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6/28/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
QQQ $489.69 $484.93 SHORT $4.76
holding AMD $162.74 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $196.10 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GS $444.30 $455.80 LONG $11.50
holding MU $134.23 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account MU $135.60 LONG $0.00
added 06/28/24 holding NKE $86.04 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account NKE $79.51 LONG $0.00
added 06/28/24 holdover exit ARM $166.16 $164.40 SHORT $1.76
added 06/26/24 holding COIN $219.08 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.02
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WYNN $89.98 $89.67 SHORT $0.31
AMD $161.16 $162.62 LONG $1.46
holding WDAY $222.99 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AVAV $166.57 $183.83 LONG $17.26
holdover exit GS $444.44 $454.45 LONG $10.01
holdover exit NKE $95.49 $94.39 LONG -$1.10
added 06/27/24 holding ARM $164.40 SHORT $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding NXT $50.57 LONG $0.00
added 06/24/24 holding COIN $222.12 LONG $0.00
added 06/27/24 holding JBL $111.40 LONG $0.00
added 06/28/24 holding FSLR $237.41 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding AAPL $209.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $27.94
Lindsey – Earnings
holding NKE $85.06 LONG $0.00
holding MU $136.63 LONG $0.00
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding DLTR $109.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/27/24 holding AMZN $193.70 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $45.96
6/27/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $195.90 $197.03 LONG $1.13
AMD $159.00 $159.18 LONG $0.18
AMZN $198.07 $198.72 LONG $0.65
holding GS $444.30 LONG $0.00
holding MU $134.23 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account MU $135.60 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $156.97 $159.37 LONG $2.40
holdover exit DELL $138.65 $141.71 LONG $3.06
holdover exit FDX $292.25 $289.30 SHORT $2.95
holding NKE $95.60 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $160.06 SHORT $0.00
added 06/26/24 holdover exit DKNG $37.21 $37.88 LONG $0.67
holdover exit 2nd account COIN $221.45 $222.20 LONG $0.75
added 06/26/24 holding COIN $219.08 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.79
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WDAY $221.84 $221.65 SHORT $0.19
RH $240.40 $239.29 SHORT $1.11
holding WDAY $222.99 SHORT $0.00
holding AVAV $166.57 LONG $0.00
holding GS $444.44 LONG $0.00
holding NKE $95.49 LONG $0.00
added 06/27/24 holding ARM $164.40 SHORT $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding NXT $50.57 LONG $0.00
added 06/24/24 holding COIN $222.12 LONG $0.00
added 06/27/24 holding JBL $111.40 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding FSLR $258.97 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding AAPL $209.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.30
Lindsey – Earnings
WBA $13.91 $11.82 LONG -$2.09
AVAV $194.90 $172.72 SHORT $22.18
LEVI $23.15 $21.12 SHORT $2.03
MKC $67.82 $70.20 SHORT -$2.38
holding MU $136.63 LONG $0.00
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding DLTR $109.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.74
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit SMCI $840.40 $880.80 LONG $40.40
added 06/27/24 holding AMZN $193.70 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $157.27 $160.30 LONG $3.03
TOTAL $43.43
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $76.26
6/26/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
FSLR $248.40 $250.15 LONG $1.75
holding AMD $156.97 LONG $0.00
holding DELL $138.65 LONG $0.00
holding FDX $292.25 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit NFLX $665.15 $676.85 LONG $11.70
holding NKE $95.60 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $160.06 SHORT $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding DKNG $37.21 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $221.45 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding COIN $219.08 LONG $0.00
added 06/25/24 holdover exit ALB $95.22 $99.11 LONG $3.89
added 06/13/24 holdover exit ROKU $56.10 $57.30 LONG $1.20
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.54
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
XPO $109.09 $107.70 SHORT $1.39
UPS $138.83 $138.28 SHORT $0.55
holding NKE $95.49 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $160.16 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AFRM $32.47 $31.92 SHORT $0.55
added 06/26/24 holding NXT $50.57 LONG $0.00
added 06/24/24 holding COIN $222.12 LONG $0.00
holding JBL $113.63 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding FSLR $258.97 LONG $0.00
holdover exit ROKU $54.54 $55.99 LONG $1.45
added 06/26/24 holding AAPL $209.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.94
Lindsey – Earnings
FDX $256.59 $276.76 LONG $20.17
PAYX $122.92 $118.01 LONG -$4.91
PRGS $50.23 $54.48 SHORT -$4.25
GIS $67.32 $63.93 SHORT $3.39
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/26/24 holding DLTR $109.28 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.40
Lindsey – Long Term
holding SMCI $840.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $186.86 $188.81 LONG $1.95
holdover exit NFLX $666.66 $676.96 LONG $10.30
holding AMZN $190.45 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $157.27 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.25
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $49.13
6/25/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $156.99 $159.63 LONG $2.64
MU $138.80 $140.40 LONG $1.60
holding NFLX $665.15 LONG $0.00
holding NKE $95.60 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $160.06 SHORT $0.00
holding DKNG $38.11 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $834.34 $844.75 LONG $10.41
holdover exit NVDA $119.49 $121.48 LONG $1.99
holding 2nd account COIN $221.45 LONG $0.00
added 06/21/24 holding COIN $228.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SHOP $64.92 $65.20 LONG $0.28
added 06/25/24 holding ALB $95.22 LONG $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.92
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $156.56 $159.95 LONG $3.39
ENVX $16.61 $16.36 SHORT $0.25
CCL $17.71 $17.79 SHORT -$0.08
NTES $93.39 $92.92 SHORT $0.47
holding NKE $95.49 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $160.16 SHORT $0.00
holding AFRM $32.47 SHORT $0.00
holding NXT $53.43 LONG $0.00
added 06/24/24 holding COIN $222.12 LONG $0.00
holding JBL $113.63 LONG $0.00
added 06/18/24 holding FSLR $268.01 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.03
Lindsey – Earnings
holdover exit DRI $152.22 $153.10 SHORT -$0.88
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/25/24 holding DLTR $112.45 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holdover exit BBY $85.07 $86.18 SHORT -$1.11
TOTAL -$1.99
Lindsey – Long Term
holding SMCI $840.40 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $186.86 LONG $0.00
holding NFLX $666.66 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSTR $1,349.49 $1,455.51 LONG $106.02
TOTAL $106.02
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $124.98
6/24/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $207.37 $209.00 LONG $1.63
2nd account AMD $159.69 $160.48 LONG $0.79
AMZN $188.55 $190.31 LONG $1.76
DELL $139.55 $141.25 LONG $1.70
AMD $159.78 $160.75 LONG $0.97
TSLA $183.85 $184.70 LONG $0.85
AMZN $187.19 $188.40 LONG $1.21
AMD $161.92 162.53 LONG $0.61
AMD $162.75 $163.05 LONG $0.30
AMZN $186.48 $186.62 LONG $0.14
holdover exit AMD $161.00 $162.40 LONG $1.40
holding SMCI $834.34 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $119.49 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $221.45 LONG $0.00
added 06/21/24 holding COIN $228.40 LONG $0.00
holding SHOP $64.92 LONG $0.00
added 06/17/24 holding ALB $102.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RXO $24.05 $24.70 SHORT -$0.65
AMD $158.38 $161.61 LONG $3.23
holding AFRM $32.47 SHORT $0.00
holding NXT $53.43 LONG $0.00
added 06/24/24 holding COIN $222.12 LONG $0.00
holding JBL $113.63 LONG $0.00
added 06/18/24 holding FSLR $268.01 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SQ $63.96 $64.98 LONG $1.02
holdover exit Z $46.96 $46.88 SHORT $0.08
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit KKR $108.52 $107.70 SHORT $0.82
TOTAL $4.50
Lindsey – Earnings
holdover exit KBH $68.33 $71.17 LONG $2.84
holding DRI $152.22 SHORT $0.00
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.84
Lindsey – Long Term
holding SMCI $840.40 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $186.86 LONG $0.00
holding NFLX $666.66 LONG $0.00
holding MSTR $1,349.49 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $18.70
6/21/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
PEP $167.12 $168.12 LONG $1.00
MU $137.78 $138.95 LONG $1.17
AMD $160.10 $158.07 SHORT $2.03
AMZN $187.26 $187.26 SHORT $0.00
AMD $159.09 $161.49 LONG $2.40
DELL $143.28 $145.70 LONG $2.42
ORCL $141.42 $142.40 LONG $0.98
AMD  $161.25 $161.53 LONG $0.28
AMZN $186.72 $187.00 LONG $0.28
AMD $160.69 $161.11 LONG $0.42
holding AMD $161.00 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $221.45 LONG $0.00
added 06/21/24 holding COIN $228.40 LONG $0.00
holding SHOP $64.92 LONG $0.00
added 06/17/24 holding ALB $102.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.98
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
added 06/21/24 holding COIN $228.74 LONG $0.00
holding JBL $113.63 LONG $0.00
added 06/18/24 holding FSLR $268.01 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
SHORT $0.00
holding KBH $68.33 LONG $0.00
holding DRI $152.22 SHORT $0.00
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $10.98
6/20/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $210.40 $210.96 LONG $0.56
AMD $166.09 $163.97 SHORT $2.12
AMD $161.20 $162.40 LONG $1.20
holding COIN $232.42 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $182.10 $186.25 LONG $4.15
holding SHOP $64.92 LONG $0.00
added 06/17/24 holding ALB $102.94 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $162.09 $162.48 LONG $0.39
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $155.08 $158.30 LONG $3.22
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.64
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DELL $157.75 $153.35 SHORT $4.40
AMZN $186.43 $183.83 SHORT $2.60
holdover exit TSLA $183.83 $179.79 SHORT $4.04
holdover exit AMD $155.15 $158.58 LONG $3.43
holdover exit MU $151.51 $148.48 SHORT $3.03
holding COIN $232.23 LONG $0.00
holding JBL $113.63 LONG $0.00
added 06/18/24 holding FSLR $268.01 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $17.50
Lindsey – Earnings
holdover exit LZB $39.39 $38.96 SHORT $0.43
holding KBH $68.33 LONG $0.00
holding DRI $152.22 SHORT $0.00
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.43
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $29.57
6/18/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $182.94 $184.10 LONG $1.16
DELL $153.00 $150.45 SHORT $2.55
AMZN $182.04 $182.81 LONG $0.77
holdover exit AMZN $183.83 $182.89 SHORT $0.94
holding AMZN $182.10 LONG $0.00
holding SHOP $64.92 LONG $0.00
added 06/17/24 holding ALB $102.94 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $155.08 LONG $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.42
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMZN $181.81 $182.82 LONG $1.01
holding TSLA $183.83 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $155.15 LONG $0.00
holding MU $151.51 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $240.40  $244.88 LONG $4.48
added 06/18/24 holding FSLR $268.01 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.49
Lindsey – Earnings
holding LEN $152.55 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $10.91
6/17/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
META $497.25 $501.01 LONG $3.76
2nd account AMZN $181.69 $182.70 LONG $1.01
2nd account AMD $155.66 $156.70 LONG $1.04
FSLR $258.54 $263.40 LONG $4.86
AMZN $182.28 $182.78 LONG $0.50
SHOP $64.98 $65.31 LONG $0.33
AMD $158.77 $158.48 SHORT $0.29
holding AMZN $183.83 SHORT $0.00
added 06/17/24 holding ALB $102.94 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holdover exit PEP $164.71 $166.11 LONG $1.40
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMZN $184.64 $184.97 LONG $0.33
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.52
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding COIN $240.40 LONG $0.00
holding FSLR $273.37 LONG $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.52
6/14/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
ADBE $530.75 $522.35 SHORT $8.40
AMD $157.93 $161.01 LONG $3.08
AMZN $183.03 $183.41 LONG $0.38
AMD $158.32 $159.49 LONG $1.17
COIN $237.99 $242.05 LONG $4.06
holdover exit GOOGL $176.27 $176.47 LONG $0.20
holdover exit COIN $245.50 $248.55 LONG $3.05
added 06/14/24 holding ALB $106.10 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding PEP $164.71 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holdover exit FSLR $275.24 $274.50 SHORT $0.74
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
added 06/14/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $184.64 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $21.08
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding COIN $240.40 LONG $0.00
holding FSLR $273.37 LONG $0.00
holdover exit ADBE $530.30 $523.23 SHORT $7.07
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holdover exit RH $241.41 $248.48 LONG $7.07
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $14.14
Lindsey – Earnings
added 06/14/24 holding SIG $91.94 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $35.22
6/13/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
prop account AMD $158.73 $160.05 LONG $1.32
AMD $160.01 $160.01 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COIN $256.97 $254.00 SHORT $2.97
holding GOOGL $176.27 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $245.50 LONG $0.00
holding ALB $108.05 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $168.39 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $157.65 $160.05 LONG $2.40
added 06/12/24 holdover exit AAPL $213.83 $213.24 SHORT $0.59
added 06/12/24 holdover exit 2nd account AAPL $214.90 $213.24 SHORT $1.66
added 06/10/24 holding FSLR $275.24 SHORT $0.00
added 06/13/24 holding ROKU $56.10 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.94
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BILI $16.16 $15.90 SHORT $0.26
DELL $135.70 $134.17 SHORT $1.53
COIN $243.43 $248.48 LONG $5.05
AMD $158.58 $160.60 LONG $2.02
AMD $160.96 $161.06 SHORT -$0.10
holding ADBE $530.30 SHORT $0.00
holding ROKU $54.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQ $63.96 LONG $0.00
holding RH $241.41 LONG $0.00
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COIN $257.76 $250.50 SHORT $7.26
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $183.64 $183.38 SHORT $0.26
added 06/12/24 holdover exit FSLR $288.18 $289.89 SHORT -$1.71
TOTAL $14.57
Lindsey – Earnings
added 06/11/24 holdover exit GWRE $130.12 $132.08 SHORT -$1.96
holding SIG $95.44 LONG $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$1.96
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $21.55
6/12/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding COIN $256.97 SHORT $0.00
holding PEP $168.39 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $157.65 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $213.83 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding 2nd account AAPL $214.90 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit NVDA $118.68 $124.79 LONG $6.11
added 06/10/24 holding FSLR $275.24 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holdover exit DE $371.11 $372.25 LONG $1.14
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.25
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RNA $38.83 $37.37 SHORT $1.46
SHOP $65.72 $65.43 SHORT $0.29
AMD $161.61 $159.59 SHORT $2.02
ORCL $140.26 $139.39 SHORT $0.87
ORCL $137.96 $136.36 SHORT $1.60
holding Z $46.96 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $257.76 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding AAPL $206.93 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $183.64 SHORT $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding FSLR $288.18 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.24
Lindsey – Earnings
ORCL $124.18 $133.33 LONG $9.15
holdover exit ASO $53.83 $53.35 LONG -$0.48
holdover exit SJM $113.50 $111.11 SHORT $2.39
added 06/11/24 holding GWRE $130.12 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/12/24 holding BBY $85.07 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit SWKS $102.35 $102.96 LONG $0.61
TOTAL $11.67
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit GME $29.29 $33.33 LONG $4.04
TOTAL $4.04
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $29.20
6/11/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $168.70 $169.96 LONG $1.26
COIN $237.96 $242.00 LONG $4.04
holding PEP $168.39 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $157.65 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $199.34 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AAPL $202.91 SHORT $0.00
holding NVDA $118.68 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holding FSLR $275.24 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holding DE $371.11 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.30
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TSLA $169.96 $168.75 SHORT $1.21
TSLA $167.67 $170.70 LONG $3.03
AAPL $199.99 $199.59 SHORT $0.40
holding AAPL $202.09 SHORT $0.00
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $183.64 SHORT $0.00
added 06/11/24 holding FSLR $281.72 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.64
Lindsey – Earnings
holding ASO $53.83 LONG $0.00
holding SJM $113.50 SHORT $0.00
added 06/11/24 holding GWRE $130.12 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/10/23 holdover exit (split) NVDA $122.40 $119.91 SHORT $2.49
holding GME $29.29 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.49
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $12.43
6/10/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $194.44 $196.20 LONG $1.76
AMZN $185.89 $187.08 LONG $1.19
holding PEP $168.39 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.09 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $118.68 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holding FSLR $275.24 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 06/10/24 holding DE $371.11 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit prop account AMZN $186.00 $187.08 LONG $1.08
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.03
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CRWD $374.74 $372.72 SHORT $2.02
CRWD $383.83 $379.79 SHORT $4.04
TGT $148.48 $148.63 SHORT -$0.15
holding KKR $108.52 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $183.64 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit   AMD $165.03 $160.60 SHORT $4.43
added 06/06/24 holdover exit   COIN $254.28 $248.48 SHORT $5.80
added 06/10/24 holding FSLR $274.90 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $16.14
Lindsey – Earnings
holding SJM $113.50 SHORT $0.00
added 06/06/24 holding GWRE $123.73 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/10/23 holding (split adjusted) NVDA $122.40 SHORT $0.00
holding GME $29.29 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $20.17
6/7/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $167.27 $169.08 LONG $1.81
AMD $166.96 $167.38 LONG $0.42
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.23
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MU $131.93 $130.90 SHORT $1.03
holding AMZN $183.64 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $165.03 SHORT $0.00
added 06/06/24 holding COIN $254.28 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit RCL $155.51 $154.45 SHORT $1.06
added 06/05/24 holdover exit BA $188.26 $187.57 SHORT $0.69
added 06/05/24 holding FSLR $268.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.78
Lindsey – Earnings
ZUMZ $19.12 $19.03 LONG -$0.09
IOT $34.68 $30.30 SHORT $4.38
DOCU $54.46 $49.49 SHORT $4.97
holding SJM $113.50 SHORT $0.00
added 06/06/24 holding GWRE $123.73 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.26
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/05/23 holding NVDA $1,179.76 SHORT $0.00
holding GME $29.29 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $14.27
6/6/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
NVDA $1,243.75 $1,214.00 SHORT $29.75
MU $130.38 $130.85 LONG $0.47
ZM $63.14 $63.08 SHORT $0.06
TSLA $172.89 $173.94 LONG $1.05
AMD $168.91 $168.38 SHORT $0.53
AMD $165.61 $165.95 LONG $0.34
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/31/24 holdover exit AMZN $181.01 $182.80 LONG $1.79
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $33.99
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding AMZN $183.64 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $165.03 SHORT $0.00
added 06/06/24 holding COIN $254.28 SHORT $0.00
holding RCL $155.51 SHORT $0.00
added 06/05/24 holding BA $188.26 SHORT $0.00
added 06/05/24 holding FSLR $268.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
FIVE $118.30 $118.84 LONG $0.54
SMAR $37.77 $42.65 LONG $4.88
VSCO $21.79 $21.29 LONG -$0.50
GIII $29.16 $27.16 LONG -$2.00
SMTC $41.41 $39.39 SHORT $2.02
holding SJM $113.50 SHORT $0.00
added 06/06/24 holding GWRE $123.73 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.94
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/05/23 holding NVDA $1,179.76 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $38.93
6/5/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $165.91 $165.35 SHORT $0.56
added 06/04/23 holdover exit AMD $162.12 $163.33 LONG $1.21
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $164.18 $164.85 LONG $0.67
holdover exit prop account AMD $159.25 $162.20 LONG $2.95
holdover exit PEP $172.85 $173.50 LONG $0.65
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/31/24 holding AMZN $181.01 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.04
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
VRNT $33.95 $34.47 SHORT -$0.52
MSFT $420.80 $420.52 SHORT $0.28
TSM $163.63 $162.62 SHORT $1.01
holding AMD $165.03 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $250.50 SHORT $0.00
holding RCL $155.51 SHORT $0.00
added 06/05/24 holding BA $188.26 SHORT $0.00
added 06/05/24 holding FSLR $268.25 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holdover exit PDD $141.05 $142.92 SHORT -$1.87
TOTAL -$1.10
Lindsey – Earnings
OLLI $81.50 $88.88 LONG $7.38
THO $96.02 $95.77 LONG -$0.25
holding GWRE $120.15 SHORT $0.00
holding DLTR $117.38 LONG $0.00
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding exit EXPE $116.57 $116.61 LONG $0.04
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.17
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/05/23 holding NVDA $1,179.76 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit FERG $195.59 $200.20 LONG $4.61
TOTAL $4.61
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $16.72
6/4/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
added 06/04/23 holding AMD $162.12 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $164.18 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMD $159.25 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/31/24 holding AMZN $181.01 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding RCL $155.51 SHORT $0.00
holding BA $185.85 SHORT $0.00
added 06/04/23 holding FSLR $260.58 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
GTLB $46.74 $44.99 LONG -$1.75
BBWI $52.15 $46.46 SHORT $5.69
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.94
Lindsey – Long Term
added 06/04/23 holding NVDA $1,106.80 SHORT $0.00
holding FERG $195.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $3.94
6/3/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $165.81 $166.97 LONG $1.16
holdover exit AMD $163.45 $169.50 LONG $6.05
holdover exit COIN $227.99 $231.00 LONG $3.01
holdover exit ZM $60.50 $62.10 LONG $1.60
holdover exit TSLA $177.71 $181.81 LONG $4.10
holding AMD $166.04 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $164.18 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/31/24 holding AMZN $181.01 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.92
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $182.82 $179.79 SHORT $3.03
NTLA $23.96 $22.99 SHORT $0.97
holding BA $185.85 SHORT $0.00
added 05/30/24 holding FSLR $253.41 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.00
Lindsey – Earnings
added 06/03/24 holding BBY $81.70 SHORT $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/30/24 holding NVDA $1,075.62 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $19.92
5/31/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding AMD $163.45 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $227.99 LONG $0.00
holding ZM $60.50 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $177.71 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/31/24 holding AMZN $181.01 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DELL $135.67 $137.73 LONG $2.06
added 05/30/24 holding FSLR $253.41 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.06
Lindsey – Earnings
JWN $20.92 $22.22 LONG $1.30
ZS $157.71 $168.68 LONG $10.97
DELL $172.05 $161.61 SHORT $10.44
GES $23.94 $23.54 SHORT $0.40
