVOL $2.56 LONG $0.00
added reverse split TZA $44.08 LONG $0.00
added VXX $12.69 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RCL $92.92 $91.59 SHORT $1.33
UAL $49.94 $49.59 SHORT $0.35
DIS $173.73 $172.72 SHORT $1.01
MRK $80.80 $81.16 LONG $0.36
DIS $176.42 $176.34 SHORT $0.08
TTWO $158.41 $159.00 SHORT -$0.59
UAL $50.95 $51.21 SHORT -$0.26
holding MRNA $339.34 LONG $0.00
holding DIS $176.00 LONG $0.00
holding UAL $51.53 SHORT $0.00
added holding JKS $47.01 $47.45 SHORT -$0.44
holdover exit DIS $171.14 $172.72 LONG $1.58
added holding CEI $3.27 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PENN $73.37 $74.74 LONG $1.37
holding DDD $28.56 LONG $0.00
added holding FDX $225.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.79
Lindsey – Earnings
added holding PATH $53.67 LONG $0.00
added holding CHWY $73.04 LONG $0.00
added holding VUZI $11.61 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added AAPL $142.06 LONG $0.00
9/21 entry DKNG $53.81 LONG $0.00
added average after buy/write SPCE $29.98 LONG $0.00
added VUZI $11.98 LONG $0.00
FUBO $27.72 LONG $0.00
added SKLZ $11.29 LONG $0.00
EDIT $43.96 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MRK $82.90 $82.64 SHORT $0.26
EXPE $173.44 $172.34 SHORT $1.10
DIS $173.78 $173.00 SHORT $0.78
NVDA $205.35 $205.19 SHORT $0.16
PENN $77.12 $77.31 SHORT -$0.19
TOTAL $2.11
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $26.25












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