GPS $23.64 $28.82 SHORT -$5.18
NTAP $117.37 $118.02 SHORT -$0.65
holdover exit CPRI $33.95 $34.21 LONG $0.26
holdover exit PATH $14.41 $12.12 LONG -$2.29
holdover exit DG $132.65 $133.99 LONG $1.34
holdover exit KSS $22.56 $23.03 LONG $0.47
holding BBY $76.55 SHORT $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holdover exit ETSY $64.84 $62.99 LONG -$1.85
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.21
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/24/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,534.84 $1,466.66 SHORT $68.18
holdover exit CTNT $1.94 $0.81 LONG -$1.13
added 05/30/24 holding NVDA $1,075.62 SHORT $0.00
added 05/30/24 holding CAVA $90.96 $90.90 SHORT $0.06
added 05/30/24 holding CRM $222.25 $226.62 LONG $4.37
TOTAL $71.48
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $88.75
5/30/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $164.52 $166.35 LONG $1.83
AMD $166.40 $166.75 LONG $0.35
DKNG $35.57 $35.87 LONG $0.30
DKNG $35.33 $35.63 LONG $0.30
CRM $213.51 $216.40 LONG $2.89
holding ZM $60.50 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $177.71 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.67
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
FL $26.70 $26.34 SHORT $0.36
AI $27.72 $26.62 SHORT $1.10
HPQ $37.16 $38.48 SHORT -$1.32
added 05/30/24 holding FSLR $253.41 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holdover exit MNDY $233.32 $226.26 SHORT $7.06
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.20
Lindsey – Earnings
OKTA $96.90 $89.89 SHORT $7.01
holding CPRI $33.95 LONG $0.00
holding PATH $14.41 LONG $0.00
holding DG $132.65 LONG $0.00
holding KSS $22.56 LONG $0.00
holding BBY $76.55 SHORT $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.01
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/24/24 holding MSTR $1,534.84 SHORT $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
added 05/30/24 holding NVDA $1,075.62 SHORT $0.00
added 05/30/24 holding CAVA $90.96 SHORT $0.00
added 05/30/24 holding CRM $222.25 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $19.88
5/29/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $191.89 $191.26 SHORT $0.63
COIN $235.75 $237.75 LONG $2.00
holdover exit DKNG $35.95 $36.63 LONG $0.68
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/28/24 holdover exit AMD $170.11 $165.95 SHORT $4.16
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.47
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CAVA $75.75 $77.77 LONG $2.02
ANF $183.32 $187.47 SHORT -$4.15
added 05/29/24 holding FSLR $243.26 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$2.13
Lindsey – Earnings
BOX $25.00 $26.27 LONG $1.27
ANF $151.99 $165.65 LONG $13.66
DKS $194.69 $212.21 LONG $17.52
AAP $70.29 $64.64 SHORT $5.65
AEO $23.91 $24.31 SHORT -$0.40
CHWY $19.63 $21.54 SHORT -$1.91
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $35.80
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/24/24 holding MSTR $1,534.84 SHORT $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
added 05/28/24 holding NVDA $1,060.21 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $181.81 $183.96 LONG $2.15
holding CAVA $86.03 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $233.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.15
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $43.29
5/28/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
NVDA $1,133.00 $1,124.75 SHORT $8.25
AMD $166.50 $172.79 LONG $6.29
holding DKNG $35.95 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $172.85 LONG $0.00
added 05/28/24 holding AMD $170.11 SHORT $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holdover exit GME $22.92 $26.35 LONG $3.43
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $17.97
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $236.55 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/24/24 holding MSTR $1,534.84 SHORT $0.00
added 05/24/24 holdover exit GME $21.24 $24.24 LONG $3.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
added 05/28/24 holding NVDA $1,060.21 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $181.81 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $20.97
5/24/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
added 05/24/24 holding AMD $164.01 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $159.38 $163.00 LONG $3.62
added 05/23/24 holdover exit WIX $167.51 $168.25 LONG $0.74
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $257.09 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding GME $22.92 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TSM $160.06 $159.76 SHORT $0.30
BURL $200.48 $199.77 SHORT $0.71
holdover exit ROST $140.40 $141.82 SHORT -$1.42
added 05/24/24 holding FSLR $236.55 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.41
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/24/24 holding MSTR $1,534.84 SHORT $0.00
added 05/24/24 holding GME $21.24 LONG $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $1,032.50 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD  $162.96 $165.65 LONG $2.69
holding AMZN $181.81 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.69
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $6.64
5/23/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $171.00 $169.75 SHORT $1.25
NVDA $1,048.25 $1,034.25 SHORT $14.00
AMD $171.94 $168.30 SHORT $3.64
AMD $160.88 $163.03 LONG $2.15
holding AMD $166.50 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $159.38 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding WIX $167.51 LONG $0.00
holding FSLR $232.99 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $166.02 $171.40 LONG $5.38
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding DE $384.34 LONG $0.00
added 05/23/24 holding GME $22.92 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $26.42
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DELL $159.95 $156.56 SHORT $3.39
DELL $158.08 $158.37 SHORT -$0.29
holding ROST $140.40 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit CSIQ $17.42 $17.55 SHORT -$0.13
added 05/22/24 holding FSLR $229.54 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holdover exit WIX $165.67 $163.62 SHORT $2.05
holdover exit DYN $35.35 $33.33 SHORT $2.02
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.04
Lindsey – Earnings
SNOW $163.07 $181.06 LONG $17.99
RL $164.06 $168.68 LONG $4.62
BILI $15.77 $14.41 SHORT $1.36
BJ $82.62 $83.29 SHORT -$0.67
NTES $98.50 $95.59 SHORT $2.91
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holdover exit UAL $50.15 $51.51 SHORT -$1.36
TOTAL $24.85
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/20/24 holding MSTR $1,520.77 SHORT $0.00
added 05/20/24 holding GME $22.47 LONG $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $1,032.50 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD  $162.96 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $181.81 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $58.31
5/22/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding WIX $169.25 LONG $0.00
holding FSLR $232.99 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $166.02 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSTR $1,660.06 $1,626.11 SHORT $33.95
holdover exit AAPL $192.39 $192.08 SHORT $0.31
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
holding DE $398.09 LONG $0.00
holding GME $32.45 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $34.26
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TJX $103.30 $102.20 SHORT $1.10
SHOP $59.19 $58.58 SHORT $0.61
ADI $233.32 $230.03 SHORT $3.29
holding CSIQ $17.42 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding FSLR $229.54 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding WIX $165.67 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit JPM $195.95 $198.98 LONG $3.03
holding DYN $35.35 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding PDD $141.05 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.03
Lindsey – Earnings
URBN $41.42 $44.99 LONG $3.57
TJX $97.54 $101.10 LONG $3.56
TOL $129.96 $124.96 SHORT $5.00
TGT $153.73 $141.82 SHORT $11.91
added 05/22/24 holding KEYS $146.24 $149.49 LONG $3.25
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
added 05/22/24 holding ETSY $64.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $27.29
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/20/24 holding MSTR $1,520.77 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit BOOT $111.11 $110.01 SHORT $1.10
added 05/20/24 holding GME $22.47 LONG $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
TSLA $183.83 $181.18 SHORT $2.65
TOTAL $3.75
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $73.33
5/21/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $163.95 $165.45 LONG $1.50
BA $183.60 $184.30 LONG $0.70
WIX $172.19 $171.00 SHORT $1.19
holding MSTR $1,660.06 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $192.39 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding ROKU $59.05 LONG $0.00
holding DE $398.09 LONG $0.00
holding GME $32.45 LONG $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding AMZN $184.40 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.39
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMZN $180.80 $181.82 LONG $1.02
holding FSLR $206.60 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding WIX $165.67 SHORT $0.00
holding JPM $195.95 LONG $0.00
holding DYN $35.35 SHORT $0.00
added 05/21/24 holding MNDY $233.32 SHORT $0.00
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.02
Lindsey – Earnings
ZM $64.18 $63.52 SHORT $0.66
M $19.11 $18.81 SHORT $0.30
holding KEYS $149.99 LONG $0.00
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.96
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/20/24 holding MSTR $1,520.77 SHORT $0.00
holding BOOT $111.11 SHORT $0.00
added 05/20/24 holding GME $22.47 LONG $0.00
holding CTNT $1.94 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $5.37
5/20/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $168.01 $167.01 SHORT $1.00
TGT $158.53 $158.80 LONG $0.27
WIX $167.91 $167.21 SHORT $0.70
RCL $148.31 $147.45 SHORT $0.86
PEP $180.50 $181.05 LONG $0.55
RDDT $57.98 $58.95 LONG $0.97
AMD $164.87 $165.96 LONG $1.09
holding ROKU $60.25 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MU $127.60 $129.23 LONG $1.63
holdover exit SBUX $77.36 $76.85 SHORT $0.51
holdover exit COIN $210.57 $212.50 LONG $1.93
holding DE $398.09 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COIN $206.99 $212.50 LONG $5.51
holding GME $32.45 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holdover exit JPM $196.19 $196.09 SHORT $0.10
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.12
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
GLBE $33.99 $31.93 SHORT $2.06
RCL $147.72 $148.27 SHORT -$0.55
MSFT $425.52 $424.24 SHORT $1.28
holding WIX $162.16 SHORT $0.00
holding JPM $195.95 LONG $0.00
holding DYN $35.35 SHORT $0.00
holding MNDY $226.26 SHORT $0.00
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.79
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 05/20/24 holding MSTR $1,520.77 SHORT $0.00
holding BOOT $111.11 SHORT $0.00
added 05/20/24 holding GME $22.47 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COIN $208.59 $214.41 LONG $5.82
TOTAL $5.82
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $23.73
5/17/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
BIDU $110.13 $110.80 LONG $0.67
AMD $165.50 $166.88 LONG $1.38
AMD $164.70 $165.02 LONG $0.32
AMD $163.05 $163.97 LONG $0.92
holding MU $127.60 LONG $0.00
holding SBUX $77.36 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $210.57 LONG $0.00
holding DE $398.09 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MNDY $232.50 $225.30 SHORT $7.20
holdover exit AMD $164.14 $168.25 LONG $4.11
holding COIN $206.99 LONG $0.00
holding GME $32.45 LONG $0.00
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $163.83 $168.25 LONG $4.42
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.02
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TTWO $153.53 $148.48 SHORT $5.05
AMD $169.69 $166.61 SHORT $3.08
HOOD $20.05 $19.81 SHORT $0.24
AMD $163.36 $164.32 LONG $0.96
holding MNDY $226.26 SHORT $0.00
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.33
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holding MSTR $1,479.14 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $949.94 $888.88 SHORT $61.06
holding BOOT $111.11 SHORT $0.00
added 05/17/24 holding GME $25.75 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $208.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $61.06
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $89.41
5/16/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
GME $32.30 $33.81 LONG $1.51
AMD $163.28 $162.00 SHORT $1.28
SBUX $75.02 $75.51 LONG $0.49
holding COIN $210.57 LONG $0.00
holding DE $398.09 LONG $0.00
holding MNDY $232.50 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $164.14 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $206.99 LONG $0.00
holding GME $32.45 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $163.83 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit PLTR $21.84 $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.28
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CB $263.36 $264.64 LONG $1.28
AMD $165.46 $163.96 SHORT $1.50
holding MNDY $226.26 SHORT $0.00
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.78
Lindsey – Earnings
CSCO $49.55 $52.25 LONG $2.70
WMT $59.65 $63.63 LONG $3.98
BIDU $110.75 $105.05 SHORT $5.70
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $12.38
Lindsey – Long Term
 holding MSTR $1,479.14 SHORT $0.00
 holding SMCI $949.94 SHORT $0.00
 holding BOOT $111.11 SHORT $0.00
 holding GME $29.29 LONG $0.00
 holding COIN $208.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $18.44
5/15/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MNDY $224.00 $217.96 SHORT $6.04
TSLA $174.72 $175.28 LONG $0.56
COIN $209.10 $213.50 LONG $4.40
ZM $62.82 $63.15 LONG $0.33
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.33
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MNDY $225.52 $221.21 SHORT $4.31
GME $33.33 $36.90 LONG $3.57
DELL $144.88 $144.21 SHORT $0.67
RBLX $32.74 $33.04 SHORT -$0.30
DELL $146.23 $145.85 SHORT $0.38
LEN $169.96 $169.88 SHORT $0.08
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.71
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
MSTR $1,479.14 SHORT $0.00
SMCI $949.94 SHORT $0.00
BOOT $111.11 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AMZN $183.82 $184.27 LONG $0.45
AAPL $189.14 $189.43 SHORT -$0.29
DELL $143.56 $144.31 SHORT -$0.75
RBLX $32.49 $32.67 SHORT -$0.18
DELL $145.72 $145.55 SHORT $0.17
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.60
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $19.44
5/14/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $149.12 $151.46 LONG $2.34
PEP $179.74 $180.33 LONG $0.59
BABA $78.37 $79.10 LONG $0.73
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.66
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
APP $80.40 $82.28 LONG $1.88
ROKU $65.65 $63.63 SHORT $2.02
BABA $77.77 $79.19 LONG $1.42
AMC $8.88 $9.12 LONG $0.24
ORCL $120.20 $118.81 SHORT $1.39
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.95
Lindsey – Earnings
ONON $30.55 $35.53 LONG $4.98
STNE $15.73 $15.20 LONG -$0.53
IGT $19.99 $21.42 LONG $1.43
BABA $84.62 $78.78 SHORT $5.84
SE $64.39 $66.66 SHORT -$2.27
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.45
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ONON $36.85 $35.01 SHORT $1.84
ROKU $65.58 $65.78 SHORT -$0.20
ROKU $65.61 $65.59 SHORT $0.02
SE $67.94 $67.85 SHORT $0.09
TSLA $178.28 $178.28 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit BABA $83.44 $79.82 SHORT $3.62
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.37
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $25.43
5/13/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
BABA $88.45 $84.38 LONG $4.07
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
prop account AMZN $186.00 LONG $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.07
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ENPH $112.60 $111.11 SHORT $1.49
GME $29.29 $31.13 LONG $1.84
added 05/13/24 holding PDD $136.56 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.33
Lindsey – Earnings
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
holding BABA $83.44 SHORT $0.00
W $74.94 $74.82 SHORT $0.12
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.12
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $7.52
5/10/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $189.00 $189.78 LONG $0.78
holding AMZN $188.74 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $188.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PLNT $64.60 $63.87 SHORT $0.73
holdover exit W $72.55 $71.10 SHORT $1.45
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MU $119.95 $121.15 LONG $1.20
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $153.10 $155.73 LONG $2.63
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.79
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
GRPN $13.13 $12.48 SHORT $0.65
SG $33.99 $32.16 SHORT $1.83
GRPN $13.39 $13.37 SHORT $0.02
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.50
Lindsey – Earnings
AKAM $93.94 $91.41 LONG -$2.53
ARWR $23.02 $22.20 LONG -$0.82
$23.23 $22.02 LONG -$1.21
HRB $51.14 $53.90 SHORT -$2.76
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$7.32
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
SG $31.77 $31.58 SHORT $0.19
BROS $35.55 $35.36 SHORT $0.19
BROS $35.92 $35.91 SHORT $0.01
TSLA $168.33 $168.35 LONG $0.02
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.41
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $2.38
5/9/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
RDDT $48.90 $50.00 LONG $1.10
SPG $148.01 $149.01 LONG $1.00
holding PLNT $64.60 SHORT $0.00
holding W $72.55 SHORT $0.00
added 05/09/24 holding JPM $196.19 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding MU $119.95 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AAPL $182.73 $184.04 LONG $1.31
added 05/09/24 holdover exit AMD $152.17 $153.07 LONG $0.90
holding 2nd account AMD $153.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.31
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
W $71.73 $71.57 SHORT $0.16
ZLAB $21.21 $20.71 SHORT $0.50
PLNT $65.42 $65.95 SHORT -$0.53
holdover exit LPX $86.55 $85.85 SHORT $0.70
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.83
Lindsey – Earnings
ABNB $149.77 $147.74 LONG -$2.03
EXAS $54.09 $54.96 LONG $0.87
TTD $86.46 $88.66 LONG $2.20
H $144.61 $147.74 LONG $3.13
CAKE $35.52 $35.70 SHORT -$0.18
CYTK $65.19 $64.46 SHORT $0.73
CSIQ $17.72 $17.39 SHORT $0.33
SIX $25.21 $24.24 SHORT $0.97
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.02
Lindsey – Long Term
LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $11.16
5/8/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding JPM $194.41 SHORT $0.00
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding MU $119.95 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $182.73 LONG $0.00
added 05/08/24 holding AMD $153.87 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $153.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ODD $36.32 $35.95 SHORT $0.37
AFRM $37.73 $36.36 SHORT $1.37
RDDT $49.94 $52.25 LONG $2.31
MYGN $23.96 $23.23 SHORT $0.73
JPM $193.39 $193.50 SHORT -$0.11
holding LPX $86.55 SHORT $0.00
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.67
Lindsey – Earnings
CFLT $27.84 $31.31 LONG $3.47
KTOS $18.72 $19.19 LONG $0.47
WYNN $96.84 $95.29 LONG -$1.55
TRIP $19.63 $17.96 LONG -$1.67
EA $130.31 $122.99 SHORT $7.32
LYFT $16.63 $17.43 SHORT -$0.80
SHOP $77.38 $61.61 SHORT $15.77
UBER $70.36 $63.96 SHORT $6.40
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $29.41
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit IBM $169.45 $169.96 LONG $0.51
TOTAL $0.51
Kipp – Active
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $34.59
5/7/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $155.48 $157.00 LONG $1.52
TSLA $178.53 $179.92 LONG $1.39
SPG $150.39 $148.22 SHORT $2.17
BABA $78.97 $79.28 LONG $0.31
AMZN $188.46 $189.12 LONG $0.66
META $464.65 $465.95 LONG $1.30
holding PLTR $21.84 LONG $0.00
holding MU $119.95 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $182.73 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $155.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holdover exit RDDT $47.07 $60.00 LONG $12.93
added 04/10/24 holdover exit 2nd account RDDT $45.60 $60.00 LONG $14.40
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $34.68
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CROX $139.93 $133.99 SHORT $5.94
PLTR $21.84 $21.55 LONG -$0.29
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.65
Lindsey – Earnings
LITE $44.34 $41.80 LONG -$2.54
MCHP $92.99 $92.56 LONG -$0.43
CROX $126.54 $137.37 LONG $10.83
PLTR $25.10 $22.22 SHORT $2.88
SPG $148.08 $148.46 SHORT -$0.38
DIS $116.58 $107.70 SHORT $8.88
TPX $49.96 $52.13 SHORT -$2.17
added 05/07/24 holding EXPE $116.57 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holdover exit CVNA $119.51 $117.71 SHORT $1.80
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $18.87
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $59.20
5/6/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $155.41 $155.01 SHORT $0.40
MU $120.80 $119.21 SHORT $1.59
TSLA $183.02 $183.50 LONG $0.48
AMD $155.00 $155.40 LONG $0.40
added 05/03/24 holdover exit IBM $166.91 $167.15 LONG $0.24
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.11
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
COIN $233.32 $229.29 SHORT $4.03
MU $120.20 $119.19 SHORT $1.01
UBER $71.97 $72.13 SHORT -$0.16
SQ $72.48 $72.44 SHORT $0.04
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
added 05/06/24 holdover exit BA $178.11 $174.74 SHORT $3.37
TOTAL $8.29
Lindsey – Earnings
holding EXPE $124.53 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding CVNA $119.51 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $150.84 $155.99 LONG $5.15
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/06/24 holding UAL $50.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.15
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
PLTR $24.24 $24.43 LONG $0.19
TSLA $186.84 $186.47 SHORT $0.37
META $458.37 $458.34 SHORT $0.03
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.59
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $17.14
5/3/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MSFT $405.40 $403.85 SHORT $1.55
COIN $217.89 $222.85 LONG $4.96
AMZN $186.01 $186.65 LONG $0.64
NFLX $579.40 $578.45 SHORT $0.95
holdover exit SBUX $74.36 $75.35 LONG $0.99
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $145.80 $149.95 LONG $4.15
added 05/01/24 holdover exit AMD $149.09 $149.81 LONG $0.72
added 05/03/24 holding IBM $166.91 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.96
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
LEN $161.96 $159.59 SHORT $2.37
SMCI $799.97 $777.77 SHORT $22.20
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
added 05/02/24 holding BA $174.48 SHORT $0.00
added 04/30/24 holdover exit GBTC $55.93 $55.55 LONG -$0.38
TOTAL $24.19
Lindsey – Earnings
AAPL $173.02 $181.18 LONG $8.16
ILMN $121.11 $119.79 LONG -$1.32
SQ $69.72 $77.77 LONG $8.05
LNG $157.12 $156.80 LONG -$0.32
FTNT $64.81 $58.58 SHORT $6.23
XPO $120.14 $113.13 SHORT $7.01
holding EXPE $124.53 LONG $0.00
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
added 05/03/24 holding CVNA $115.51 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $150.84 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
holdover exit BSX $68.77 $72.94 SHORT -$4.17
holdover exit HAS $58.10 $61.47 SHORT -$3.37
added 04/23/24 holdover exit AXP $231.24 $231.27 SHORT -$0.03
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $20.24
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
added 05/02/24 holdover exit SMCI $743.46 $797.97 LONG $54.51
TOTAL $54.51
Kipp – Active
AMGN $320.13 $317.00 SHORT $3.13
NFLX $574.70 $572.38 SHORT $2.32
ENPH $114.81 $114.18 SHORT $0.63
BEPC $28.24 $28.44 SHORT -$0.20
NFLX $577.39 $579.20 SHORT -$1.81
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.07
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $116.97
5/2/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $184.61 $184.18 SHORT $0.43
holding SBUX $74.36 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $145.80 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holding AMD $149.09 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holdover exit COIN $205.15 $222.02 LONG $16.87
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holdover exit NFLX $557.10 $562.75 LONG $5.65
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $22.95
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding PDD $131.17 SHORT $0.00
added 05/02/24 holding BA $174.48 SHORT $0.00
added 04/30/24 holdover exit COIN $214.65 $222.44 LONG $7.79
added 04/30/24 holding GBTC $55.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.79
Lindsey – Earnings
BAX $39.11 $37.07 LONG -$2.04
PENN $14.63 $15.51 LONG $0.88
DASH $115.39 $114.94 LONG -$0.45
JAZZ $111.09 $111.22 LONG $0.13
SHAK $105.43 $101.90 SHORT $3.53
CWH $20.63 $20.15 SHORT $0.48
FSLR $181.49 $173.37 SHORT $8.12
Z $43.02 $37.73 SHORT $5.29
holding ETSY $66.05 LONG $0.00
holding CVNA $110.33 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $150.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $179.49 $182.96 LONG $3.47
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
added 05/01/24 holdover exit DD $75.60 $77.30 SHORT -$1.70
TOTAL $17.71
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holdover exit NFLX $554.11 $562.26 LONG $8.15
added 05/02/24 holding SMCI $743.46 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.15
Kipp – Active
MGM $42.79 $42.40 SHORT $0.39
ZTS $167.24 $167.15 SHORT $0.09
CHRW $84.27 $83.52 SHORT $0.75
MRNA $120.77 $120.20 SHORT $0.57
ASPN $22.32 $22.17 SHORT $0.15
BA $177.54 $177.37 SHORT $0.17
holdover exit SBUX $73.95 $74.95 LONG $1.00
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.12
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $59.72
5/1/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $179.74 $183.25 LONG $3.51
holding SBUX $74.36 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $145.80 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holding AMD $149.09 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holding COIN $205.15 LONG $0.00
holdover exit META $429.10 $435.00 LONG $5.90
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding NFLX $557.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.41
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TXMD $120.45 $120.30 SHORT $0.15
FANG $194.49 $196.36 LONG $1.87
holding BA $172.21 SHORT $0.00
added 04/30/24 holding COIN $214.65 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holdover exit PDD $123.38 $123.40 SHORT -$0.02
added 04/30/24 holding GBTC $55.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.00
Lindsey – Earnings
PFE $25.60 $26.62 LONG $1.02
CLX $148.16 $138.83 SHORT $9.33
SBUX $88.92 $81.81 SHORT $7.11
SKT $28.39 $27.27 SHORT $1.12
SMG $68.71 $64.64 SHORT $4.07
holding AMD $150.84 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $179.49 LONG $0.00
holding SWKS $102.35 LONG $0.00
added 05/01/24 holdover exit GEHC $78.81 $78.48 LONG -$0.33
holdover exit WHR $98.95 $96.74 LONG -$2.21
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit PPG $135.10 $132.39 LONG -$2.71
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
added 05/01/24 holding DD $75.60 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ETSY $76.70 $71.71 LONG -$4.99
TOTAL $12.41
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holdover exit META $432.65 $449.94 LONG $17.29
added 05/01/24 holding NFLX $554.11 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GLD $212.12 $215.15 LONG $3.03
holding SMCI $772.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $20.32
Kipp – Active
AMZN $181.00 $179.00 SHORT $2.00
AMZN $181.58 $181.55 SHORT $0.03
GRMN $160.32 $162.36 SHORT -$2.04
PINS $39.79 $40.02 SHORT -$0.23
holding SBUX $73.95 LONG $0.00
PINS $40.84 $40.05 SHORT $0.79
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.55
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $44.69
4/30/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $160.44 $162.20 LONG $1.76
AMD $160.69 $161.10 LONG $0.41
AMZN $179.74 $185.25 LONG $5.51
holding AMD $155.30 LONG $0.00
holdover exit BA $171.72 $171.17 SHORT $0.55
added 04/30/24 holding COIN $213.05 LONG $0.00
holding META $429.10 LONG $0.00
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding NFLX $557.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.23
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
THC $110.10 $109.88 SHORT $0.22
holding BA $172.21 SHORT $0.00
added 04/30/24 holding COIN $214.65 LONG $0.00
holdover exit NXPI $262.26 $254.54 SHORT $7.72
added 04/29/24 holding PDD $123.38 SHORT $0.00
added 04/30/24 holding GBTC $55.93 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.94
Lindsey – Earnings
FFIV $168.15 $166.99 LONG -$1.16
CVLT $99.18 $105.05 LONG $5.87
MMM $91.77 $97.47 LONG $5.70
PYPL $66.88 $72.27 LONG $5.39
YUMC $40.15 $36.96 SHORT $3.19
ADM $60.46 $58.58 SHORT $1.88
EAT $51.76 $53.93 SHORT -$2.17
SYY $77.18 $73.73 SHORT $3.45
holding GEHC $80.87 LONG $0.00
holding WHR $98.95 LONG $0.00
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $22.15
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding META $432.65 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding NFLX $557.33 LONG $0.00
holding GLD $212.12 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $772.78 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TSLA $189.83 $189.40 SHORT $0.43
LLY $793.00 $790.93 SHORT $2.07
MCD $271.01 $271.09 SHORT -$0.08
THC $109.08 $108.69 SHORT $0.39
MCD $276.58 $276.47 SHORT $0.11
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.92
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $41.24
4/29/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $175.39 $174.84 SHORT $0.55
TSLA $188.75 $184.90 SHORT $3.85
AMD $157.01 $158.90 LONG $1.89
AMZN $179.90 $181.13 LONG $1.23
holdover exit   AMZN $179.90 $182.75 LONG $2.85
holding BA $171.72 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $217.75 LONG $0.00
holding META $429.10 LONG $0.00
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding NFLX $557.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMZN $181.06 $182.75 LONG $1.69
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.06
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding BA $172.21 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $218.18 LONG $0.00
holding NXPI $262.26 SHORT $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding PDD $123.38 SHORT $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
ON $68.06 $70.07 LONG $2.01
JKS $24.07 $24.72 SHORT -$0.65
BEN $24.96 $23.93 SHORT $1.03
holding WHR $98.95 LONG $0.00
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.39
Lindsey – Long Term
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding META $432.65 LONG $0.00
added 04/29/24 holding NFLX $557.33 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BIDU $107.14 $106.78 SHORT $0.36
TSLA $188.89 $187.92 SHORT $0.97
AAPL $175.66 $175.65 SHORT $0.01
BIIB $217.67 $216.80 SHORT $0.87
BA $172.05 $172.01 SHORT $0.04
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.25
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $16.70
4/26/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding AMZN $179.90 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSFT $395.95 $411.90 LONG $15.95
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit prop account AMZN $180.20 $180.60 LONG $0.40
holding NFLX $558.90 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMAT $201.99 $202.25 LONG $0.26
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AAPL $169.52 $170.47 LONG $0.95
added 04/24/24 holdover exit AMD $155.05 $157.95 LONG $2.90
added 04/24/24 holdover exit AMZN $178.45 $179.15 LONG $0.70
added 04/17/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMD $157.05 $157.95 LONG $0.90
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $22.06
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
RMD $214.90 $211.12 SHORT $3.78
ROKU $57.47 $57.40 SHORT $0.07
holding PDD $121.44 SHORT $0.00
added 04/25/24 holdover exit AMZN $170.86 $180.60 LONG $9.74
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.59
Lindsey – Earnings
EW $86.90 $86.47 LONG -$0.43
GILD $65.20 $65.65 LONG $0.45
GOOGL $155.78 $171.71 LONG $15.93
CVX $165.55 $165.75 LONG $0.20
WDC $70.05 $62.26 SHORT $7.79
ROKU $63.07 $56.56 SHORT $6.51
SKX $65.82 $65.34 SHORT $0.48
AN $171.47 $172.40 SHORT -$0.93
CL $89.23 $91.05 SHORT -$1.82
holding WHR $98.95 LONG $0.00
holdover exit BMY $45.92 $45.15 LONG -$0.77
holdover exit HON $194.40 $192.73 LONG -$1.67
holdover exit WM $209.92 $210.70 SHORT -$0.78
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit FCX $49.06 $50.50 LONG $1.44
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ABT $110.10 $107.75 LONG -$2.35
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $24.05
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 $101.51 LONG $1.94
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
holding META $434.34 LONG $0.00
added 04/26/24 holding NFLX $558.22 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.94
Kipp – Active
MSFT $411.11 $410.14 SHORT $0.97
ROKU $56.66 $57.21 LONG $0.55
SKX $68.29 $67.85 SHORT $0.44
RMD $213.95 $215.24 SHORT -$1.29
APP $73.65 $74.04 SHORT -$0.39
BABA $75.35 $75.30 LONG -$0.05
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.23
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $61.87
4/25/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
CAT $332.50 $341.10 LONG $8.60
holding MSFT $395.95 LONG $0.00
holding IBM $168.40 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
holding NFLX $558.90 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/24/24 holding AMD $155.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/24/24 holding AMZN $178.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.60
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CAT $339.39 $340.96 LONG $1.57
holdover exit HLT $209.09 $204.04 SHORT $5.05
holding PDD $121.44 SHORT $0.00
added 04/25/24 holding AMZN $170.86 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holdover exit AMD $152.87 $157.57 LONG $4.70
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.32
Lindsey – Earnings
WH $71.46 $73.73 LONG $2.27
HES $158.18 $161.16 LONG $2.98
MRK $127.71 $130.30 LONG $2.59
IBM $184.18 $173.37 SHORT $10.81
holding WHR $98.95 LONG $0.00
holding BMY $45.92 LONG $0.00
holding HON $194.40 LONG $0.00
holding WM $209.92 SHORT $0.00
holding BSX $68.77 SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holding FCX $49.06 LONG $0.00
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.65
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 LONG $0.00
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
holding META $434.34 LONG $0.00
holding NFLX $559.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
META $420.44 $423.46 LONG $3.02
META $439.34 $434.38 SHORT $4.96
TSM $134.44 $134.35 SHORT $0.09
holdover exit NFLX $554.25 $556.14 LONG $1.89
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.96
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $48.53
4/24/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
PEP $169.19 $170.35 LONG $1.16
holdover exit 2nd account AAPL $165.27 $167.30 LONG $2.03
holdover exit SMCI $760.09 $791.00 LONG $30.91
holdover exit META $482.01 $509.00 LONG $26.99
holdover exit EFX $215.75 $224.42 LONG $8.67
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holdover exit ASML $887.55 $913.00 LONG $25.45
added 04/19/24 holdover exit MU $110.45 $114.11 LONG $3.66
added 04/19/24 holdover exit ARM $95.15 $100.25 LONG $5.10
holding NFLX $558.90 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/24/24 holding AMD $155.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/24/24 holding AMZN $178.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $103.97
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ENPH $116.61 $107.07 SHORT $9.54
TXN $178.78 $173.73 SHORT $5.05
holding HLT $209.09 SHORT $0.00
holding PDD $121.44 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMZN $177.26 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMD $152.87 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.59
Lindsey – Earnings
STX $86.87 $85.70 LONG -$1.17
TXN $166.38 $176.76 LONG $10.38
BIIB $193.66 $205.50 LONG $11.84
HLT $197.11 $206.06 LONG $8.95
MAT $19.53 $19.33 SHORT $0.20
MTDR $65.46 $65.07 SHORT $0.39
holding BSX $68.77    SHORT $0.00
holding HAS $58.10 SHORT $0.00
holding FCX $49.06 LONG $0.00
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $30.59
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 LONG $0.00
holding IBM $169.45 LONG $0.00
holding META $434.34 LONG $0.00
holding NFLX $559.06 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TSLA $164.04 $163.11 SHORT $0.93
RILY $33.70 $32.20 SHORT $1.50
TSLA $162.82 $162.11 SHORT $0.71
PEP $172.67 $173.08 SHORT -$0.41
holding NFLX $554.25 LONG $0.00
HPQ $28.31 $28.26 SHORT $0.05
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.78
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $151.93
4/23/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding 2nd account AAPL $165.27 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $760.09 LONG $0.00
holding META $482.01 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $215.75 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ASML $887.55 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding MU $110.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $95.15 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding AMD $158.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding AMZN $181.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SE $61.69 $61.14 SHORT $0.55
SPOT $318.81 $316.16 SHORT $2.65
holding PDD $121.44 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMZN $177.26 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMD $152.87 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/22/24 holdover exit MSFT $403.48 $405.95 LONG $2.47
TOTAL $5.67
Lindsey – Earnings
NEE $65.15 $66.99 LONG $1.84
PEP $173.00 $171.71 LONG -$1.29
RTX $101.54 $101.46 LONG -$0.08
UPS $145.28 $148.84 LONG $3.56
KMB $134.22 $136.15 SHORT -$1.93
DGX $130.17 $137.73 LONG $7.56
holding FCX $49.06 LONG $0.00
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/23/24 holding AXP $231.24 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.66
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/23/24 holdover exit TSLA $153.27 $155.55 LONG $2.28
added 04/19/24 holdover exit ASML $895.47 $907.07 LONG $11.60
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 LONG $0.00
holdover exit EFX $220.02 $224.24 LONG $4.22
holdover exit META $487.31 $492.92 LONG $5.61
TOTAL $23.71
Kipp – Active
META $493.00 $491.00 SHORT $2.00
TSLA $145.07 $144.93 SHORT $0.14
PHM $111.92 $111.61 SHORT $0.31
SPOT $313.24 $311.24 SHORT $2.00
SE $62.07 $62.38 SHORT -$0.31
FUTU $60.81 $60.83 SHORT -$0.02
RCL $136.45 $136.93 SHORT -$0.48
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.64
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $42.68
4/22/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding 2nd account AAPL $165.27 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $760.09 LONG $0.00
holding META $482.01 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $215.75 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ASML $887.55 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding MU $110.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $95.15 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding AMD $158.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding AMZN $181.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SE $59.93 $58.58 SHORT $1.35
RCL $132.96 $132.62 SHORT $0.34
holding PDD $121.44 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COIN $211.12 $222.22 LONG $11.10
added 04/19/24 holding AMZN $177.26 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMD $152.87 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/22/24 holding MSFT $403.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.79
Lindsey – Earnings
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
holding AXP $225.55 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holdover exit JPM $184.96 $188.18 LONG $3.22
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.22
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/19/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,276.05 $1,326.26 LONG $50.21
added 04/16/24 holding TSLA $157.19 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ASML $895.47 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $220.02 LONG $0.00
holding META $487.31 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $50.21
Kipp – Active
SE $60.61 $59.61 SHORT $1.00
SE $61.61 $60.31 SHORT $1.30
PDD $119.13 $118.68 SHORT $0.45
AMZN $175.29 $174.89 LONG -$0.40
PDD $118.71 $119.16 SHORT -$0.45
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.90
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $68.12
4/19/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding 2nd account AAPL $165.27 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $760.09 LONG $0.00
holding META $482.01 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $215.75 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ASML $887.55 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding MU $110.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $95.15 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding AMD $158.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding AMZN $181.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $171.81 $170.70 SHORT $1.11
WFC $60.66 $60.74 SHORT -$0.08
WFC $60.71 $60.78 SHORT -$0.07
holding COIN $211.12 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMZN $177.26 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding AMD $152.87 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding MSFT $405.99 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.96
Lindsey – Earnings
SLB $51.03 $50.96 LONG -$0.07
WAL $57.18 $57.25 SHORT -$0.07
FITB $35.20 $36.21 SHORT -$1.01
PG $156.94 $157.44 SHORT -$0.50
RF $19.11 $18.76 SHORT $0.35
holding PPG $135.10 LONG $0.00
holding AXP $225.55 SHORT $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding UAL $48.25 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holdover exit JNJ $145.88 $146.98 LONG $1.10
added 04/16/24 holding JPM $184.96 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding DD $70.82 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.20
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/15/24 holdover exit DJT $33.19 $37.37 LONG $4.18
added 04/19/24 holding MSTR $1,276.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding TSLA $157.19 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ASML $895.47 LONG $0.00
added 04/19/24 holding ARM $99.57 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $220.02 LONG $0.00
holding META $487.31 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.18
Kipp – Active
NFLX $569.74 $570.73 LONG $0.99
NFLX $560.77 $563.40 LONG $2.63
AAPL $165.45 $165.46 LONG $0.01
BA $171.16 $171.59 SHORT -$0.43
AXP $226.64 $227.06 SHORT -$0.42
WFC $60.58 $60.83 SHORT -$0.25
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.53
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $7.47
4/18/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
META $511.60 $509.10 SHORT $2.50
holding EFX $215.75 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $180.20 LONG $0.00
holding ASML $917.55 LONG $0.00
holding MU $120.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding ARM $109.01 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding 2nd account AMZN $181.06 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COIN $211.75 $225.25 LONG $13.50
added 04/17/24 holding AMD $158.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding AMZN $181.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit META $499.09 $509.69 LONG $10.60
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,234.10 $1,275.75 LONG $41.65
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $68.25
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
META $511.15 $507.95 SHORT $3.20
IRDM $26.62 $26.26 SHORT $0.36
holding AMZN $179.00 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $157.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holdover exit COIN $214.32 $225.25 LONG $10.93
added 04/15/24 holding MSFT $416.63 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.49
Lindsey – Earnings
CSX $34.25 $34.96 LONG $0.71
DHI $145.30 $153.35 LONG $8.05
AA $36.01 $34.34 SHORT $1.67
LVS $50.26 $46.96 SHORT $3.30
OZK $42.66 $43.66 SHORT -$1.00
SLG $50.04 $48.96 SHORT $1.08
ALLY $36.44 $38.79 SHORT -$2.35
holding UAL $46.49 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding JNJ $145.88 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding JPM $184.96 LONG $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.46
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/15/24 holding DJT $33.19 LONG $0.00
holdover exit META $504.75 $508.08 LONG $3.33
added 04/16/24 holding MSTR $1,314.70 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding TSLA $157.19 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding ASML $904.14 LONG $0.00
added 04/18/24 holding ARM $107.24 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $220.02 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.33
Kipp – Active
EBAY $51.20 $50.29 SHORT $0.91
ETSY $66.76 $66.72 SHORT $0.04
META $510.37 $511.50 SHORT -$1.13
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.18
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $97.35
4/17/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $154.15 $155.20 LONG $1.05
holdover exit AAPL $169.50 $170.61 LONG $1.11
holding ASML $917.55 LONG $0.00
holding MU $120.45 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $113.85 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $201.99 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $183.26 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $169.52 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $211.75 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding AMD $158.40 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.25 LONG $0.00
holding META $499.09 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding 2nd account AMD $157.05 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding MSTR $1,234.10 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSFT $414.33 $418.80 LONG $4.47
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.63
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding AMD $157.99 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/17/24 holding COIN $214.32 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding MSFT $416.63 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
USB $41.11 $39.63 LONG -$1.48
IBKR $111.36 $110.96 SHORT $0.40
JBHT $184.34 $173.37 SHORT $10.97
holding UAL $46.49 SHORT $0.00
holding ABT $110.10 LONG $0.00
holding JNJ $147.60 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding JPM $184.96 LONG $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.89
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/15/24 holding DJT $33.19 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $184.85 $183.38 SHORT $1.47
holding META $504.75 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding MSTR $1,314.70 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding TSLA $157.19 LONG $0.00
holding ASML $917.04 LONG $0.00
holding ARM $112.12 LONG $0.00
holding EFX $220.02 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.47
Kipp – Active
UAL $44.88 $44.27 SHORT $0.61
holding UAL $46.31 SHORT $0.00
AMZN $181.88 $181.48 LONG -$0.40
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.21
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $18.20
4/16/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
COIN $210.00 $215.00 LONG $5.00
holding AAPL $169.50 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $162.85 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.25 LONG $0.00
holding META $499.09 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $159.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding MSTR $1,309.50 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $414.33 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $889.00 $927.00 LONG $38.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $43.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
GS $387.78 $405.05 LONG $17.27
holdover exit AAPL $172.51 $171.17 SHORT $1.34
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding COIN $219.40 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $161.61 $164.64 LONG $3.03
added 04/15/24 holding MSFT $416.63 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $21.64
Lindsey – Earnings
PNC $146.18 $147.74 LONG $1.56
BK $54.73 $52.77 SHORT $1.96
MS $89.51 $88.55 SHORT $0.96
BAC $35.87 $34.96 SHORT $0.91
holding JNJ $147.60 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding JPM $184.96 LONG $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.39
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/15/24 holding DJT $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holdover exit SMCI $908.32 $929.92 LONG $21.60
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
holding META $504.75 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding MSTR $1,314.70 LONG $0.00
added 04/16/24 holding TSLA $157.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $21.60
Kipp – Active
ITCI $80.87 $80.63 SHORT $0.24
NFLX $620.65 $618.65 SHORT $2.00
SE $56.94 $56.52 SHORT $0.42
AAPL $168.64 $168.95 LONG $0.31
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.97
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $94.60
4/15/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $160.94 $162.43 LONG $1.49
AMZN $188.44 $187.95 SHORT $0.49
AMD $161.60 $159.24 SHORT $2.36
holding AMD $162.85 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.25 LONG $0.00
holding META $499.09 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $159.40 LONG $0.00
holding MSTR $1,357.50 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $414.33 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $889.00 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $188.00 $188.49 LONG $0.49
holdover exit META $511.35 $516.88 LONG $5.53
added 04/12/24 holdover exit AAPL $174.52 $173.80 SHORT $0.72
holdover exit 2nd account AAPL $173.75 $173.80 SHORT -$0.05
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $11.03
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
PLL $17.34 $16.66 SHORT $0.68
RDDT $39.93 $40.96 LONG $1.03
holding AAPL $172.51 SHORT $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding GBTC $58.52 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding COIN $231.54 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GLD $217.17 $219.19 LONG $2.02
holding AMD $161.61 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding MSFT $416.63 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GS $387.78 $405.05 LONG $17.27
TOTAL $21.00
Lindsey – Earnings
holding JPM $189.23 LONG $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/15/24 holding DJT $33.19 LONG $0.00
added 04/15/24 holding SMCI $908.32 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
holding META $504.75 LONG $0.00
holding MSTR $1,366.13 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $163.36 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
GS $410.42 $409.00 SHORT $1.42
AMZN $188.42 $188.03 SHORT $0.39
TSLA $165.43 $165.63 LONG $0.20
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.01
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $34.04
4/12/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $162.70 $164.80 LONG $2.10
AAPL $178.19 $176.60 SHORT $1.59
holdover exit AMZN $186.26 $185.85 SHORT $0.41
holding AMZN $188.00 LONG $0.00
holding META $511.35 LONG $0.00
added 04/12/24 holding AAPL $174.52 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AAPL $173.75 SHORT $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.10
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WFC $56.96 $56.28 SHORT $0.68
MSTR $1,444.44 $1,475.75 LONG $31.31
holdover exit MU $125.62 $123.96 SHORT $1.66
holding AAPL $172.51 SHORT $0.00
holding GBTC $60.90 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $243.93 LONG $0.00
holding GLD $217.17 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $161.61 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $420.02 LONG $0.00
holding GS $387.78 LONG $0.00
added 04/12/24 holdover exit META $514.83 $517.17 LONG $2.34
TOTAL $35.99
Lindsey – Earnings
STT $73.79 $75.75 LONG $1.96
WFC $56.84 $55.55 SHORT $1.29
$60.81 $62.26 LONG $1.45
holding JPM $189.23 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holdover exit WM $202.45 $204.96 SHORT -$2.51
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.19
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/11/24 holding DJT $39.12 LONG $0.00
added 04/09/24 holding SMCI $928.78 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
GL $58.10 $58.53 LONG $0.43
AAPL $177.95 $178.18 SHORT -$0.23
AMZN $186.49 $187.36 LONG $0.87
added 04/12/24 holdover exit MU $124.36 $124.09 SHORT $0.27
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.34
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $43.62
4/11/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $169.59 $170.25 LONG $0.66
AMZN $186.84 $187.19 LONG $0.35
AMD $168.80 $170.20 LONG $1.40
holding AMZN $186.26 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $171.01 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AAPL $173.75 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $166.79 $169.15 LONG $2.36
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $166.90 $169.15 LONG $2.25
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.02
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holdover exit AMD $165.65 $168.68 LONG $3.03
holding MU $125.62 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $172.51 SHORT $0.00
holding GBTC $60.90 LONG $0.00
holding META $520.20 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.03
Lindsey – Earnings
FAST $75.26 $70.07 SHORT $5.19
KMX $79.29 $71.17 SHORT $8.12
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.31
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/11/24 holding DJT $39.12 LONG $0.00
added 04/09/24 holding SMCI $928.78 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TSLA $169.70 $169.09 LONG -$0.61
holding MU $124.12 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.61
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.75
4/10/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $166.55 $168.16 LONG $1.61
AMZN $184.12 $184.75 LONG $0.63
TSLA $171.75 $172.88 LONG $1.13
AAPL $167.34 $167.95 LONG $0.61
holding AMD $166.79 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $166.90 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding RDDT $47.07 LONG $0.00
added 04/10/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $3.98
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding AMD $165.65 LONG $0.00
holding GBTC $60.90 LONG $0.00
holding META $520.20 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
DAL $47.14 $48.48 LONG $1.34
holdover exit WGO $65.61 $66.66 SHORT -$1.05
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.29
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/07/24 holding DJT $45.60 LONG $0.00
added 04/09/24 holding SMCI $928.78 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DAL $48.31 $48.42 LONG $0.11
AAPL $167.45 $168.06 LONG $0.61
DASH $136.38 $136.26 SHORT $0.12
CCJ $48.61 $48.44 SHORT $0.17
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.01
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $5.28
4/9/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $169.49 $171.31 LONG $1.82
AMZN $185.64 $186.11 LONG $0.47
MSTR $1,399.09 $1,435.00 LONG $35.91
AMD $169.17 $170.00 LONG $0.83
TSLA $177.87 $176.55 SHORT $1.32
COIN $242.75 $246.40 LONG $3.65
AMD $168.54 $168.52 SHORT $0.02
SMCI $888.58 $904.50 LONG $15.92
added 04/09/24 holdover exit MSFT $425.91 $422.05 SHORT $3.86
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $63.80
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TSLA $178.78 $175.65 SHORT $3.13
ENPH $120.85 $120.20 SHORT $0.65
MSTR $1,404.04 $1,444.44 LONG $40.40
holding GBTC $60.90 LONG $0.00
holding META $520.20 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $44.18
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/07/24 holding DJT $45.60 LONG $0.00
added 04/09/24 holding SMCI $928.78 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
added 04/08/24 holdover exit MSFT $424.94 $421.12 SHORT $3.82
TOTAL $3.82
Kipp – Active
TSLA $177.40 $176.65 SHORT $0.75
META $512.05 $511.89 SHORT $0.16
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.91
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $112.71
4/8/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $168.15 $169.90 LONG $1.75
added 04/08/24 holding MSFT $425.91 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $1.75
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding META $520.20 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/07/24 holding DJT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $958.58 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
added 04/08/24 holding MSFT $424.94 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COIN $240.40 $258.85 LONG $18.45
holdover exit TSLA $165.18 $172.72 LONG $7.54
TOTAL $25.99
Kipp – Active
MU $128.92 $128.75 SHORT $0.17
TSLA $171.71 $170.23 SHORT $1.48
TTWO $154.20 $154.70 SHORT -$0.50
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.15
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $28.89
4/5/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
prop account AMD $166.46 $171.47 LONG $5.01
TSLA $167.80 $169.70 LONG $1.90
AAPL $169.82 $170.35 LONG $0.53
AMZN $185.13 $184.20 SHORT $0.93
holdover exit AMD $170.02 $171.75 LONG $1.73
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $169.10 $171.25 LONG $2.15
holdover exit AMZN $182.08 $182.75 LONG $0.67
holding MSFT $424.04 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $12.92
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $171.71 $171.52 SHORT $0.19
META $521.21 $515.15 SHORT $6.06
CNK $20.20 $19.91 SHORT $0.29
TSLA $162.62 $166.99 LONG $4.37
added 04/05/24 holdover exit AMD $168.52 $170.70 LONG $2.18
TOTAL $13.09
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 04/07/24 holding DJT $45.60 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $958.58 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $184.85 SHORT $0.00
holding MSFT $422.94 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $240.40 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $165.18 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TSLA $169.36 $169.60 LONG $0.24
META $521.27 $520.34 SHORT $0.93
AMZN $185.12 $184.55 SHORT $0.57
AMZN $185.35 $184.84 SHORT $0.51
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.25
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $28.26
4/4/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
META $523.60 $519.19 SHORT $4.41
TSLA $176.24 $174.19 SHORT $2.05
holding AMD $170.02 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $169.10 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $182.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit ULTA $448.40 $455.50 LONG $7.10
added 04/04/24 holdover exit META $521.71 $519.19 SHORT $2.52
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.08
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MSFT $426.96 $423.93 SHORT $3.03
TSLA $175.75 $174.43 SHORT $1.32
AAPL $171.75 $170.70 SHORT $1.05
added 04/04/24 holdover exit META $520.90 $516.18 SHORT $4.72
holdover exit LEN $165.65 $163.35 SHORT $2.30
holdover exit PLAY $67.76 $66.36 SHORT $1.40
added 04/04/24 holdover exit AMZN $183.38 $181.39 SHORT $1.99
holding AMD $171.32 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $15.81
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holdover exit A $140.34 $141.61 SHORT -$1.27
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$1.27
Lindsey – Long Term
holding DJT $55.55 LONG $0.00
holdover exit ULTA $450.77 $457.57 LONG $6.80
holding SMCI $958.58 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.80
Kipp – Active
LEVI $22.22 $22.19 SHORT $0.03
AMZN $183.87 $184.17 LONG $0.30
MDB $351.17 $349.72 SHORT $1.45
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.78
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $39.20
4/3/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $180.50 $181.50 LONG $1.00
AMZN $181.77 $181.89 SHORT -$0.12
AMD $181.81 $181.09 SHORT $0.72
AMZN $181.99 $181.90 SHORT $0.09
AMZN $182.21 $181.90 SHORT $0.31
holdover exit AMD $179.75 $180.90 LONG $1.15
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $176.35 $180.90 LONG $4.55
holdover exit COIN $237.95 $253.50 LONG $15.55
holding ULTA $448.40 LONG $0.00
added 04/03/24 holding META $502.10 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $23.25
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WYNN $106.60 $106.48 SHORT $0.12
holding META $505.50 SHORT $0.00
holding LEN $165.65 SHORT $0.00
holding PLAY $67.76 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $177.71 $181.18 LONG $3.47
added 04/03/24 holding AMZN $181.54 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.59
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holding DJT $55.55 LONG $0.00
holding ULTA $450.77 LONG $0.00
added 04/02/24 holdover exit COIN $246.94 $250.50 LONG $3.56
TOTAL $3.56
Kipp – Active
PLAY $68.71 $68.10 SHORT $0.61
ULTA $452.22 $453.21 LONG $0.99
MU $126.48 $126.45 SHORT $0.03
AAPL $170.53 $170.38 SHORT $0.15
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.78
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $32.18
4/2/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
PVH $108.40 $112.00 LONG $3.60
GE $141.00 $141.90 LONG $0.90
AMZN $179.08 $180.00 LONG $0.92
TSLA $164.85 $167.38 LONG $2.53
MSFT $418.13 $420.00 LONG $1.87
PAYX $122.15 $120.95 SHORT $1.20
AMZN $180.55 $180.17 SHORT $0.38
holding AMD $179.75 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $176.35 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $237.95 LONG $0.00
holding META $493.25 SHORT $0.00
added 04/02/24 holdover exit COIN $242.98 $247.07 LONG $4.09
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AXP $226.50 $225.25 SHORT $1.25
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $16.74
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
EXAS $80.08 $74.47 SHORT $5.61
MSFT $418.81 $420.02 LONG $1.21
PAYX $121.96 $122.05 SHORT -$0.09
META $493.39 $493.34 SHORT $0.05
holding AMD $177.71 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $180.80 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit RDDT $44.99 $49.49 LONG $4.50
added 03/25/24 holdover exit AXP $225.06 $224.88 SHORT $0.18
TOTAL $11.46
Lindsey – Earnings
PVH $140.85 $126.26 SHORT $14.59
PAYX $121.71 $112.12 SHORT $9.59
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holdover exit GTLB $57.45 $55.09 LONG -$2.36
added 03/28/24 holdover exit TGT $172.16 $175.42 SHORT -$3.26
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holdover exit SHAK $105.31 $103.30 SHORT $2.01
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $20.57
Lindsey – Long Term
holding DJT $55.55 LONG $0.00
added 04/02/24 holding COIN $246.94 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
PVH $108.14 $109.14 LONG $1.00
PVH $106.36 $106.97 LONG $0.61
PAYX $121.20 $121.67 SHORT -$0.47
HUM $301.27 $302.64 LONG $1.37
SHOP $77.84 $77.26 SHORT $0.58
holdover exit ENPH $116.94 $114.90 SHORT $2.04
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.13
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $53.90
4/1/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MRVL $73.51 $73.17 SHORT $0.34
AMD $186.09 $184.20 SHORT $1.89
MU $125.49 $124.74 SHORT $0.75
TSLA $172.64 $173.23 LONG $0.59
AMZN $180.40 $180.95 LONG $0.55
TSLA $170.84 $171.93 LONG $1.09
AMD $182.35 $183.40 LONG $1.05
holding COIN $250.45 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding RDDT $53.02 LONG $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding 2nd account RDDT $52.10 LONG $0.00
added 03/27/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,901.04 $1,600.00 SHORT $301.04
holding AXP $226.50 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $307.30
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WDC $71.43 $70.70 SHORT $0.73
MSFT $426.96 $424.96 SHORT $2.00
AMD $185.85 $183.38 SHORT $2.47
MU $126.96 $125.96 SHORT $1.00
AMZN $180.40 $180.80 LONG $0.40
WYNN $107.70 $107.18 SHORT $0.52
holdover exit LEN $172.54 $167.67 SHORT $4.87
added 03/25/24 holdover exit DHI $161.18 $161.61 SHORT -$0.43
holding RDDT $44.99 LONG $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding AXP $225.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.56
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding GTLB $57.45 LONG $0.00
added 03/28/24 holding TGT $172.16 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 04/01/24 holding SHAK $105.31 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holding DJT $55.55 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $253.47 LONG $0.00
added 03/28/24 holdover exit ENPH $120.22 $118.18 SHORT $2.04
holdover exit RH $343.24 $333.99 SHORT $9.25
TOTAL $11.29
Kipp – Active
MMM $89.63 $88.93 LONG -$0.70
META $495.90 $494.89 SHORT $1.01
AMAT $210.85 $210.16 SHORT $0.69
GOOGL $155.04 $154.94 SHORT $0.10
RDDT $45.72 $46.22 LONG $0.50
TSLA $170.90 $171.20 LONG $0.30
holding ENPH $116.94 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.90
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $332.05
3/28/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
added 03/27/24 holding RDDT $62.25 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account RDDT $57.90 LONG $0.00
added 03/27/24 holding MSTR $1,901.04 SHORT $0.00
holding AXP $226.50 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMZN $180.95 $180.08 SHORT $0.87
AMD $182.82 $181.18 SHORT $1.64
RDDT $50.90 $51.52 LONG $0.62
UAL $47.97 $47.83 SHORT $0.14
SWKS $109.09 $108.08 SHORT $1.01
EXAS $70.70 $69.93 SHORT $0.77
added 03/26/24 holdover exit MU $120.06 $117.71 SHORT $2.35
holding LEN $172.54 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding DHI $161.18 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding AXP $225.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.40
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
added 03/28/24 holding TGT $172.16 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit MSTR $1,747.64 $1,699.96 SHORT $47.68
added 03/28/24 holding ENPH $120.22 SHORT $0.00
holding RH $343.24 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $47.68
Kipp – Active
RH $333.78 $330.02 SHORT $3.76
RH $348.73 $347.28 SHORT $1.45
EL $153.00 $153.06 SHORT -$0.06
LEN $171.98 $171.97 SHORT $0.01
holding ENPH $116.94 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.16
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $60.24
3/27/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $177.97 $178.81 LONG $0.84
2nd account  MSTR $1,980.00 $1,857.13 SHORT $122.87
AMD $176.05 $178.52 LONG $2.47
AMD $177.31 $178.31 LONG $1.00
AMD $177.89 $178.49 LONG $0.60
AMD $178.50 $178.90 LONG $0.40
AMZN $178.60 $178.89 LONG $0.29
AMD $177.89 $178.05 LONG $0.16
AMD $177.89 $178.38 LONG $0.49
TSLA $179.94 $180.25 LONG $0.31
AMZN $178.78 $179.08 LONG $0.30
AMZN $178.73 $179.23 LONG $0.50
AMD $177.91 $178.02 LONG $0.11
AMD $177.69 $178.03 LONG $0.34
holdover exit AMD $177.75 $180.75 LONG $3.00
added 03/27/24 holding RDDT $62.25 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account RDDT $57.90 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COIN $269.10 $255.00 SHORT $14.10
added 03/27/24 holding MSTR $1,901.04 SHORT $0.00
added 03/26/24 holdover exit MU $119.80 $117.09 SHORT $2.71
holding AXP $226.50 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $150.49
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $177.67 $177.10 SHORT $0.57
TSLA $181.81 $181.50 SHORT $0.31
AMD $177.71 $177.80 LONG $0.09
MRVL $72.72 $72.69 SHORT $0.03
UPST $27.78 $27.73 SHORT $0.05
AMD $177.87 $177.95 LONG $0.08
TSLA $179.49 $179.99 LONG $0.50
holdover exit VKTX $84.84 $79.49 SHORT $5.35
added 03/26/24 holding MU $120.06 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $179.79 $175.57 SHORT $4.22
added 03/25/24 holding DHI $161.18 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding AXP $225.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.20
Lindsey – Earnings
PRGS $52.41 $51.98 LONG -$0.43
CCL $16.97 $17.51 LONG $0.54
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
added 03/27/24 holding TGT $167.56 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.11
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holdover exit META $504.24 $493.93 SHORT $10.31
holdover exit SMCI $1,035.30 $898.89 SHORT $136.41
holding MSTR $1,747.64 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit COIN $277.33 $258.58 SHORT $18.75
holding ENPH $118.37 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $165.47
Kipp – Active
MU $119.69 $118.68 SHORT $1.01
RDDT $57.89 $57.86 LONG -$0.03
holding ENPH $116.94 SHORT $0.00
W $68.92 $69.12 SHORT -$0.20
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.78
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $328.05
3/26/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $180.03 $180.40 LONG $0.37
AAPL $170.14 $171.14 LONG $1.00
AMD $179.00 $180.24 LONG $1.24
holding AMD $177.75 LONG $0.00
holding RDDT $65.45 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $269.10 SHORT $0.00
added 03/26/24 holdover exit SMCI $1,068.82 $1,027.59 SHORT $41.23
holding MSTR $1,757.09 SHORT $0.00
added 03/26/24 holding MU $119.80 SHORT $0.00
added 03/26/24 holdover exit AMD $178.28 $182.30 LONG $4.02
added 03/26/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMD $178.21 $182.30 LONG $4.09
holding AXP $226.50 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $51.95
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WDC $68.68 $67.67 SHORT $1.01
MRVL $68.68 $67.67 SHORT $1.01
ARM $127.72 $128.80 LONG $1.08
holding VKTX $84.84 SHORT $0.00
added 03/26/24 holding MU $120.06 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $179.79 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding DHI $161.18 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding AXP $225.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.10
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
MKC $69.96 $75.75 LONG $5.79
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holding META $504.24 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,035.30 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,747.64 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $277.33 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MKC $76.60 $76.59 SHORT $0.01
VKTX $87.07 $86.21 SHORT $0.86
TSLA $182.88 $182.77 SHORT $0.11
VRT $85.76 $85.63 SHORT $0.13
VRT $86.43 $86.37 SHORT $0.06
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.17
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $56.22
3/25/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $169.90 $170.69 LONG $0.79
AMD $180.75 $179.69 SHORT $1.06
holding COIN $269.10 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,022.55 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,757.09 SHORT $0.00
holding MU $115.47 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $180.11 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $180.10 LONG $0.00
holding AXP $226.50 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit META $505.87 $500.35 SHORT $5.52
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.37
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $196.96 $192.92 SHORT $4.04
FL $26.26 $25.75 SHORT $0.51
SQ $83.38 $83.15 SHORT $0.23
holding MU $117.91 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $179.79 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding DHI $161.18 SHORT $0.00
added 03/25/24 holding AXP $225.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.78
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holding META $504.24 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,035.30 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,747.64 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $277.33 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BA $195.30 $193.39 SHORT $1.91
MU $115.37 $116.03 SHORT -$0.66
MRNA $108.94 $108.25 SHORT $0.69
MRVL $66.83 $67.06 SHORT -$0.23
MU $118.96 $119.69 SHORT -$0.73
MU $119.80 $119.29 SHORT $0.51
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.49
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.64
3/22/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
NKE $92.97 $94.36 LONG $1.39
LULU $397.21 $407.85 LONG $10.64
TSLA $167.29 $168.97 LONG $1.68
AMZN $177.20 $177.75 LONG $0.55
2nd account AMD $175.95 $179.03 LONG $3.08
AMZN $178.25 $177.74 SHORT $0.51
RDDT $46.30 $47.75 LONG $1.45
MU $107.95 $109.12 LONG $1.17
AMD $179.71 $179.63 SHORT $0.08
2nd account AAPL $172.75 $172.55 SHORT $0.20
holdover exit AVGO $1,353.20 $1,348.00 SHORT $5.20
holdover exit AAPL $173.44 $179.20 LONG $5.76
added 03/22/24 holdover exit AMD $178.32 $179.10 LONG $0.78
holding META $505.87 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $32.49
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
NKE $93.93 $94.94 LONG $1.01
LULU $405.45 $409.09 LONG $3.64
AMD $179.58 $179.08 SHORT $0.50
FDX $296.96 $282.82 SHORT $14.14
added 03/21/24 holdover exit JPM $197.46 $197.07 SHORT $0.39
added 03/21/24 holding DHI $160.09 SHORT $0.00
added 03/22/24 holding AXP $223.98 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $19.68
Lindsey – Earnings
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holding META $504.24 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
FL $25.11 $24.92 SHORT $0.19
GOOGL $151.00 $150.97 SHORT $0.03
AAPL $172.22 $172.02 SHORT $0.20
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.42
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $52.59
3/21/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $178.73 $180.68 LONG $1.95
AMD $181.49 $180.95 SHORT $0.54
AMD $181.72 $182.11 LONG $0.39
holding AVGO $1,353.20 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $173.44 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $181.95 LONG $0.00
holding META $505.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holdover exit SMCI $904.37 $940.00 LONG $35.63
added 03/20/24 holdover exit 2nd account SMCI $887.00 $940.00 LONG $53.00
added 03/13/24 holdover exit DELL $112.40 $114.05 LONG $1.65
added 03/14/24 holdover exit MRVL $68.20 $68.20 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $93.16
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MU $112.21 $110.12 SHORT $2.09
WDC $65.65 $64.85 SHORT $0.80
RDDT $48.82 $50.50 LONG $1.68
added 03/21/24 holdover exit AVGO $1,372.11 $1,357.57 SHORT $14.54
added 03/21/24 holding JPM $197.46 SHORT $0.00
added 03/21/24 holding DHI $160.09 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding AXP $219.81 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $19.11
Lindsey – Earnings
MU $95.89 $107.70 LONG $11.81
GES $28.10 $31.54 SHORT -$3.44
KBH $70.16 $69.16 SHORT $1.00
ASO $71.46 $63.63 SHORT $7.83
DRI $174.58 $165.65 SHORT $8.93
holding WGO $65.61 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit JAZZ $124.72 $123.92 LONG -$0.80
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $25.33
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holding META $504.24 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holdover exit SMCI $906.29 $989.98 LONG $83.69
TOTAL $83.69
Kipp – Active
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $221.29
3/20/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $176.04 $177.94 LONG $1.90
AMZN $175.35 $177.94 LONG $2.59
META $501.12 $500.00 SHORT $1.12
ENPH $112.25 $111.11 SHORT $1.14
AMD $174.90 $177.30 LONG $2.40
holding META $505.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SMCI $904.37 LONG $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $887.00 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding MRVL $68.20 LONG $0.00
added 03/19/24 holdover exit 2nd account TSLA $175.05 $175.25 LONG $0.20
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.35
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TTD $83.51 $82.72 SHORT $0.79
ENPH $111.79 $110.50 SHORT $1.29
RCL $132.64 $132.23 SHORT $0.41
AMD $174.14 $175.22 LONG $1.08
holding AVGO $1,286.76 SHORT $0.00
holding JPM $195.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding DHI $157.57 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding AXP $219.81 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.57
Lindsey – Earnings
BNTX $88.63 $89.59 LONG $0.96
GIS $68.48 $73.73 LONG $5.25
PDD $127.40 $149.94 LONG $22.54
JKS $26.38 $23.23 SHORT $3.15
SIG $102.38 $95.59 SHORT $6.79
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SHAK $101.81 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $38.69
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/20/24 holding META $504.24 SHORT $0.00
added 03/20/24 holding SMCI $906.29 LONG $0.00
added 03/19/24 holdover exit   MSTR $1,386.03 $1,475.75 LONG $89.72
TOTAL $89.72
Kipp – Active
AMZN $175.28 $175.29 LONG $0.01
ENPH $111.80 $111.48 SHORT $0.32
RCL $132.31 $132.11 SHORT $0.20
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.53
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $141.86
3/19/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
COIN $221.05 $228.00 LONG $6.95
AMD $181.15 $185.40 LONG $4.25
AMZN $174.26 $175.13 LONG $0.87
AMD $178.48 $181.87 LONG $3.39
AMZN $175.43 $175.74 LONG $0.31
MSTR $1,367.07 $1,429.00 LONG $61.93
AMZN $175.13 $175.40 LONG $0.27
holdover exit TSLA $172.97 $167.93 SHORT $5.04
added 03/19/24 holding SMCI $957.24 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $914.50 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AAPL $175.44 $175.77 LONG $0.33
holdover exit META $493.39 $482.97 SHORT $10.42
added 03/19/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,381.03 $1,407.00 LONG $25.97
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding MRVL $68.20 LONG $0.00
added 03/19/24 holding 2nd account TSLA $175.05 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $119.73
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding DHI $155.55 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holding META $495.95 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $175.25 $176.07 LONG $0.82
holdover exit META $494.32 $488.44 SHORT $5.88
added 03/19/24 holding SMCI $945.91 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $172.92 $169.69 SHORT $3.23
added 03/19/24 holding MSTR $1,386.03 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.93
Kipp – Active
MSTR $1,294.17 $1,304.80 LONG $10.63
MSTR $1,273.61 $1,273.01 LONG -$0.60
ADBE $517.50 $517.08 SHORT $0.42
TSLA $172.05 $171.55 SHORT $0.50
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $10.95
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $140.61
3/18/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $177.34 $176.13 SHORT $1.21
GOOG $152.22 $150.69 SHORT $1.53
AMD $189.65 $191.55 LONG $1.90
AMD $190.75 $191.92 LONG $1.17
AMD $192.45 $193.14 LONG $0.69
AMD $192.79 $193.10 LONG $0.31
AMD $190.35 $190.90 LONG $0.55
AMZN $174.54 $174.90 LONG $0.36
AMAT $200.09 $200.95 LONG $0.86
COIN $231.39 $234.39 LONG $3.00
holdover exit ADBE $487.27 $502.99 LONG $15.72
holdover exit AMZN $175.05 $176.06 LONG $1.01
holdover exit 2nd account AMZN $174.50 $176.06 LONG $1.56
holdover exit COIN $234.10 $243.75 LONG $9.65
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $191.81 $193.25 LONG $1.44
holding TSLA $172.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,019.44 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $175.44 LONG $0.00
holding META $493.39 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,510.07 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding MRVL $68.20 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/12/24 holdover exit AAPL $175.11 $176.53 LONG $1.42
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $42.38
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
GOOGL $151.51 $149.94 SHORT $1.57
AAPL $176.96 $176.38 SHORT $0.58
DIS $114.41 $113.63 SHORT $0.78
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.93
Lindsey – Earnings
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/14/24 holdover exit TSLA $168.37 $172.27 LONG $3.90
added 03/15/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,694.07 $1,593.93 SHORT $100.14
holding AMZN $175.25 LONG $0.00
holding META $494.32 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,020.08 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $172.92 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,522.57 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $104.04
Kipp – Active
GOOGL $150.19 $150.18 SHORT $0.01
MU $95.22 $94.97 LONG -$0.25
NFLX $623.27 $621.83 SHORT $1.44
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.20
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $150.55
3/15/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $170.70 $171.14 LONG $0.44
holding ADBE $487.27 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $175.05 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $174.50 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $234.10 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $192.28 $193.00 LONG $0.72
holding 2nd account AMD $191.81 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $163.63 $165.07 LONG $1.44
holdover exit WSM $283.65 $282.00 SHORT $1.65
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding MRVL $68.20 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/12/24 holding AAPL $175.11 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.25
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ADBE $494.44 $491.02 LONG -$3.42
SQ $81.81 $81.88 SHORT -$0.07
GCT $41.41 $40.83 SHORT $0.58
BA $183.83 $183.51 SHORT $0.32
holdover exit AMD $187.61 $191.91 LONG $4.30
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.71
Lindsey – Earnings
SMAR $40.11 $37.69 LONG -$2.42
PD $22.89 $20.02 SHORT $2.87
ZUMZ $14.57 $12.96 SHORT $1.61
JBL $146.79 $129.29 SHORT $17.50
holdover exit DKS $210.98 $210.99 SHORT -$0.01
added 03/13/24 holdover exit KR $54.13 $56.38 SHORT -$2.25
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holdover exit LNG $161.48 $160.06 LONG -$1.42
TOTAL $15.88
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/14/24 holding TSLA $168.37 LONG $0.00
added 03/15/24 holding MSTR $1,694.07 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $175.25 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holdover exit SMCI $1,164.22 $1,095.59 SHORT $68.63
added 03/14/24 holdover exit WSM $279.55 $281.27 SHORT -$1.72
TOTAL $66.91
Kipp – Active
DG $152.71 $152.67 SHORT $0.04
ADBE $490.80 $492.93 LONG $2.13
MRVL $67.91 $67.68 SHORT $0.23
AMZN $175.13 $174.64 LONG -$0.49
holdover exit TSLA $163.46 $164.47 LONG $1.01
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.92
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $91.67
3/14/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
DKS $215.65 $211.65 SHORT $4.00
AMZN $177.51 $178.38 LONG $0.87
AMZN $178.23 $179.21 LONG $0.98
AMZN $179.20 $179.50 LONG $0.30
DKS $214.75 $213.70 SHORT $1.05
AMZN $177.42 $178.13 LONG $0.71
COIN $229.50 $233.50 LONG $4.00
holding COIN $234.10 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $192.28 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $191.81 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $163.63 LONG $0.00
holding WSM $283.65 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit WSM $282.91 $280.85 SHORT $2.06
holdover exit MSTR $1,726.29 $1,625.00 SHORT $101.29
holdover exit SMCI $1,181.09 $1,130.00 SHORT $51.09
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding MRVL $68.20 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/12/24 holding AAPL $175.11 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $166.35
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $184.84 $183.83 SHORT $1.01
COIN $229.58 $231.31 LONG $1.73
holding AMD $187.61 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SQ $85.41 $82.82 SHORT $2.59
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/14/24 holdover exit LEN $156.92 $159.59 SHORT -$2.67
TOTAL $2.66
Lindsey – Earnings
DG $156.56 $166.66 LONG $10.10
LEN $166.06 $159.59 SHORT $6.47
PATH $24.63 $22.99 SHORT $1.64
GIII $30.59 $25.52 SHORT $5.07
holding DKS $210.98 SHORT $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding KR $54.13 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $23.28
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/14/24 holding TSLA $168.37 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding MSTR $1,594.78 SHORT $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding SMCI $1,164.22 SHORT $0.00
added 03/14/24 holding WSM $279.55 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DKS $219.12 $216.92 SHORT $2.20
MSFT $426.58 $426.47 SHORT $0.11
holding TSLA $163.46 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.31
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $194.60
3/13/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
DG $153.56 $158.00 LONG $4.44
2nd account AMD $195.15 $196.67 LONG $1.52
MU $93.32 $94.29 LONG $0.97
holding WSM $282.91 SHORT $0.00
holding MSTR $1,726.29 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,181.09 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $175.77 $176.60 LONG $0.83
added 03/13/24 holding DELL $112.40 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding MRVL $71.11 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holdover exit AMD $196.45 $196.67 LONG $0.22
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/12/24 holding AAPL $175.11 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holdover exit X $46.04 $45.70 SHORT $0.34
TOTAL $8.32
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DG $155.99 $158.58 LONG $2.59
AMD $194.94 $196.36 LONG $1.42
COIN $266.66 $258.58 SHORT $8.08
CVNA $80.40 $80.52 SHORT -$0.12
holding SQ $85.41 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.97
Lindsey – Earnings
added 03/13/24 holding KR $54.13 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/13/24 holding TSLA $173.38 LONG $0.00
added 03/13/24 holding MSTR $1,594.78 SHORT $0.00
added 03/11/24 holdover exit VKTX $69.51 $70.70 LONG $1.19
added 03/13/24 holding SMCI $1,164.22 SHORT $0.00
holding WSM $270.70 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.19
Kipp – Active
WSM $274.30 $277.80 SHORT -$3.50
MRVL $68.90 $69.34 LONG $0.44
WSM $282.97 $278.89 SHORT $4.08
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holdover exit PSTG $52.15 $51.86 SHORT $0.29
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.31
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.79
3/12/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $172.49 $173.70 LONG $1.21
TSLA $173.15 $174.15 LONG $1.00
AAPL $171.49 $172.55 LONG $1.06
TSLA $174.42 $175.25 LONG $0.83
AMZN $176.25 $176.05 SHORT $0.20
BA $184.37 $184.37 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $175.77 LONG $0.00
holding DELL $115.05 LONG $0.00
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $197.70 $201.70 LONG $4.00
holdover exit   META $480.05 $494.00 LONG $13.95
holdover exit 2nd account AMZN $172.35 $173.51 LONG $1.16
added 03/11/24 holding MRVL $74.84 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding AMD $204.04 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holdover exit AMZN $174.20 $174.74 LONG $0.54
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/12/24 holding AAPL $175.11 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $23.95
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
added 03/08/24 holdover exit PDD $116.91 $118.36 LONG $1.45
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.45
Lindsey – Earnings
ORCL $114.20 $122.21 LONG $8.01
ADM $55.01 $57.97 LONG $2.96
KSS $26.35 $25.52 LONG -$0.83
ONON $30.52 $29.58 LONG -$0.94
IGT $25.14 $23.96 SHORT $1.18
holding KR $52.20 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.38
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/08/24 holding TSLA $177.07 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding MSTR $1,441.80 SHORT $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding VKTX $69.51 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $1,152.15 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit META $481.81 $494.49 LONG $12.68
holdover exit AMZN $172.27 $174.74 LONG $2.47
TOTAL $15.15
Kipp – Active
GLNG $23.36 $22.83 SHORT $0.53
TSLA $172.98 $173.97 LONG $0.99
BIDU $105.01 $105.34 SHORT -$0.33
AMZN $176.35 $176.06 SHORT $0.29
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.48
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $52.41
3/11/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $171.32 $172.77 LONG $1.45
MSTR $1,609.09 $1,530.00 SHORT $79.09
holding 2nd account AMD $197.70 LONG $0.00
holding META $480.05 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMZN $172.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding MRVL $74.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $176.06 $181.30 LONG $5.24
added 03/11/24 holding AMD $204.04 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding AMZN $174.20 LONG $0.00
holdover exit TGT $167.60 $167.50 SHORT $0.10
added 03/08/24 holdover exit PDD $114.10 $115.25 LONG $1.15
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $87.03
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MRNA $113.69 $111.11 SHORT $2.58
NVDA $868.68 $870.26 LONG $1.58
GOOGL $138.83 $138.13 SHORT $0.70
WMT $60.36 $60.52 SHORT -$0.16
added 03/08/24 holding PDD $116.91 LONG $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.70
Lindsey – Earnings
holding KR $52.20 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/08/24 holding TSLA $177.07 LONG $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding MSTR $1,441.80 SHORT $0.00
added 03/11/24 holding VKTX $69.51 LONG $0.00
holding META $481.81 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $172.27 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MRNA $112.23 $111.38 SHORT $0.85
AMZN $171.83 $171.90 LONG $0.07
ZM $69.73 $69.70 SHORT $0.03
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.95
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $92.68
3/8/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $176.88 $177.60 LONG $0.72
COIN $257.78 $255.75 SHORT $2.03
2nd account AMD $224.34 $221.00 SHORT $3.34
AMD $218.18 $211.51 SHORT $6.67
holding MRVL $79.59 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $176.06 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $209.90 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $177.08 LONG $0.00
holdover exit CIEN $52.40 $54.00 LONG $1.60
holding TGT $167.60 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit prop account TSLA $179.75 $183.50 LONG $3.75
added 03/05/24 holdover exit TSLA $181.19 $183.50 LONG $2.31
added 03/08/24 holding PDD $114.10 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holdover exit 2nd account AAPL $171.43 $172.43 LONG $1.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $21.42
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CVNA $87.41 $85.58 SHORT $1.83
COIN $257.75 $252.52 SHORT $5.23
SMCI $1,215.51 $1,177.77 SHORT $37.74
AMZN $177.99 $177.11 SHORT $0.88
COIN $256.96 $252.52 SHORT $4.44
COIN $258.85 $255.11 SHORT $3.74
AAPL $171.71 $171.47 LONG -$0.24
AAPL $171.63 $171.46 LONG -$0.17
added 03/08/24 holding PDD $116.91 LONG $0.00
added 03/08/24 holdover exit AMD $216.29 $209.90 SHORT $6.39
added 02/15/24 holdover exit RL $175.12 $175.52 SHORT -$0.40
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $59.44
Lindsey – Earnings
IOT $33.90 $39.39 LONG $5.49
DOCU $53.73 $60.60 LONG $6.87
SWBI $13.39 $15.90 LONG $2.51
GPS $19.23 $20.13 SHORT -$0.90
GWRE $116.79 $119.66 SHORT -$2.87
holding KR $52.20 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holdover exit BURL $214.05 $214.22 SHORT -$0.17
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.93
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/08/24 holding TSLA $177.07 LONG $0.00
added 03/08/24 holding MSTR $1,354.40 SHORT $0.00
added 03/08/24 holding VKTX $72.37 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
SHOP $79.01 $78.75 SHORT $0.26
SQ $81.10 $81.09 SHORT $0.01
holding AMD $212.75 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.27
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $92.06
3/7/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $210.05 $210.36 LONG $0.31
NVO $135.35 $135.05 SHORT $0.30
AMZN $174.63 $175.70 LONG $1.07
AMD $209.50 $212.42 LONG $2.92
GOOGL $133.40 $133.02 SHORT $0.38
AAPL $170.69 $170.30 SHORT $0.39
AAPL $170.37 $170.14 SHORT $0.23
holding CIEN $52.40 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $167.60 SHORT $0.00
holding prop account TSLA $179.75 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding TSLA $181.19 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding PDD $119.21 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding 2nd account AAPL $171.43 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.60
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
CIEN $53.96 $53.67 LONG -$0.29
NVO $136.36 $134.68 SHORT $1.68
ENPH $129.58 $129.92 SHORT -$0.34
AAPL $170.70 $170.46 SHORT $0.24
AAPL $170.36 $169.96 SHORT $0.40
holding PDD $122.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holdover exit AVAV $175.68 $176.84 SHORT -$1.16
added 03/06/24 holding AMD $206.66 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.53
Lindsey – Earnings
HPK $15.87 $14.12 LONG -$1.75
SD $12.92 $13.31 LONG $0.39
BJ $72.24 $76.48 LONG $4.24
VSCO $25.30 $19.91 SHORT $5.39
AEO $25.90 $24.24 SHORT $1.66
holdover exit UNFI $14.84 $11.77 LONG -$3.07
holding KR $52.20 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding GTLB $63.15 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding BURL $214.05 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $6.86
Lindsey – Long Term
holding TSLA $179.79 LONG $0.00
added 03/07/24 holding MSTR $1,281.81 SHORT $0.00
holding VKTX $76.07 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NVO $134.81 $134.63 SHORT $0.18
NVO $135.48 $135.48 SHORT $0.00
GOOGL $133.45 $133.66 SHORT -$0.21
AMZN $176.28 $176.05 SHORT $0.23
NVO $137.40 $136.97 SHORT $0.43
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.63
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.62
3/6/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
CRWD $364.75 $347.99 SHORT $16.76
NVDA $884.95 $872.62 SHORT $12.33
SMCI $1,159.00 $1,100.00 SHORT $59.00
AMD $212.70 $211.11 SHORT $1.59
AMZN $173.95 $174.82 LONG $0.87
AMD $210.50 $211.30 LONG $0.80
AMD $211.75 $210.71 SHORT $1.04
NVDA $893.75 $876.75 SHORT $17.00
AMZN $173.65 $174.07 LONG $0.42
DELL $117.70 $118.30 LONG $0.60
holding TGT $167.60 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $174.75 $176.37 LONG $1.62
holdover exit CRM $303.93 $305.05 LONG $1.12
holding prop account TSLA $179.75 LONG $0.00
holdover exit prop account AMZN $173.47 $176.37 LONG $2.90
added 03/05/24 holding TSLA $181.19 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding PDD $119.21 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding 2nd account AAPL $171.43 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holdover exit BA $201.15 $201.50 LONG $0.35
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $116.40
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SMCI $1,155.75 $1,096.69 SHORT $59.06
JD $25.24 $24.94 SHORT $0.30
ZS $216.61 $205.05 SHORT $11.56
NVDA $889.98 $883.38 SHORT $6.60
CRWD $356.78 $348.48 SHORT $8.30
holding PDD $122.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding AVAV $175.68 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding AMD $206.66 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $85.82
Lindsey – Earnings
HCP $23.85 $26.96 LONG $3.11
BOX $27.02 $30.30 LONG $3.28
ROST $148.42 $143.96 SHORT $4.46
JWN $20.96 $18.81 SHORT $2.15
ANF $141.62 $136.36 SHORT $5.26
THO $126.38 $104.04 SHORT $22.34
holding UNFI $14.84 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SEMR $11.70 $10.46 LONG -$1.24
holding GTLB $66.98 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holdover exit CVNA $78.34 $78.43 SHORT -$0.09
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
added 03/06/24 holding WM $202.45 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding BURL $199.74 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $39.27
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/06/24 holdover exit NVDA $873.21 $872.72 SHORT $0.49
holding TSLA $179.79 LONG $0.00
holding MSTR $1,250.50 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.49
Kipp – Active
JD $24.86 $24.49 SHORT $0.37
JD $25.07 $24.98 SHORT $0.09
JD $25.15 $25.05 SHORT $0.10
AMZN $173.80 $174.08 LONG $0.28
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.84
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $242.82
3/5/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MSTR $1,111.50 $1,187.00 LONG $75.50
holding TGT $167.60 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $174.75 LONG $0.00
holding CRM $303.93 LONG $0.00
holding prop account TSLA $179.75 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMZN $173.47 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MSTR $1,277.00 $1,232.00 SHORT $45.00
holdover exit SMCI $1,101.71 $1,053.00 SHORT $48.71
added 03/05/24 holding TSLA $181.19 LONG $0.00
holding PDD $122.04 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding 2nd account AAPL $171.43 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMAT $206.92 $206.10 SHORT $0.82
holdover exit AMD $200.07 $199.27 SHORT $0.80
holding BA $203.45 LONG $0.00
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $170.83
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SMCI $989.89 $1,016.96 LONG $27.07
ENPH $126.26 $125.76 SHORT $0.50
RCL $126.62 $126.60 SHORT $0.02
MSTR $1,111.11 $1,175.75 LONG $64.64
holding PDD $122.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding AVAV $162.60 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMAT $206.06 $204.96 SHORT $1.10
added 03/01/24 holding AMD $193.90 SHORT $0.00
added 03/04/24 holdover exit $60.60 $59.59 SHORT $1.01
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $94.34
Lindsey – Earnings
AVAV $131.04 $145.45 LONG $14.41
TCOM $42.78 $42.24 SHORT $0.54
holding SEMR $11.70 LONG $0.00
holding GTLB $66.98 LONG $0.00
holding TGT $160.40 SHORT $0.00
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holding A $140.34 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding CVNA $78.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding BURL $199.74 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.95
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/04/24 holding NVDA $835.32 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $179.79 LONG $0.00
added 03/05/24 holdover exit COIN $225.87 $216.16 SHORT $9.71
added 03/04/24 holdover exit MSTR $1,200.43 $1,155.55 SHORT $44.88
TOTAL $54.59
Kipp – Active
TGT $168.56 $168.35 SHORT $0.21
ALB $116.95 $117.90 LONG $0.95
AMZN $174.42 $174.61 LONG $0.19
added 03/05/24 holding PSTG $52.15 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ACMR $28.45 $28.34 SHORT $0.11
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.46
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $336.17
3/4/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AI $34.85 $35.33 LONG $0.48
holding MSTR $1,277.00 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $1,101.71 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $192.10 LONG $0.00
holding PDD $122.04 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AAPL $174.85 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $187.35 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $206.92 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $177.82 $177.85 SHORT -$0.03
holding AMD $200.07 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $202.79 $187.53 SHORT $15.26
holding BA $203.45 LONG $0.00
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $15.71
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SMCI $1,111.89 $1,070.70 SHORT $41.19
holding PDD $122.72 LONG $0.00
holding AVAV $155.51 SHORT $0.00
holding AMAT $206.06 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding AMD $193.90 SHORT $0.00
added 03/04/24 holding $60.60 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $41.19
Lindsey – Earnings
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
holding A $133.05 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding CVNA $78.34 SHORT $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding BURL $199.74 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/04/24 holding NVDA $835.32 SHORT $0.00
added 03/04/24 holding COIN $211.82 SHORT $0.00
added 03/04/24 holding MSTR $1,200.43 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ANF $138.01 $137.77 SHORT $0.24
holding PSTG $49.43 SHORT $0.00
holding ACMR $28.45 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.24
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $57.14
3/1/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
DELL $129.59 $125.25 SHORT $4.34
SQ $78.65 $79.28 LONG $0.63
AI $34.34 $35.25 LONG $0.91
AMD $199.99 $196.76 SHORT $3.23
2nd account AMD $200.82 $200.28 SHORT $0.54
2nd account AAPL $178.25 $178.87 LONG $0.62
PYPL $60.49 $60.65 LONG $0.16
AMD $200.09 $199.69 SHORT $0.40
holding AMAT $206.92 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $177.82 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $200.07 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $202.79 SHORT $0.00
holding BA $203.45 LONG $0.00
added 03/01/24 holdover exit AI $35.07 $35.25 LONG $0.18
holding MU $90.01 $93.75 LONG $3.74
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $14.75
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
NTAP $111.11 $107.22 SHORT $3.89
AMZN $177.99 $178.56 SHORT -$0.57
holding AMAT $206.06 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding AMD $193.90 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding $57.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding LEN $152.36 SHORT $0.00
added 02/27/24 holdover exit LI $43.40 $43.58 SHORT -$0.18
TOTAL $3.14
Lindsey – Earnings
NTAP $89.11 $95.95 LONG $6.84
RDNT $37.55 $42.96 LONG $5.41
ESTC $134.96 $111.11 SHORT $23.85
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
holding A $133.05 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding CVNA $78.34 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit PENN $20.95 $18.42 LONG -$2.53
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit MGM $45.17 $42.66 LONG -$2.51
added 02/21/24 holdover exit UPST $27.13 $26.17 LONG -$0.96
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 03/01/24 holding BURL $199.74 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $30.10
Lindsey – Long Term
added 03/01/24 holding NVDA $810.08 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $848.48 $913.13 LONG $64.65
holding COIN $188.88 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit SNOW $190.00 $188.05 LONG -$1.95
holding MSTR $1,067.81 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $62.70
Kipp – Active
DELL $120.37 $119.31 LONG -$1.06
NTAP $110.12 $109.44 SHORT $0.68
NTAP $110.81 $110.49 SHORT $0.32
W $60.16 $60.16 SHORT $0.00
holding PSTG $49.43 SHORT $0.00
holding ACMR $28.45 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.06
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $110.63
2/29/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $188.25 $188.25 SHORT $0.00
AMD $189.95 $189.10 SHORT $0.85
COIN $195.83 $199.90 LONG $4.07
AMD $190.85 $190.60 SHORT $0.25
PYPL $61.65 $61.22 SHORT $0.43
AMD $186.01 $184.29 SHORT $1.72
AMD $185.75 $184.29 SHORT $1.46
holding BA $203.45 LONG $0.00
holding AI $37.45 LONG $0.00
holding MU $90.01 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMAT $198.11 $200.40 LONG $2.29
added 02/29/24 holding AAPL $180.94 LONG $0.00
added 02/28/24 holdover exit AMZN $173.43 $174.20 LONG $0.77
added 02/27/24 holdover exit AMD $174.71 $182.95 LONG $8.24
added 02/28/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMD $175.01 $182.95 LONG $7.94
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $28.02
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMD $186.52 $184.48 SHORT $2.04
AMD $188.17 $188.04 SHORT $0.13
CRM $298.59 $307.63 LONG $9.04
holding AMD $190.86 SHORT $0.00
holding $55.55 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $176.76 $181.18 LONG $4.42
added 02/27/24 holding LI $43.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $15.63
Lindsey – Earnings
AI $29.69 $34.96 LONG $5.27
MNST $55.98 $58.98 LONG $3.00
OKTA $87.14 $106.60 LONG $19.46
BBWI $47.87 $44.44 SHORT $3.43
BBY $81.75 $80.70 SHORT $1.05
SIX $24.78 $25.14 SHORT -$0.36
TD $59.56 $59.87 SHORT -$0.31
holding JAZZ $124.72 LONG $0.00
holding A $133.05 SHORT $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding CVNA $74.86 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $31.54
Lindsey – Long Term
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $848.48 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $188.88 SHORT $0.00
holding SNOW $190.00 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $174.47 $175.75 LONG $1.28
TOTAL $1.28
Kipp – Active
OKTA $111.38 $109.36 SHORT $2.02
AMD $187.08 $186.58 SHORT $0.50
holding PSTG $49.43 SHORT $0.00
holding ACMR $28.45 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.52
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $78.99
2/28/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holdover exit CVNA $80.97 $78.61 SHORT $2.36
holding MU $90.01 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $198.11 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $181.41 LONG $0.00
added 02/28/24 holding AMZN $173.43 LONG $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding AMD $174.71 LONG $0.00
added 02/28/24 holding 2nd account AMD $175.01 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ARWR $33.99 $33.33 SHORT $0.66
SMCI $999.99 $979.79 SHORT $20.20
holding $55.55 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit CRSP $88.44 $88.11 SHORT $0.33
holdover exit AAPL $181.81 $181.09 SHORT $0.72
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $176.76 LONG $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding LI $43.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $21.91
Lindsey – Earnings
EBAY $44.58 $47.47 LONG $2.89
LMND $16.70 $15.73 LONG -$0.97
BIDU $108.40 $103.75 LONG -$4.65
FSLR $155.01 $151.15 SHORT $3.86
URBN $47.18 $43.43 SHORT $3.75
SHOO $43.83 $42.64 SHORT $1.19
holding A $133.05 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit FSS $83.11 $81.81 SHORT $1.30
holdover exit PNW $69.07 $68.58 SHORT $0.49
added 02/27/24 holding CVNA $74.86 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $7.86
Lindsey – Long Term
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $848.48 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $188.88 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN  $174.47 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DIS $109.83 $110.05 SHORT -$0.22
W $58.01 $57.85 SHORT $0.16
BA $207.01 $206.40 SHORT $0.61
holding ACMR $28.45 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.55
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $32.68
2/27/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $180.57 $183.63 LONG $3.06
holding CVNA $80.97 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $174.40 LONG $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding AMD $174.71 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $175.55 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.06
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
WDAY $289.89 $299.92 LONG $10.03
VRTX $88.88 $84.84 SHORT $4.04
holding $55.55 SHORT $0.00
holding CRSP $88.44 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $181.81 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $176.76 LONG $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding LI $43.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $14.07
Lindsey – Earnings
$30.21 $31.31 LONG $1.10
ZM $63.36 $69.96 LONG $6.60
SEE $35.87 $38.38 LONG $2.51
SJM $125.79 $122.88 SHORT $2.91
holding FSS $83.11 SHORT $0.00
holding PNW $69.07 SHORT $0.00
added 02/27/24 holding CVNA $74.86 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $13.12
Lindsey – Long Term
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $848.48 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $188.88 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN  $174.47 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
LI $45.38 $45.65 SHORT -$0.27
LOW $237.64 $237.61 SHORT $0.03
DKNG $42.23 $42.09 SHORT $0.14
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.10
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $30.15
2/26/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $181.35 $181.71 LONG $0.36
AMZN $174.75 $175.27 LONG $0.52
AMZN $174.95 $175.30 LONG $0.35
holding AMZN $174.40 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $177.95 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $175.55 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GBTC $45.47 $45.96 LONG $0.49
added 02/26/24 holdover exit HOLO $9.96 $11.75 LONG $1.79
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.51
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ENPH $121.21 $119.19 SHORT $2.02
HCP $24.96 $24.42 SHORT $0.54
MU $91.96 $91.25 SHORT $0.71
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $176.76 LONG $0.00
holding LI $40.91 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.27
Lindsey – Earnings
added 02/26/24 holding CVNA $68.28 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit TSLA $194.49 $199.99 LONG $5.50
added 02/23/24 holdover exit HOLO $10.64 $13.64 LONG $3.00
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $848.48 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $188.88 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN  $174.47 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $8.50
Kipp – Active
LI $39.87 $39.58 SHORT $0.29
LI $40.51 $40.02 SHORT $0.49
HCP $24.58 $24.55 SHORT $0.03
TSLA $199.28 $198.90 SHORT $0.38
MU $91.65 $91.54 SHORT $0.11
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.30
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $16.58
2/23/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
COIN $164.81 $167.45 LONG $2.64
AMZN $174.25 $174.45 LONG $0.20
NVDA $823.85 $813.73 SHORT $10.12
holding AMD $177.95 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $175.55 LONG $0.00
holding GBTC $45.47 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $177.64 $177.85 SHORT -$0.21
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $178.88 $177.85 SHORT $1.03
holding HOLO $13.01 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $964.57 $893.00 SHORT $71.57
holdover exit 2nd account SMCI $991.00 $893.00 SHORT $98.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding X $46.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $183.35
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $80.80 $78.78 SHORT $2.02
PANW $282.82 $277.72 SHORT $5.10
COIN $164.23 $167.20 LONG $2.97
holdover exit AMD $179.14 $177.17 SHORT $1.97
holdover exit MRNA $97.71 $95.47 SHORT $2.24
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $176.76 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.30
Lindsey – Earnings
SQ $67.94 $75.75 LONG $7.81
EOG $112.94 $111.64 LONG -$1.30
BMRN $89.97 $90.90 SHORT -$0.93
OLED $187.36 $174.42 SHORT $12.94
BLMN $26.72 $27.38 SHORT -$0.66
holding CVNA $64.65 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit $52.37 $52.03 SHORT $0.34
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding SHAK $95.95 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.20
Lindsey – Long Term
holdover exit PANW $266.98 $277.72 LONG $10.74
holding TSLA $194.49 LONG $0.00
added 02/23/24 holding HOLO $10.64 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit SMCI $938.88 $888.88 SHORT $50.00
holding SMCI $848.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $60.74
Kipp – Active
SQ $81.31 $80.44 SHORT $0.87
TCOM $46.94 $46.93 SHORT $0.01
WYNN $104.24 $104.21 SHORT $0.03
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.91
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $277.50
2/22/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
PEP $166.31 $167.55 LONG $1.24
NVDA $778.68 $772.75 SHORT $5.93
SMCI $891.00 $871.00 SHORT $20.00
NVDA $777.75 $774.40 SHORT $3.35
holding AMD $177.64 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $178.88 SHORT $0.00
holding HOLO $13.01 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $964.57 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $991.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/21/24 holdover exit COIN $165.30 $168.30 LONG $3.00
holdover exit AMAT $190.89 $198.75 LONG $7.86
added 02/22/24 holdover exit 2nd account COIN $163.91 $168.30 LONG $4.39
holdover exit   MGM $42.30 $42.86 LONG $0.56
added 02/15/24 holdover exit   AAPL $185.05 $184.74 LONG -$0.31
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $46.02
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AMAT $199.99 $199.63 SHORT $0.36
SQ $64.42 $67.25 LONG $2.83
holding AMD $179.14 SHORT $0.00
holding MRNA $97.71 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding AXP $211.87 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.19
Lindsey – Earnings
APA $31.44 $30.15 SHORT $1.29
CWH $24.88 $24.92 SHORT -$0.04
EXAS $62.42 $60.06 SHORT $2.36
MOS $31.19 $31.96 SHORT -$0.77
STWD $19.46 $19.78 SHORT -$0.32
holding $52.37 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holdover exit DKNG $42.88 $40.79 LONG -$2.09
holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding SHAK $92.00 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/22/24 holding BURL $195.63 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holdover exit BABA $76.51 $76.02 LONG -$0.49
holding ETSY $76.70 LONG $0.00
holding LNG $161.48 LONG $0.00
TOTAL -$0.06
Lindsey – Long Term
holding PANW $266.98 LONG $0.00
holdover exit ZS $215.15 $227.10 LONG $11.95
holding TSLA $194.49 LONG $0.00
holdover exit COIN $163.43 $169.96 LONG $6.53
added 02/21/24 holding HOLO $19.39 LONG $0.00
holding NVDA $777.77 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $938.88 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $18.48
Kipp – Active
ABNB $153.32 $152.98 SHORT $0.34
AMD $180.75 $179.75 SHORT $1.00
DELL $88.76 $88.78 SHORT -$0.02
MRNA $97.25 $97.60 SHORT -$0.35
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.97
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $68.60
2/21/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
2nd account AMD $162.94 $163.85 LONG $0.91
TSLA $194.42 $194.42 LONG $0.00
AMZN $167.88 $168.66 LONG $0.78
AMZN $168.18 $168.48 LONG $0.30
2nd account AMZN $167.36 $168.25 LONG $0.89
added 02/21/24 holding COIN $165.30 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $190.89 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMZN $166.42 $170.13 LONG $3.71
holding 2nd account COIN $166.21 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $163.83 $163.85 LONG $0.02
holdover exit SQQQ $11.45 $12.20 LONG $0.75
holding MGM $42.30 LONG $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding AAPL $185.05 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SEDG $69.69 $74.74 LONG $5.05
COIN $163.36 $166.96 LONG $3.60
CHK $83.03 $83.17 SHORT -$0.14
GRMN $137.37 $135.04 SHORT $2.33
AMZN $167.67 $168.33 LONG $0.66
COIN $167.97 $165.95 SHORT $2.02
AMD $164.93 $169.96 LONG $5.03
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/16/24 holding AXP $210.60 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $18.55
Lindsey – Earnings
MTDR $58.36 $61.61 LONG $3.25
TOL $103.44 $111.11 LONG $7.67
BBIO $35.73 $33.85 LONG -$1.88
CHK $78.02 $75.75 SHORT $2.27
CZR $41.70 $39.93 SHORT $1.77
PLAB $31.28 $26.96 SHORT $4.32
holding DKNG $44.61 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
holding SHAK $89.99 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding UPST $27.13 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $17.40
Lindsey – Long Term
holding PANW $266.98 LONG $0.00
holding ZS $215.15 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $194.49 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $163.43 LONG $0.00
added 02/21/24 holding HOLO $19.39 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AMD $163.92 $163.25 SHORT $0.67
VRT $60.81 $61.34 SHORT -$0.53
GRMN $137.04 $136.10 SHORT $0.94
AMAT $189.08 $189.01 SHORT $0.07
holdover exit COF $136.10 $135.00 SHORT $1.10
added 02/21/24 holdover exit COIN $166.71 $167.15 LONG $0.44
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.69
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $46.00
2/20/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $180.42 $181.05 LONG $0.63
MSFT $399.25 $401.29 LONG $2.04
TSLA $191.68 $193.12 LONG $1.44
AMZN $166.95 $167.93 LONG $0.98
holding COIN $170.10 LONG $0.00
holding AMAT $190.89 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $166.42 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $166.21 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $163.83 LONG $0.00
holding SQQQ $11.45 LONG $0.00
holding MGM $42.30 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PEP $167.97 $169.11 LONG $1.14
added 02/15/24 holding AAPL $185.05 LONG $0.00
added 02/16/24 holdover exit 2nd account SMCI $780.57 $744.00 SHORT $36.57
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $42.80
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $205.50 $204.40 SHORT $1.10
WMT $179.97 $177.69 SHORT $2.28
AMZN $166.33 $166.88 LONG $0.55
holdover exit UBER $78.43 $76.39 SHORT $2.04
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holdover exit ENPH $130.07 $127.27 SHORT $2.80
added 02/16/24 holding AXP $210.60 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.77
Lindsey – Earnings
added 02/20/24 holdover exit DASH $114.96 $115.30 LONG $0.34
holding DKNG $44.61 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit TTD $85.21 $82.28 SHORT $2.93
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
holdover exit CROX $114.44 $115.45 SHORT -$1.01
holding SHAK $89.99 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
holding UPST $32.56 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/14/24 holdover exit AMZN $168.91 $166.61 SHORT $2.30
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.56
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/15/24 holdover exit COIN $175.00 $170.07 SHORT $4.93
added 02/09/24 holdover exit AMZN $168.49 $166.61 SHORT $1.88
added 02/15/24 holdover exit SMCI $746.46 $696.96 SHORT $49.50
holding HOLO $24.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $56.31
Kipp – Active
DFS $124.47 $124.63 SHORT -$0.16
MCD $295.26 $295.05 SHORT $0.21
holding COF $136.10 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $168.78 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.05
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $112.49
2/16/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $174.40 $176.65 LONG $2.25
MU $79.64 $80.35 LONG $0.71
holding SQQQ $11.45 LONG $0.00
holding MGM $42.30 LONG $0.00
holding PEP $167.97 LONG $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding AAPL $185.05 LONG $0.00
added 02/15/24 holdover exit SMCI $909.89 $867.00 SHORT $42.89
added 02/16/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $780.57 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $45.85
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding UBER $78.43 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding ENPH $130.07 SHORT $0.00
added 02/16/24 holding AXP $210.60 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
ROKU $94.85 $77.77 SHORT $17.08
SKT $27.60 $25.52 SHORT $2.08
holding DASH $118.81 LONG $0.00
holding DKNG $44.61 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
holding TTD $85.21 SHORT $0.00
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
holding CROX $114.44 SHORT $0.00
holding SHAK $89.99 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
holding UPST $32.56 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/14/24 holding AMZN $168.91 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $19.16
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/15/24 holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding SMCI $746.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TOST $21.45 $21.20 SHORT $0.25
TOST $22.30 $21.91 SHORT $0.39
MU $79.80 $79.80 LONG $0.00
ROKU $74.08 $73.75 LONG -$0.33
AFRM $40.19 $40.40 SHORT -$0.21
DASH $114.67 $115.43 SHORT -$0.76
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.66
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $64.35
2/15/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $177.17 $178.00 LONG $0.83
AMZN $169.24 $169.97 LONG $0.73
holding MGM $42.30 LONG $0.00
holdover exit AMD $177.77 $176.75 SHORT $1.02
holding PEP $167.97 LONG $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding AAPL $185.05 LONG $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding SMCI $909.89 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $712.67 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.58
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SHOP $82.96 $83.02 SHORT -$0.06
holding UBER $78.43 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding RL $175.12 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding ENPH $130.07 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.06
Lindsey – Earnings
CSCO $50.13 $49.05 LONG -$1.08
OXY $57.32 $58.15 LONG $0.83
TRIP $25.29 $27.72 LONG $2.43
WH $78.71 $79.15 LONG $0.44
holding PENN $20.95 LONG $0.00
holding CROX $114.44 SHORT $0.00
holding SHAK $89.99 SHORT $0.00
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
holding UPST $32.56 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/14/24 holding AMZN $168.91 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $2.62
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/15/24 holding COIN $175.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/15/24 holding SMCI $746.46 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
APP $57.39 $56.86 SHORT $0.53
LYFT $18.11 $18.29 SHORT -$0.18
SHOP $82.74 $83.14 SHORT -$0.40
LYFT $18.72 $18.92 SHORT -$0.20
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.25
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $4.89
2/14/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
2nd account AAPL $184.85 $184.00 SHORT $0.85
JPM $175.59 $174.65 SHORT $0.94
COIN $158.40 $156.50 SHORT $1.90
AMD $176.21 $174.94 SHORT $1.27
AMAT $186.60 $185.49 SHORT $1.11
CRM $288.60 $286.40 SHORT $2.20
holding MGM $42.30 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $177.77 SHORT $0.00
holding PEP $167.97 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GBTC $43.50 $46.50 LONG $3.00
holdover exit SHOP $79.31 $80.60 LONG $1.29
holdover exit AMZN $169.65 $170.70 LONG $1.05
holdover exit 2nd account TSLA $182.77 $185.50 LONG $2.73
added 02/13/24 holdover exit TSLA $187.01 $188.55 LONG $1.54
added 02/13/24 holdover exit AMD $171.25 $174.30 LONG $3.05
holding AAPL $188.08 LONG $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $20.93
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
LYFT $19.69 $18.18 SHORT $1.51
AKAM $114.41 $115.30 LONG $0.89
SQ $67.47 $67.66 SHORT -$0.19
AMD $177.77 $178.16 SHORT -$0.39
ABNB $148.98 $149.19 SHORT -$0.21
holdover exit SHOP $79.12 $80.08 LONG $0.96
holding UBER $78.43 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding RL $172.26 SHORT $0.00
added 02/14/24 holding ENPH $126.93 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.57
Lindsey – Earnings
ABNB $150.17 $162.62 LONG $12.45
LYFT $12.05 $14.41 LONG $2.36
KTOS $17.69 $19.40 LONG $1.71
AIG $69.64 $69.15 SHORT $0.49
Z $57.89 $57.94 SHORT -$0.05
holding MGM $45.17 LONG $0.00
holding UPST $32.56 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DDOG $135.11 $136.96 LONG $1.85
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
added 02/14/24 holding AMZN $168.91 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $18.81
Lindsey – Long Term
holding COIN $160.06 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding SMCI $663.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
UBER $75.69 $74.68 SHORT $1.01
LYFT $16.26 $16.21 SHORT $0.05
AMAT $186.62 $186.28 SHORT $0.34
UBER $77.11 $77.11 SHORT $0.00
UBER $77.53 $77.13 SHORT $0.40
SAGE $27.25 $27.19 SHORT $0.06
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.86
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $44.17
2/13/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
COIN $137.80 $142.47 LONG $4.67
SHOP $77.85 $81.00 LONG $3.15
2nd account AMD $165.10 $168.38 LONG $3.28
AMAT $178.02 $180.35 LONG $2.33
MU $82.35 $82.75 LONG $0.40
TTWO $152.24 $153.53 LONG $1.29
2nd account TSLA $184.18 $185.18 LONG $1.00
holding PEP $167.97 LONG $0.00
holding GBTC $43.50 LONG $0.00
holding SHOP $79.31 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $169.65 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $182.77 LONG $0.00
added 02/13/24 holding TSLA $187.01 LONG $0.00
added 02/13/24 holding AMD $171.25 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $188.88 LONG $0.00
added 02/13/24 holdover exit RL $175.87 $173.63 SHORT $2.24
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $18.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ZI $18.81 $17.17 SHORT $1.64
SHOP $77.77 $82.82 LONG $5.05
holding SHOP $79.12 LONG $0.00
holdover exit FANG $165.96 $163.63 SHORT $2.33
added 02/12/24 holding RL $172.26 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ROKU $92.42 $88.88 SHORT $3.54
added 02/12/24 holding ENPH $122.55 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holdover exit MSFT $414.31 $404.04 SHORT $10.27
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $22.83
Lindsey – Earnings
KO $59.50 $59.22 LONG -$0.28
VNO $27.05 $25.25 SHORT $1.80
AN $153.46 $149.94 SHORT $3.52
HAS $51.39 $45.45 SHORT $5.94
holding DDOG $135.11 LONG $0.00
holding WM $192.39 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $10.98
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holdover exit CRM $280.39 $277.72 SHORT $2.67
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding SMCI $663.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.67
Kipp – Active
DDOG $135.13 $134.13 SHORT $1.00
HAS $49.90 $50.11 SHORT -$0.21
SHOP $82.56 $82.50 SHORT $0.06
CRWD $324.67 $324.28 SHORT $0.39
PEP $167.52 $168.03 LONG $0.51
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.75
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $56.59
2/12/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
META $475.95 $470.40 SHORT $5.55
MSFT $417.11 $418.24 LONG $1.13
holding TSLA $190.21 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $174.05 LONG $0.00
holdover exit PEP $167.57 $168.74 LONG $1.17
holding AAPL $188.88 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GBTC $42.50 $44.40 LONG $1.90
holding RL $172.45 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.75
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
META $473.96 $470.70 SHORT $3.26
AMD $177.12 $176.74 SHORT $0.38
TGT $149.94 $150.05 SHORT -$0.11
holding FANG $165.96 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding RL $172.26 SHORT $0.00
holding ROKU $92.42 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding ENPH $122.55 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding MSFT $414.31 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.53
Lindsey – Earnings
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/12/24 holding SMCI $663.74 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ENPH $128.50 $128.49 SHORT $0.01
TRMB $55.12 $54.30 SHORT $0.82
FANG $166.64 $166.42 SHORT $0.22
W $54.96 $54.97 SHORT -$0.01
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.04
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $14.32
2/9/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $169.18 $170.28 LONG $1.10
TTWO $155.01 $156.45 LONG $1.44
AMAT $181.56 $180.18 SHORT $1.38
AMD $170.24 $171.65 LONG $1.41
MU $84.35 $84.99 LONG $0.64
AMD $174.37 $173.85 SHORT $0.52
AMZN $173.13 $172.81 SHORT $0.32
SQ $67.10 $67.37 LONG $0.27
PYPL $56.64 $57.45 LONG $0.81
holding PEP $167.57 LONG $0.00
holding AAPL $188.88 LONG $0.00
holding GBTC $42.50 LONG $0.00
holdover exit NKE $103.24 $103.85 LONG $0.61
holding RL $172.45 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AMD $170.36 $171.50 LONG $1.14
holdover exit MSFT $411.55 $416.16 LONG $4.61
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $14.25
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding RL $166.76 SHORT $0.00
holding ROKU $92.42 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding ENPH $119.19 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding MSFT $414.31 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
CPRI $47.72 $46.40 SHORT $1.32
PINS $41.06 $32.32 SHORT $8.74
holdover exit SMG $55.22 $55.96 SHORT -$0.74
holdover exit PYPL $58.12 $59.19 LONG $1.07
holding WYNN $103.62 $105.00 SHORT -$1.38
holdover exit CHKP $162.70 $164.40 SHORT -$1.70
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit WOLF $31.10 $29.00 LONG -$2.10
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $5.21
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/09/24 holding AMZN $168.49 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $572.85 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AFRM $47.97 $47.82 SHORT $0.15
NET $111.43 $109.53 SHORT $1.90
AMAT $181.53 $180.70 SHORT $0.83
GOOGL $148.44 $148.69 SHORT -$0.25
AAPL $189.70 $189.21 SHORT $0.49
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.12
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $22.58
2/8/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $168.92 $170.73 LONG $1.81
WYNN $106.89 $105.85 SHORT $1.04
AAPL $187.92 $188.38 LONG $0.46
JPM $174.15 $174.61 LONG $0.46
DIS $111.01 $110.95 SHORT $0.06
AMZN $170.15 $170.30 LONG $0.15
2nd account AMZN $169.42 $170.09 LONG $0.67
2nd account AMD $169.16 $169.83 LONG $0.67
holding NKE $103.24 LONG $0.00
holding RL $172.45 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $170.36 LONG $0.00
holding MSFT $411.55 LONG $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.32
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DIS $110.51 $110.40 SHORT $0.11
JPM $173.73 $174.24 LONG $0.51
TSLA $189.42 $189.04 LONG -$0.38
holdover exit BA $212.42 $210.10 SHORT $2.32
holdover exit CTSH $78.39 $78.01 SHORT $0.38
holdover exit AMD $171.34 $169.31 SHORT $2.03
holding RL $166.76 SHORT $0.00
holding ROKU $92.42 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding ENPH $119.19 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding MSFT $406.74 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.97
Lindsey – Earnings
VKTX $24.48 $27.72 LONG $3.24
DIS $98.86 $105.05 LONG $6.19
AZN $64.14 $63.47 LONG -$0.67
BAX $39.31 $40.04 LONG $0.73
MAT $18.74 $18.77 SHORT -$0.03
TROW $110.23 $108.80 SHORT $1.43
CFLT $24.23 $29.92 LONG $5.69
holding SMG $55.22 SHORT $0.00
holding PYPL $58.12 LONG $0.00
holding WYNN $103.62 SHORT $0.00
holding CHKP $162.70 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holdover exit DGX $128.33 $126.33 LONG -$2.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.58
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AMZN $165.56 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $572.85 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holdover exit TSLA $184.07 $190.90 LONG $6.83
TOTAL $6.83
Kipp – Active
CFLT $32.35 $31.84 SHORT $0.51
DIS $108.56 $109.10 SHORT -$0.54
WYNN $107.09 $107.11 SHORT -$0.02
DIS $108.86 $108.76 SHORT $0.10
SHOP $90.51 $90.42 SHORT $0.09
NET $86.22 $86.09 SHORT $0.13
RL $167.15 $166.95 SHORT $0.20
AFRM $47.38 $47.32 SHORT $0.06
ROKU $97.54 $96.99 SHORT $0.55
DIS $110.97 $111.15 SHORT -$0.18
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.90
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $32.60
2/7/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
META $469.99 $467.75 SHORT $2.24
AAPL $189.00 $189.83 LONG $0.83
holdover exit META $455.50 $463.79 LONG $8.29
holdover exit AMZN $168.86 $170.20 LONG $1.34
holdover exit 2nd account COIN $117.39 $121.35 LONG $3.96
added 02/06/24 holdover exit AMD $169.25 $170.16 LONG $0.91
added 02/05/24 holdover exit COIN  $120.94 $121.35 LONG $0.41
holding MSFT $411.55 LONG $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding SMCI $649.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $17.98
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
PLTR $23.38 $23.54 SHORT -$0.16
EMR $104.96 $105.17 SHORT -$0.21
UAL $41.56 $41.57 SHORT -$0.01
holding BA $212.42 SHORT $0.00
holding CTSH $78.39 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $171.34 SHORT $0.00
holding ROKU $92.42 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding ENPH $119.19 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AXP $203.20 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding MSFT $406.74 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.38
Lindsey – Earnings
EW $88.30 $87.14 LONG -$1.16
FTNT $67.36 $75.75 LONG $8.39
GILD $77.39 $74.84 LONG -$2.55
XPO $98.65 $108.80 LONG $10.15
YUMC $39.11 $40.44 SHORT -$1.33
YUM  $129.75 $129.98 SHORT -$0.23
holding CHKP $162.70 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holding DGX $128.33 LONG $0.00
holdover exit GOOGL $144.34 $145.25 LONG $0.91
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding BABA $76.51 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $14.18
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/07/24 holding AMZN $165.56 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $572.85 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding TSLA $184.07 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
SEDG $78.85 $75.28 SHORT $3.57
META $468.62 $468.14 SHORT $0.48
RBLX $46.07 $46.09 SHORT -$0.02
CTSH $78.14 $78.35 SHORT -$0.21
XPO $115.21 $114.16 SHORT $1.05
BA  $211.69 $211.38 SHORT $0.31
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.18
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $36.96
2/6/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
2nd account AMD $167.02 $168.15 LONG $1.13
holding META $455.50 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $168.86 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $117.39 LONG $0.00
added 02/06/24 holding AMD $169.25 LONG $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding COIN  $120.94 LONG $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $603.95 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holdover exit CRM $286.92 $283.20 SHORT $3.72
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.85
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
META $454.45 $458.98 LONG $4.53
ROKU $91.91 $91.02 SHORT $0.89
PLTR $20.52 $21.75 SHORT -$1.23
holding ROKU $92.42 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $111.11 SHORT $0.00
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
added 02/02/24 holding MSFT $401.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holdover exit AMD $169.60 $166.66 SHORT $2.94
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ON $77.77 $75.75 SHORT $2.02
holdover exit META $459.59 $466.96 LONG $7.37
TOTAL $16.52
Lindsey – Earnings
CHGG $9.18 $8.88 LONG -$0.30
PLTR $16.66 $18.81 LONG $2.15
SPG $140.35 $142.34 SHORT -$1.99
SPR $26.86 $28.04 SHORT -$1.18
UBS $29.85 $28.28 SHORT $1.57
holding CHKP $162.70 SHORT $0.00
holding DD $63.72 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holding DGX $128.33 LONG $0.00
holding GOOGL $144.34 LONG $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.25
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding AMZN $161.31 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $572.85 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holdover exit ENPH $99.15 $100.10 LONG $0.95
added 02/05/24 holding TSLA $184.07 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.95
Kipp – Active
LI $30.92 $29.95 SHORT $0.97
PLTR $20.87 $21.11 SHORT -$0.24
SQ $68.55 $68.19 SHORT $0.36
GEHC $79.85 $79.85 SHORT $0.00
PDD $126.30 $126.30 SHORT $0.00
GEHC $82.23 $82.13 SHORT $0.10
WYNN $99.84 $99.65 SHORT $0.19
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.38
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $23.95
2/5/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
EL $159.50 $154.99 SHORT $4.51
TSLA $180.81 $182.15 LONG $1.34
AMZN $168.65 $169.60 LONG $0.95
AMD $171.92 $173.62 LONG $1.70
COIN $117.39 $118.96 LONG $1.57
TSLA $175.68 $179.69 LONG $4.01
AMZN $169.35 $170.15 LONG $0.80
holding AMD $173.37 LONG $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding COIN  $120.94 LONG $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $603.95 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $286.92 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holdover exit 2nd account X $45.21 $45.40 SHORT -$0.19
TOTAL $14.69
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
EL $159.95 $153.53 SHORT $6.42
TSN $60.06 $58.04 SHORT $2.02
DOCU $53.53 $54.54 LONG $1.01
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
added 02/02/24 holding MSFT $401.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding AMD $169.60 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
holding ON $77.77 SHORT $0.00
holding META $459.59 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $9.45
Lindsey – Earnings
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holding DGX $128.33 LONG $0.00
holding GOOGL $144.34 LONG $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/05/24 holding CRM $280.39 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding AMZN $161.31 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding SMCI $572.85 SHORT $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding ENPH $99.15 LONG $0.00
added 02/05/24 holding TSLA $184.07 LONG $0.00
holdover exit META $476.76 $466.66 SHORT $10.10
holdover exit   SNOW $215.93 $212.96 SHORT $2.97
TOTAL $13.07
Kipp – Active
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $37.21
2/2/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $179.99 $181.86 LONG $1.87
holding COIN  $126.50 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $568.55 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $284.89 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.87
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SHOP $82.28 $81.18 SHORT $1.10
JPM $175.57 $175.76 SHORT -$0.19
IBKR $96.69 $96.52 SHORT $0.17
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
added 02/02/24 holding MSFT $401.00 SHORT $0.00
added 02/02/24 holding AMD $166.99 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.08
Lindsey – Earnings
CLX $147.33 $155.55 LONG $8.22
TWST $33.67 $37.73 LONG $4.06
AAPL $186.68 $180.80 SHORT $5.88
SKX $63.64 $57.50 SHORT $6.14
BMY $48.62 $48.73 SHORT -$0.11
holding AMZN $165.81 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit MET $68.25 $66.23 LONG -$2.02
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holding DGX $128.33 LONG $0.00
holding GOOGL $144.34 LONG $0.00
holdover exit NUE $183.22 $184.12 SHORT -$0.90
holdover exit ALV $108.98 $111.11 SHORT -$2.13
holdover exit UAL $39.78 $41.14 SHORT -$1.36
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $17.78
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/01/24 holding CRM $276.53 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding AMZN $161.31 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding SMCI $497.42 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $104.04 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $185.85 LONG $0.00
holding META $476.76 SHORT $0.00
holding SNOW $215.93 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TSLA $185.10 $186.44 LONG $1.34
AMD $178.09 $177.10 SHORT $0.99
META $477.90 $476.89 SHORT $1.01
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.34
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $24.07
2/1/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MSFT $405.70 $403.10 SHORT $2.60
BA $208.15 $209.65 LONG $1.50
AMZN $157.73 $158.09 LONG $0.36
TSLA $184.87 $187.05 LONG $2.18
COIN $124.40 $128.25 LONG $3.85
AMD $167.07 $167.70 LONG $0.63
AMZN $158.95 $167.07 LONG $8.12
holding SMCI $568.55 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $284.89 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit GOOGL $141.01 $143.00 LONG $1.99
added 02/01/24 holdover exit ENPH $107.37 $105.30 SHORT $2.07
holdover exit AMZN $155.27 $157.47 LONG $2.20
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $167.67 $169.07 LONG $1.40
added 01/31/24 holdover exit AMD $169.22 $170.43 LONG $1.21
added 02/01/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $506.23 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $28.11
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
IBKR $90.49 $90.80 SHORT -$0.31
QRVO $107.00 $102.96 SHORT $4.04
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding MSFT $396.46 SHORT $0.00
added 01/30/24 holding AMD $159.41 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.73
Lindsey – Earnings
MRK $121.00 $124.96 LONG $3.96
CAH $109.19 $102.93 SHORT $6.26
SWK $93.76 $88.88 SHORT $4.88
holding MET $68.25 LONG $0.00
holding WOLF $31.10 LONG $0.00
holding DGX $128.33 LONG $0.00
holding GOOGL $144.34 LONG $0.00
holdover exit MTCH $38.39 $38.26 SHORT $0.13
added 02/01/24 holdover exit EAT $43.57 $45.56 SHORT -$1.99
holding NUE $183.22 SHORT $0.00
holding ALV $108.98 SHORT $0.00
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holdover exit MTB $135.81 $130.90 SHORT $4.91
added 02/01/24 holding BURL $188.73 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/12/24 holdover exit SPG $138.53 $137.14 SHORT $1.39
TOTAL $19.54
Lindsey – Long Term
added 02/01/24 holding CRM $276.53 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding AMZN $161.31 SHORT $0.00
added 02/01/24 holding SMCI $497.42 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $104.04 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $185.85 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ETSY $73.46 $72.47 SHORT $0.99
META $399.41 $398.25 SHORT $1.16
ETN $261.25 $260.49 SHORT $0.76
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.91
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $54.29
1/31/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $155.50 $158.99 LONG $3.49
AMD  $161.20 $164.00 LONG $2.80
META $387.87 $394.07 LONG $6.20
AMD $164.75 $165.94 LONG $1.19
holding GOOGL $141.01 LONG $0.00
holding ENPH $104.48 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $155.27 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $167.67 LONG $0.00
added 01/31/24 holdover exit AAPL $186.96 $186.90 LONG -$0.06
added 01/31/24 holding AMD $169.22 LONG $0.00
added 01/30/24 holdover exit META $403.43 $389.43 SHORT $14.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $27.62
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
META $388.80 $396.69 LONG $7.89
AI $25.62 $25.73 SHORT -$0.11
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ABNB $149.96 $145.45 SHORT $4.51
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/29/24 holdover exit AAPL $188.89 $184.84 SHORT $4.05
added 01/30/24 holding AMD $159.41 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holdover exit WSM $199.20 $195.59 SHORT $3.61
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $19.95
Lindsey – Earnings
EA $137.29 $138.96 LONG $1.67
SWKS $104.13 $109.90 LONG $5.77
NDAQ $58.51 $60.60 LONG $2.09
SBUX $94.18 $98.98 LONG $4.80
holding GOOGL $144.34 LONG $0.00
holding MTCH $38.39 SHORT $0.00
holding EAT $42.27 SHORT $0.00
holding NUE $183.22 SHORT $0.00
holding ALV $108.98 SHORT $0.00
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $14.33
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding AMZN $155.92 SHORT $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
holding ENPH $104.04 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
SBUX $98.04 $97.32 SHORT $0.72
NVO $115.12 $115.00 SHORT $0.12
BABA $212.75 $212.38 SHORT $0.37
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.21
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $63.11
1/30/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $193.33 $194.02 LONG $0.69
AMZN $158.84 $159.07 LONG $0.23
holding AAPL $188.95 LONG $0.00
holding AMD $173.30 LONG $0.00
added 01/30/24 holding META $403.43 SHORT $0.00
added 01/29/24 holdover exit SMCI $502.00 $501.75 SHORT $0.25
holding 2nd account SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.17
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
PYPL $63.96 $63.75 SHORT $0.21
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
holding ABNB $149.96 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $185.85 $195.59 LONG $9.74
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/29/24 holding AAPL $188.89 SHORT $0.00
added 01/30/24 holding AMD $159.41 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.95
Lindsey – Earnings
WHR $114.58 $110.57 LONG -$4.01
SYY $75.15 $77.99 LONG $2.84
GLW $32.41 $33.11 SHORT -$0.70
PFE $27.57 $27.07 SHORT $0.50
UPS $157.87 $146.96 SHORT $10.91
holding NUE $183.22 SHORT $0.00
holding ALV $108.98 SHORT $0.00
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.54
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding AMZN $155.92 SHORT $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit META $402.40 $395.95 SHORT $6.45
TOTAL $6.45
Kipp – Active
GM $38.66 $38.44 SHORT $0.22
NUE $183.21 $181.99 SHORT $1.22
HP $41.71 $41.60 SHORT $0.11
NUE $185.36 $184.16 SHORT $1.20
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.75
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $29.86
1/29/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $160.10 $160.90 LONG $0.80
3rd account SMCI $546.75 $530.00 SHORT $16.75
added 01/26/24 holdover exit TSLA $186.60 $187.60 LONG $1.00
added 01/26/24 holdover exit 2nd account TSLA $182.32 $191.30 LONG $8.98
added 01/26/24 holdover exit prop account TSLA $184.16 $189.55 LONG $5.39
holding META $400.06 SHORT $0.00
added 01/29/24 holding SMCI $502.00 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/25/24 holdover exit COIN $126.11 $130.33 LONG $4.22
added 01/18/24 holdingover exit COIN $134.72 $135.25 LONG $0.53
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $37.67
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $67.67 $67.55 SHORT $0.12
SQ $67.73 $67.88 SHORT -$0.15
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
holding ABNB $149.96 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $185.85 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/29/24 holding AAPL $188.89 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.03
Lindsey – Earnings
holding ALV $108.98 SHORT $0.00
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding AMZN $155.92 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holdover exit COIN $129.19 $133.33 LONG $4.14
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
holding META $402.40 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.14
Kipp – Active
RCL $125.65 $125.72 SHORT -$0.07
CRWD $298.45 $297.55 SHORT $0.90
TTD $70.40 $70.35 SHORT $0.05
PYPL $62.96 $63.18 SHORT -$0.22
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.66
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $42.44
1/26/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
PYPL $60.43 $61.20 LONG $0.77
INTC $44.30 $44.49 LONG $0.19
AXP $201.95 $199.75 SHORT $2.20
AMZN $159.96 $159.42 SHORT $0.54
AMD $176.74 $177.61 LONG $0.87
AMZN $159.26 $159.50 LONG $0.24
added 01/26/24 holding TSLA $186.60 LONG $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding 2nd account TSLA $182.32 LONG $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding prop account TSLA $184.16 LONG $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/25/24 holding COIN $126.11 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.81
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $64.42 $64.58 SHORT -$0.16
holding AXP $198.78 SHORT $0.00
holding ABNB $149.96 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $185.85 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.16
Lindsey – Earnings
COF $132.16 $137.73 LONG $5.57
AXP $187.87 $193.93 LONG $6.06
CL $81.21 $83.38 LONG $2.17
INTC $49.54 $45.45 SHORT $4.09
WDC $59.99 $56.96 SHORT $3.03
holding ALV $108.98 SHORT $0.00
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $20.92
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/26/24 holding AMZN $155.92 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
AXP $202.47 $202.14 SHORT $0.33
INTC $44.02 $44.05 LONG $0.03
TSLA $183.23 $184.73 LONG $1.50
COF $137.47 $137.34 SHORT $0.13
PYPL $61.44 $61.80 SHORT -$0.36
DHR $239.93 $239.81 SHORT $0.12
NFLX $577.74 $576.68 SHORT $1.06
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.81
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $28.38
1/25/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $155.21 $156.06 LONG $0.85
AMD $181.01 $182.50 LONG $1.49
IBM $194.04 $192.55 SHORT $1.49
BA $200.19 $201.44 LONG $1.25
AMD $179.80 $180.72 LONG $0.92
PYPL $59.45 $60.50 LONG $1.05
PYPL $59.70 $61.22 LONG $1.52
holding TSLA $189.85 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account TSLA $188.15 LONG $0.00
holding prop account TSLA $187.49 LONG $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/25/24 holding COIN $126.11 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.57
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $62.72 $62.99 SHORT -$0.27
PYPL $63.83 $63.99 SHORT -$0.16
holdover exit BA $212.98 $207.07 SHORT $5.91
holding TSLA $185.85 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.48
Lindsey – Earnings
CSX $34.42 $34.84 LONG $0.42
LVS $49.82 $50.05 LONG $0.23
RJF $111.99 $112.49 LONG $0.50
BX $120.12 $123.96 LONG $3.84
MKC $66.31 $68.68 LONG $2.37
IBM $185.26 $189.56 SHORT -$4.30
TSLA $207.84 $189.89 SHORT $17.95
STX $88.96 $89.49 SHORT -$0.53
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holdover exit FAST $66.51 $68.86 SHORT -$2.35
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 01/25/24 holdover exit DHI $140.47 $140.93 SHORT -$0.46
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $17.67
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
IBM $194.30 $196.90 SHORT -$2.60
NFLX $553.50 $549.42 SHORT $4.08
XRX $18.67 $18.66 SHORT $0.01
UBER $65.79 $65.80 SHORT -$0.01
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.48
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $33.20
1/24/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $194.88 $195.44 LONG $0.56
AMD $175.95 $178.35 LONG $2.40
added 01/24/24 holdover exit BA $210.88 $215.95 LONG $5.07
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $437.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $135.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.03
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SPR $28.82 $28.53 SHORT $0.29
NFLX $555.55 $544.44 SHORT $11.11
holding BA $212.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.40
Lindsey – Earnings
BKR $31.40 $32.32 LONG $0.92
ABT $114.22 $111.27 LONG -$2.95
KMB $121.88 $118.91 LONG -$2.97
STLD $116.57 $111.11 SHORT $5.46
TXN $175.24 $168.34 SHORT $6.90
FCX $38.21 $40.04 SHORT -$1.83
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding FAST $66.51 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.53
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
added 01/24/24 holding SMCI $425.67 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NFLX $552.59 $551.74 SHORT $0.85
AMD $175.40 $175.12 SHORT $0.28
TXT $85.81 $85.73 SHORT $0.08
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.21
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $26.17
1/23/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $194.30 $194.68 LONG $0.38
AMZN $154.25 $154.87 LONG $0.62
holding BA $213.34 LONG $0.00
added 01/23/24 holdover exit AMD $168.10 $168.75 LONG $0.65
holdover exit AMZN $154.50 $155.23 LONG $0.73
holding SMCI $384.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $135.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.38
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MMM $96.96 $95.67 LONG -$1.29
holding BA $212.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$1.29
Lindsey – Earnings
GE $131.28 $130.69 LONG -$0.59
JNJ $162.48 $159.98 LONG -$2.50
RTX $85.31 $90.09 LONG $4.78
DHI $157.33 $147.74 SHORT $9.59
ZION $43.69 $42.02 SHORT $1.67
holding UAL $39.78 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding FAST $66.51 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $12.95
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $402.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
WOLF $36.11 $35.81 SHORT $0.30
RTX $91.05 $91.05 SHORT $0.00
BIDU $107.33 $107.28 SHORT $0.05
RTX $91.68 $91.31 SHORT $0.37
DHI $143.59 $142.81 LONG -$0.78
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.06
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $13.98
1/22/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $194.72 $193.79 SHORT $0.93
TSLA $207.89 $209.05 LONG $1.16
holding AMD $169.85 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $154.50 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $384.97 SHORT $0.00
added 01/22/24 holdover exit 2nd account SMCI $422.10 $414.00 SHORT $8.10
holdover exit   AMZN $154.74 $154.66 SHORT $0.08
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $135.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $10.27
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TTD $70.20 $69.63 SHORT $0.57
holding BA $212.98 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit TSLA $212.12 $217.71 LONG $5.59
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.16
Lindsey – Earnings
added 01/19/24 holding FAST $66.51 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/22/24 holding CRM $268.10 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $402.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
TTD $70.14 $70.35 SHORT -$0.21
U $35.29 $35.28 SHORT $0.01
TTD $70.65 $70.61 SHORT $0.04
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.16
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $16.27
1/19/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
SMCI $346.25 $342.00 SHORT $4.25
TSLA $209.10 $212.90 LONG $3.80
TRV $210.00 $207.65 SHORT $2.35
holding SMCI $384.97 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $410.85 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $154.74 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $135.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $10.40
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TRV $209.90 $206.90 SHORT $3.00
holding BA $212.98 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $212.12 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.00
Lindsey – Earnings
CMA $52.29 $52.76 LONG $0.47
STT $74.10 $78.78 LONG $4.68
OZK $45.73 $47.45 SHORT -$1.72
PPG $144.88 $140.80 SHORT $4.08
ALLY $33.06 $35.37 SHORT -$2.31
FITB $33.24 $33.75 SHORT -$0.51
added 01/19/24 holding FAST $66.51 SHORT $0.00
added 01/19/24 holding MTB $135.81 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.69
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
holding SMCI $402.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ALLY $35.39 $35.29 SHORT $0.10
MRNA $100.25 $100.07 SHORT $0.18
holding SMCI $368.97 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit ANSS $331.17 $333.32 LONG $2.15
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.43
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $20.52
1/18/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
DFS $101.25 $99.30 SHORT $1.95
AMD $168.19 $166.06 SHORT $2.13
AAPL $187.00 $186.76 SHORT $0.24
AAPL $187.42 $186.76 SHORT $0.66
DLTR $131.72 $132.10 LONG $0.38
FDX $242.30 $242.95 LONG $0.65
TGT $137.31 $137.59 LONG $0.28
AMAT $159.49 $158.30 SHORT $1.19
AMD $160.55 $161.45 LONG $0.90
AAPL $188.99 $188.77 SHORT $0.22
AMD $161.61 $161.26 SHORT $0.35
AMD $162.39 $161.85 SHORT $0.54
added 01/18/24 holdover exit AI $24.10 $24.12 LONG $0.02
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $135.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding 2nd account COIN $134.72 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.51
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
DFS $101.01 $99.33 SHORT $1.68
BA $208.80 $207.75 SHORT $1.05
AMAT $159.59 $159.80 SHORT -$0.21
WMT $161.71 $161.98 SHORT -$0.27
holding BA $212.98 SHORT $0.00
holding TSLA $212.12 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AAPL $186.47 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding AMD $154.32 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding WSM $199.20 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.25
Lindsey – Earnings
AA $27.34 $26.80 SHORT $0.54
DFS $108.19 $101.01 SHORT $7.18
holding FAST $65.15 SHORT $0.00
holding MTB $131.66 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.72
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/18/24 holding COIN $129.19 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
DFS $102.24 $100.20 SHORT $2.04
TSLA $214.36 $214.83 LONG $0.47
BABA $207.15 $206.68 SHORT $0.47
RCL $126.22 $126.20 SHORT $0.02
ELV $461.64 $460.50 SHORT $1.14
AMAT $159.19 $159.60 SHORT -$0.41
KLAC $589.31 $588.30 SHORT $1.01
holding ANSS $331.17 LONG $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.74
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $24.22
1/17/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMZN $150.80 $151.02 LONG $0.22
TSLA $212.55 $215.35 LONG $2.80
WYNN $90.95 $91.70 LONG $0.75
ZM $67.14 $67.37 LONG $0.23
AMD $155.17 $156.69 LONG $1.52
TSLA $212.95 $214.50 LONG $1.55
holdover exit BA $204.00 $205.59 LONG $1.59
holding AI $25.04 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $149.79 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $147.37 LONG $0.00
holdover exit META $367.45 $364.85 SHORT $2.60
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $11.26
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
IBKR $88.88 $89.23 SHORT -$0.35
holdover exit DIS $91.91 $90.90 SHORT $1.01
added 01/12/24 holdover exit META $371.35 $364.64 SHORT $6.71
holding TSLA $212.12 LONG $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/16/24 holding AMD $149.13 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding WSM $195.02 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.37
Lindsey – Earnings
PLD $129.50 $126.90 LONG -$2.60
IBKR $87.29 $83.83 SHORT $3.46
SCHW $64.29 $59.95 SHORT $4.34
USB $41.29 $40.40 SHORT $0.89
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $6.09
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $135.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
ZM $67.25 $67.24 LONG -$0.01
IBKR $88.21 $88.81 SHORT -$0.60
DKNG $34.69 $34.66 SHORT $0.03
IBKR $89.48 $89.29 SHORT $0.19
LQDA $13.53 $13.64 SHORT -$0.11
holding ANSS $331.17 LONG $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.50
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $24.22
1/16/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AMD $156.91 $156.63 SHORT $0.28
TSLA $212.25 $217.60 LONG $5.35
AAPL $182.18 $182.60 LONG $0.42
AMZN $153.50 $154.19 LONG $0.69
AMD $156.76 $156.63 SHORT $0.13
AMD $156.60 $157.44 LONG $0.84
AMZN $152.29 $152.55 LONG $0.26
holding BA $204.00 LONG $0.00
holding AI $25.04 LONG $0.00
holding COIN $149.79 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $147.37 LONG $0.00
holding META $367.45 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holdover exit CRM $269.65 $268.65 SHORT $1.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.97
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding DIS $91.91 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding META $371.35 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/16/24 holding AMD $149.13 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding WSM $195.02 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Earnings
MS $88.19 $85.38 LONG -$2.81
PNC $152.26 $144.44 SHORT $7.82
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.01
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $135.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
holding ANSS $331.17 LONG $0.00
TSLA $219.48 $219.43 SHORT $0.05
WDC $52.12 $52.02 SHORT $0.10
AMD $157.24 $157.80 SHORT -$0.56
SMCI $350.33 $347.31 SHORT $3.02
AMD $158.82 $158.31 SHORT $0.51
MU $84.98 $84.98 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.12
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $17.10
1/12/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $219.99 $224.83 LONG $4.84
holding COIN $149.79 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $147.37 LONG $0.00
holding META $367.45 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $269.65 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit WYNN $95.29 $95.80 LONG $0.51
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.35
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
TSLA $219.91 $223.96 LONG $4.05
holdover exit NKE $104.96 $104.91 SHORT $0.05
added 01/12/24 holding META $371.35 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit GILD $85.08 $86.17 SHORT -$1.09
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding WSM $195.02 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.01
Lindsey – Earnings
JPM $169.49 $174.47 LONG $4.98
BAC $33.06 $32.81 SHORT $0.25
BK $52.64 $54.72 SHORT -$2.08
C $51.91 $52.35 SHORT -$0.44
WFC $48.86 $47.48 SHORT $1.38
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/12/24 holding SPG $138.53 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.09
Lindsey – Long Term
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holdover exit COIN $140.23 $135.35 SHORT $4.88
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
holding COIN $135.35 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $4.88
Kipp – Active
JPM $175.69 $174.99 SHORT $0.70
HUM $443.20 $441.15 SHORT $2.05
UBER $64.64 $64.32 SHORT $0.32
MMM $108.29 $107.99 LONG -$0.30
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.77
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $20.10
1/11/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $227.05 $227.25 LONG $0.20
AI $27.07 $27.07 LONG $0.00
COIN $153.85 $159.85 LONG $6.00
2nd account MSFT $389.89 $385.45 SHORT $4.44
AAPL $183.85 $184.64 LONG $0.79
AMD $145.04 $145.83 LONG $0.79
BA $224.95 $225.32 LONG $0.37
META $363.83 $365.30 LONG $1.47
holding COIN $149.79 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account COIN $147.37 LONG $0.00
holding META $367.45 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holdover exit MSFT $385.01 $380.80 SHORT $4.21
holdover exit META $371.25 $367.95 SHORT $3.30
added 01/10/24 holdover exit COIN $149.69 $161.10 LONG $11.41
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $269.65 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holdover exit AMZN $153.61 $153.20 SHORT $0.41
holding WYNN $95.29 LONG $0.00
added 01/09/24 holdover exit SMCI $335.23 $331.31 SHORT $3.92
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $37.31
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
BA $225.25 $223.23 SHORT $2.02
TSLA $228.28 $230.30 LONG $2.02
CYTK $94.94 $91.91 SHORT $3.03
CHK $82.56 $80.96 SHORT $1.60
holding NKE $104.96 SHORT $0.00
holding META $366.99 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding MSFT $385.85 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit META $368.68 $363.63 SHORT $5.05
holding GILD $85.08 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holdover exit CYTK $98.28 $92.29 SHORT $5.99
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 01/11/24 holding WSM $195.02 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $19.71
Lindsey – Earnings
KBH $63.24 $60.30 SHORT $2.94
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding SPG $136.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.94
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/26/23 holdover exit ENPH $116.16 $111.11 SHORT $5.05
added 01/11/24 holding CRM $263.33 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.05
Kipp – Active
NFLX $497.64 $495.49 SHORT $2.15
CHK $81.68 $82.07 SHORT -$0.39
AMD $145.69 $146.00 LONG $0.31
MSTR $534.74 $538.32 LONG $3.58
CHK $82.24 $81.61 SHORT $0.63
holdover exit META $369.14 $367.14 SHORT $2.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $8.28
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $73.29
1/10/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MU $81.76 $82.20 LONG $0.44
TSLA $233.00 $233.97 LONG $0.97
AMD $146.97 $148.38 LONG $1.41
AI $27.82 $28.28 LONG $0.46
holding MSFT $382.25 SHORT $0.00
holding META $371.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding COIN $149.69 LONG $0.00
holdover exit BA  $224.10 $229.80 LONG $5.70
holding CRM $261.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $153.61 SHORT $0.00
holding WYNN $95.29 LONG $0.00
added 01/09/24 holding SMCI $335.23 SHORT $0.00
added 01/09/24 holdover exit AMD $147.66 $147.33 SHORT $0.33
added 01/09/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMD $147.62 $147.33 SHORT $0.29
added 01/09/24 holdover exit 2nd account SMCI $336.39 $336.39 SHORT $0.00
added 01/03/24 holdover exit FDX $249.84 $249.44 LONG -$0.40
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $9.20
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
AI $27.72 $28.28 LONG $0.56
U $38.38 $38.30 SHORT $0.08
BA $231.31 $229.29 SHORT $2.02
SPR $29.92 $29.59 SHORT $0.33
CROX $104.80 $104.88 SHORT -$0.08
holding MSFT $381.81 SHORT $0.00
holding META $368.68 SHORT $0.00
holding GILD $85.08 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holdover exit MRNA $112.12 $107.70 SHORT $4.42
added 01/08/24 holding CYTK $98.28 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $7.33
Lindsey – Earnings
SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding SPG $136.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding CRM $258.14 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holding AMZN $152.25 SHORT $0.00
added 01/10/24 holdover exit SMCI $347.75 $343.34 SHORT $4.41
TOTAL $4.41
Kipp – Active
LEN $153.72 $153.53 SHORT $0.19
BA $229.16 $228.99 SHORT $0.17
META $367.35 $366.88 SHORT $0.47
SQ $80.99 $80.90 SHORT $0.09
holding META $369.14 SHORT $0.00
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.92
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $21.86
1/9/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $233.57 $234.65 LONG $1.08
AAPL $182.83 $183.95 LONG $1.12
holding COIN $154.51 LONG $0.00
holding BA  $224.10 LONG $0.00
holding CRM $261.98 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $150.37 SHORT $0.00
holding WYNN $95.29 LONG $0.00
added 01/09/24 holding SMCI $335.23 SHORT $0.00
added 01/09/24 holding AMD $147.66 SHORT $0.00
added 01/09/24 holding 2nd account AMD $147.62 SHORT $0.00
added 01/09/24 holding 2nd account SMCI $336.39 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit CRM $260.75 $258.75 SHORT $2.00
added 01/03/24 holding FDX $249.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $4.20
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SQ $70.57 $70.27 SHORT $0.30
SRPT $117.71 $117.36 SHORT $0.35
holding GILD $85.08 SHORT $0.00
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding MRNA $112.12 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding CYTK $98.28 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.65
Lindsey – Earnings
JEF $40.70 $39.96 SHORT $0.74
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding SPG $136.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.74
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding CRM $258.14 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
holding AMZN $150.54 SHORT $0.00
holding SMCI $340.04 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
JNPR $37.03 $36.79 SHORT $0.24
GILD $84.80 $85.00 SHORT -$0.20
CRWD $270.53 $273.56 SHORT -$3.03
TSLA $233.64 $232.67 LONG -$0.97
CRM $262.63 $263.14 SHORT -$0.51
GILD $85.32 $85.22 SHORT $0.10
CRM $262.86 $262.28 SHORT $0.58
ZS $225.33 $225.10 SHORT $0.23
PDD $150.81 $150.55 SHORT $0.26
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$3.30
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $2.29
1/8/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
BA $226.45 $231.78 LONG $5.33
EXAS $67.57 $68.50 LONG $0.93
AAPL $183.73 $183.32 SHORT $0.41
JPM $169.59 $170.25 LONG $0.66
CROX $104.25 $103.70 SHORT $0.55
AMZN $147.39 $147.57 LONG $0.18
WYNN $95.73 $96.23 LONG $0.50
CYTK $108.06 $104.25 SHORT $3.81
AMZN $149.38 $149.11 SHORT $0.27
holding SMCI $314.62 SHORT $0.00
holding AMD $144.21 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $144.17 SHORT $0.00
holding 2nd account SMCI $319.21 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $260.75 SHORT $0.00
holdover exit AI $27.48 $27.75 LONG $0.27
added 01/03/24 holdover exit AMD $136.55 $142.97 LONG $6.42
added 01/03/24 holding FDX $249.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $19.33
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
ETSY $77.88 $77.68 SHORT $0.20
holding AAPL $183.98 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding MRNA $112.12 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding CYTK $98.28 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding LEN $135.89 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.20
Lindsey – Earnings
added 01/08/24 holding BURL $184.86 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding SPG $136.06 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holdover exit BA $243.21 $227.27 SHORT $15.94
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
added 01/08/24 holding CRM $258.14 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $15.94
Kipp – Active
SPR $27.87 $27.29 SHORT $0.58
CROX $99.16 $99.80 SHORT -$0.64
AMD $142.94 $143.38 SHORT -$0.44
SQ $68.62 $68.80 SHORT -$0.18
CROX $103.03 $103.07 SHORT -$0.04
ADBE $575.03 $574.57 SHORT $0.46
CROX $104.35 $103.75 SHORT $0.60
STAA $31.04 $30.94 SHORT $0.10
ETSY $77.79 $77.59 SHORT $0.20
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.64
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $36.11
1/5/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
TSLA $236.03 $239.35 LONG $3.32
WYNN $96.23 $95.49 SHORT $0.74
MRNA $115.70 $114.10 SHORT $1.60
holding AI $27.48 LONG $0.00
added 01/05/24 holdover exit AMZN $145.24 $146.45 LONG $1.21
added 01/05/24 holdover exit TSLA $238.28 $239.35 LONG $1.07
added 01/03/24 holding AMD $136.55 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holdover exit 2nd account AMD $136.40 $139.20 LONG $2.80
added 01/03/24 holding FDX $249.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $10.74
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
JPM $173.37 $172.72 SHORT $0.65
STZ $250.50 $247.47 SHORT $3.03
WYNN $95.95 $95.45 SHORT $0.50
WYNN $95.65 $95.87 SHORT -$0.22
holding MRNA $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 01/05/24 holding CYTK $88.41 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding LEN $132.77 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.96
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/13/23 holding BURL $169.49 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding SPG $119.57 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holding BA $243.21 SHORT $0.00
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $255.25 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
WYNN $96.00 $95.74 SHORT $0.26
MRNA $114.82 $114.03 SHORT $0.79
AA $32.13 $32.01 SHORT $0.12
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.17
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $15.87
1/4/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
AAPL $181.53 $181.80 LONG $0.27
holding AMZN $146.00 LONG $0.00
holding TSLA $241.15 LONG $0.00
added 01/04/24 holdover exit AMZN $146.11 $146.70 LONG $0.59
holdover exit prop account AMD $134.89 $137.39 LONG $2.50
added 01/03/24 holding AMD $136.55 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holding 2nd account AMD $136.40 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holding FDX $249.84 LONG $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $3.36
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
SMCI $292.92 $290.45 SHORT $2.47
holding MRNA $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding CYTK $80.02 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding LEN $132.77 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $2.47
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/13/23 holding BURL $169.49 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding SPG $119.57 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holding BA $243.21 SHORT $0.00
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $255.25 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MNSO $22.42 $22.44 SHORT -$0.02
BA $247.55 $248.09 SHORT -$0.54
NFLX $472.24 $473.12 SHORT -$0.88
SMCI $289.70 $292.44 SHORT -$2.74
NFLX $478.08 $478.96 SHORT -$0.88
ROKU $89.12 $89.52 SHORT -$0.40
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$5.46
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $0.37


1/3/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
holding TSLA $241.15 LONG $0.00
holding AMZN $149.63 LONG $0.00
holding prop account AMD $134.89 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holding AMD $136.55 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holding 2nd account AMD $136.40 LONG $0.00
added 01/03/24 holding FDX $249.84 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holdover exit 2nd account WSM $196.26 $195.40 SHORT $0.86
added 12/29/23 holdover exit WSM $198.40 $197.40 SHORT $1.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.86
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
holding MRNA $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding CYTK $80.02 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding LEN $132.77 SHORT $0.00
added 01/02/24 holdover exit DG $136.81 $134.34 SHORT $2.47
TOTAL $2.47
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/13/23 holding BURL $169.49 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding SPG $119.57 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holding BA $243.21 SHORT $0.00
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $255.25 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
NFLX $472.40 $471.40 SHORT $1.00
BABA $75.49 $74.84 SHORT $0.65
MRNA $112.01 $111.88 SHORT $0.13
BABA $75.78 $75.60 SHORT $0.18
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.96
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $6.29


1/2/2024 Jim – Active/Swing
MRNA $113.04 $112.40 SHORT $0.64
AAPL $185.83 $186.34 LONG $0.51
WYNN $95.00 $94.68 SHORT $0.32
AMZN $149.59 $149.80 LONG $0.21
holding AMD $140.19 LONG $0.00
holding 2nd account AMD $140.15 LONG $0.00
added 12/28/23 holdover exit AMD $147.25 $143.71 SHORT $3.54
holding FDX $255.54 LONG $0.00
holdover exit SQQQ $13.58 $14.03 LONG $0.45
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account WSM $196.26 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holdover exit GPS $20.10 $20.10 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding WSM $198.40 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $5.67
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
MSFT $269.69 $269.65 SHORT $0.04
META $344.55 $344.82 SHORT -$0.27
holding MRNA $108.72 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding CYTK $80.02 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding LEN $132.77 SHORT $0.00
added 01/02/24 holding DG $136.81 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$0.23
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/13/23 holding BURL $169.49 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding SPG $119.57 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holding BA $243.21 SHORT $0.00
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $255.25 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
MRNA $106.85 $109.32 SHORT -$2.47
WYNN $94.28 $95.06 SHORT -$0.78
LVS $50.98 $50.86 SHORT $0.12
AMD $139.04 $139.05 LONG $0.01
MRNA $113.09 $113.33 SHORT -$0.24
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$3.36
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $2.08


12/29/2023 Jim – Active/Swing
holdover exit 2nd account AMD $149.25 $147.32 SHORT $1.93
added 12/28/23 holding AMD $147.25 SHORT $0.00
holding FDX $255.54 LONG $0.00
holding SQQQ $13.58 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account WSM $196.26 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding GPS $20.10 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding WSM $198.40 SHORT $0.00
holding HE $20.04 LONG $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding X $44.15 SHORT $0.00
added 12/29/23 holding 2nd account X $45.21 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $1.93
Jim – Long Term
holding DRUG $7.13 LONG $0.00
holding CLOV $10.65 LONG $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Active/Swing
NTES $93.93 $93.43 SHORT $0.50
added 12/29/23 holding CYTK $80.02 SHORT $0.00
added 12/27/23 holding AMD $139.12 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding WSM $191.16 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding LEN $132.77 SHORT $0.00
holding DG $127.61 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.50
Lindsey – Earnings
added 12/13/23 holding BURL $169.49 SHORT $0.00
holding BABA $83.37 LONG $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding DHI $134.86 SHORT $0.00
added 12/14/23 holding SPG $119.57 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Lindsey – Long Term
added 12/15/23 holding BA $243.21 SHORT $0.00
added 12/26/23 holding ENPH $116.16 SHORT $0.00
holding CRM $255.25 SHORT $0.00
added 12/13/23 holding COIN $140.23 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL $0.00
Kipp – Active
BIDU $119.72 $119.21 SHORT $0.51
COIN $178.07 $175.97 LONG -$2.10
holding SLG $26.09 SHORT $0.00
added 09/20/23 holding PTON $5.88 LONG $0.00
added 05/25/23 holding NVDA $293.25 SHORT $0.00
TOTAL -$1.59
Equity-Alerts Day TOTAL $0.84

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